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 [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill [Accepted]

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August 15, 2011, 04:55:03 am
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[Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill [Accepted]
« on: August 15, 2011, 04:55:03 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Vanill?
Class/Spec: Rogue (DPS)
Raid: Casual Raid

Personal Info:

Helloes, this is Kaan from Turkey. I'm 22 y.o and studying Linguistics at Ankara University in Turkey. Actually I live in İzmir which is the most western city of Turkey, but for school period, I've to move to Ankara which is the capital city of Turkey. Dont know if you have any idea about our country but I'm sure you've already gained so much info about our people, hope that wont affect this application since Turkish people in Dunemaul creates a negative thought on minds all the time.


Using assasination for main and combat for offspec atm. Mostly focused on firelands so preferred assasination, since firelands has many encounters that are not stable fights. Assasination seems ("must be" imo) to be holding the activity more than other 2 specs. Switching targets makes a new cycle for Assasin's Guile which means loss of much dps for combat and etc. 361 ilvl seems like for both specs' gear.


For assasination; hit until spell hit is capped and then mastery and agility as main stat ofc, and for the rest haste>expertise>crit. You may find "intellect" somewhere over there one day :P Keeping the Rupture and SnD is priority, since Rupture is my "energy regenerator" and SnD is my best friend to pour down more instant poisons after 5 stacks of DP since instant poison is one of the most damaging abilities/effects for assasination.


I've a Disc/Holy priest(85) and a Feral dps/Feral tank druid(85) on Dunemaul/Horde. Also have a fire/frost mage(85), holy/protection paladin(85), resto/enhancement shaman(85) on Frostmane/Alliance.


Just grabbed LW/Skinning but didnt level yet. Waiting for a free time for skillups.

Raid Experience:

Would type it shortly like "everything except firelands" but didn't seem well. So, cleared whole classic content except shadow of the necropolis. We couldn't manage to bring the kel'thuzad down for a long time, as a result guild disbanded and I found myself leveling a new character on a different realm. Tbc went very well and cleared whole content until fury of the sunwell patch released. We again got stuck on felmyst and yet we didnt realize time was passing :p wotlk released while we were resurrecting people up! Again cleared whole content up to totc, I moved up to Dunemaul for Catastrophe and leveled a priest for the next and last content ICC. Exams and an important thesis made me miss heroics, so I ended up wotlk with full normal clear. As for the Cataclysm cleared BoT/BWD/ToTFW on normal. Left the game for a while after getting a kick out from guild, and now wanted to turn back, with full knowledge of new content's fights ofc.

Previous Guilds:

For Dunemaul played with Catastrophe since I migrated here. Got kicked out from guild for being offline for 2 weeks (informed an officer while going on a short trip with gf) which I call pointless and without reason.
Played a long while in Nightshift on Karazhan, in Exq on Karazhan and Frostmane after migration and in Style again on Frostmane.
When rerolled to Rogue, joined to Sanctum of Stars which is a leveling/social guild, and I'm still there.


As Turkey is the laziest country of the world we've much holidays which is equal to nearly 4.5 months, also I'm not working and dont have any extraordinary situations for the next 2 years with school except exams, which means RAID TILL DEATH!


Tbh having difficulties with British accent while listening, otherwise have no problems with English, can speak/listen properly. Yes, I've teamspeak 3, can listen, also have a microphone and use it generally :p

Computer / Connection:

Yes, I've a decent computer with 8gb ddr3 ram and 1024mb graphic card also have no fps issues and yes, my internet connection is stable. Using 16mbit adsl connection while I'm back in İzmir for holidays and 20mbit adsl connection for whole school period while I'm in Ankara. Nope, I've no ping/latency problems with Dunemaul or for general and no, I dont disconnect every hour.


Using LuI which I find cool and useful, with ForteXorcist for tracking, Omen and Icehud. And simple ones like bartender, buttonfacade etc.

Other Games:

Umm, about MMOs or online games I dont play any of them except wow. Playing L4D 1/2, borderlands, mass effect etc. Think shows that I like fps :P

Why Iron Edge?

I will be honest at this point. I want to progress, achieve some personal/group based first kills, or wipe a thousand times on hard/heroic mods and have fun again. In Dunemaul you can do this with Catastrophe if you are Turkish, or with Iron Edge if you prefer internationality. Iron Edge seems more like an office where businessmen work with their best and also know how to have fun, at least chit chats of Iron Edge member shows it like that way. B-Team aka casual team is progressing behind the core raider team and seems more lightweighted, since I leveled and geared up newly B-team fits to me, or I fit to B-team. So I want to join the ranks of Iron Edge and have a piece of that cake for me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a funny personality which also can be serious when It has to be. A dps who knows what to do, who knows the game mechanic, who knows not to stay on fire or void zones, with at least %90 attendance and my never-miss-anythingathronic machine :p

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

Play on Dunemaul and not to hear about Iron Edge? Is that possible? :p

Last Words?

I know when it comes to judging stage it gets harder and rough but just dont look at my armory and say "not needed", not to mention that I'm the player who you needed, please be aware of that I'll just fit, size does not matter :P

« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 04:21:35 pm by Yoica »

August 15, 2011, 06:39:22 am
Reply #1

Offline Sidestep

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 06:39:22 am »
App itself isn't bad, but noticed a few things for your char that could use some work.

Most obvious is the lack of raiding professions, I know you mentioned it, but if applying for a raiding position they are pretty essential.

Gemming seems alright at a quick glance, but noticed that you've cheaped out a bit on enchants. Should get 35 agi for boots, 65 mastery for hands, 50 agi for wrists and 20 stats for chest.

Firelands has been out for a while now, and I'm not sure when exactly you came back to the game, but ideally you should have your 2 part t12 set bonus by now. Is there a reason you dont seem to have any of the new valor gear (apart from the wrists)? Also its very easy to do FL trash runs for rep cloak and belt.

At the very least get the t11 chest for the 4 part bonus, even with just adding that and fixing enchants you can get nearly a 1k dps boost according to shadowcraft.

The B raid is progressing slightly slower, and does raid less, but bear in mind we still want people who are dedicated to getting the best out of their class, and who don't want to use us as a stepping stone on the way to the A raid :)

And just to let you know we have 3 very active rogues atm, but the choice is up to our officers, best of luck with your app.

August 15, 2011, 06:41:57 am
Reply #2

Offline Sidestep

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 06:41:57 am »
Using assasination for main and combat for offspec atm. Mostly focused on firelands so preferred assasination, since firelands has many encounters that are not stable fights. Assasination seems ("must be" imo) to be holding the activity more than other 2 specs. Switching targets makes a new cycle for Assasin's Guile which means loss of much dps for combat and etc.

Just wanted to say as well, I'm combat and I have no problems pushing out decent dps in FL ;)

August 15, 2011, 10:23:49 am
Reply #3

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2011, 10:23:49 am »
Hi there and thanks for applying.  Our melee officer Yoica is on vacation this week so you you will have to wait untill he is back to get a response. I recommend that you level 2 raiding professions during the week to get a positive one.

We have 3 active and good rogues in our roster so we would only recruit a forth one if yoica got really impressed by the application.

You say that you think that casual raid fits you cause you just levelled this character, will you want to move on to a more hardcore schedule once you gear up?

August 15, 2011, 04:11:25 pm
Reply #4

Offline Archz

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2011, 04:11:25 pm »
Well it's always nice to have rogues, we seem to know what we are doing ;)

I couldn't find any worldoflogs for Sanctum of Stars, or find you in early Catastrophe logs. Wouldn't hurt you to blow in your own horn a bit right about now! :p

Armory looks fine, but you should hurry up and get 2set with T12 already! Muti is OK for firelands, but nowhere near Combat. I personally prefer subtlety ^^

If you want to raid as muti you should put a point in deadly brew, will come in handy on some fights!

If I told you to be on one of the spiderling groups on Beth'tilac, what poison would you put on your throwing weapon?

August 15, 2011, 07:07:19 pm
Reply #5

Offline Sidestep

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2011, 07:07:19 pm »
If I told you to be on one of the spiderling groups on Beth'tilac, what poison would you put on your throwing weapon?

Anesthetic poison!!!!!!1

August 16, 2011, 03:07:47 pm
Reply #6

Offline Vanilla

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2011, 03:07:47 pm »
Gonna answer all the questions,
firstly yeah went a bit cheapie on enchants, actually they were temporary which I made with my enchanter character just to fill the spot until I get the right thingy :p fixed now I think.
For the proffessions yeah, gotta fill them up asap (alrdy started) just as I said leveled this character newly and to be faster than the speed of the light didnt want to spend time on proffessions. As the gathering etc. can be done faster and better with flying mount, or at least I think so :p
And for the t11 chest, I'm going to take it as soon as I finish up with the proffessions, just crafted assasin's chestplate to raise itemlevel to get in hc's when I hit 85 :D
For the valor gear/t12 piece I just hit 85 on 10/08/11, think it explains all :p just have first week's valor pts.
For worldoflogs yeh you cant find me on catas as I'll repeat that I just leveled this character, not from 80, from 1 lvl :P and played with holy priest in catas. But yeah, If you just want to find some logs of me playing rogue, you can check puxycatdoll/frostmane on Exq logs, but all you can find will be logs of wotlk content up to totc.
For the "fitting" issue, I didnt mean that "b-raid's progress is just fine for my gear and when I gear up I'll go ahead somewhere else" instead I'm telling that I prefer casual raiding, hardcore always seems well and attractive but I've had enough.
For the poison and deadly brew, I actually like deadly brew since it helps much more than everyone can imagine :D but yeah, couldnt resist against a little damage taken reduce which is a great thing when it combines with quickening for healers. At least it helps for me as I play with all kinds of healer classes :p for bethilac bastards I'd prefer deadly brew and wound p. for that fight, but on the other hand those dudes have to be creeped and got down before they reach drones, which means slowing>dps I may prefer crippling too. But hey If I have to choose only 1 of them I'd prefer deadly brew + wound poison.

August 16, 2011, 03:24:50 pm
Reply #7

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2011, 03:24:50 pm »
Good answers, yoica is back Monday / Tuesday next week so hang tight for an answer

August 16, 2011, 03:27:09 pm
Reply #8

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2011, 03:27:09 pm »
Are you keeping mining? Or dropping that for something useful when you have leveled jc?

Bears like alts!

August 16, 2011, 03:57:10 pm
Reply #9

Offline Vanilla

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2011, 03:57:10 pm »
Will drop mining for enchanting after I hit the spot with jc, keeping the crafts and d.eing after is a good idea I think :P

August 16, 2011, 05:53:38 pm
Reply #10

Offline Archz

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2011, 05:53:38 pm »
Got my enchanting from 0 to 500 for about 8k gold, buy cheap crafted greens on AH and disenchant them!

I do like what I see though, and I hope we can fit you in. New semester is starting and I will probably go from 100% attendance to around 70%, and the end of summer might affect the other rogues as well! So I think we would be wise in getting in another rogue and then just have to deal with being on stand-by every once in a while (Will probably bring all 4 rogues anyway since we're the ones doing pro dps! :] )

Edit: Keeping some of the shit you make with JC for disenchant later could be an option! Clear out your banks ^^
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 05:57:08 pm by Archz »

August 16, 2011, 07:27:01 pm
Reply #11

Offline Sidestep

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2011, 07:27:01 pm »
New semester is starting and I will probably go from 100% attendance to around 70%, and the end of summer might affect the other rogues as well!

Not me dang nammit!

August 16, 2011, 10:37:05 pm
Reply #12

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2011, 10:37:05 pm »
Our pro rogues seems positive about you!

Who knows, while we are waiting for yoica to return and give you a response we might test you in a raid to give him some feedback. Last raid we had 0 dps on standby and would have needed one or two to mix things up a bit.

Don't plan your week around it cause chances are slim, but we might give you a shot Thursday's raid.

August 22, 2011, 04:21:07 pm
Reply #13

Offline Yoica

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2011, 04:21:07 pm »
Hi there,

Nice app and good response to the questions/remarks posted here. Also great job on working on your profesions. This goes along to way to show you have the correct mentality and I would like to give you a trial.

If you are still interested be online on thrusday 19:55.

August 23, 2011, 03:33:24 am
Reply #14

Offline Vanilla

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Re: [Casual Raid] Rogue (DPS) - Vanill [Accepted]
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2011, 03:33:24 am »
Sure thing, I'll be online and be waiting for it :)


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