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 Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter[ACCEPTED]

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May 09, 2013, 07:45:27 pm
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Offline msshabib

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Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter[ACCEPTED]
« on: May 09, 2013, 07:45:27 pm »
Greetings Iron Edge from Zergeling the Orc Hunter (level 90 naturally)

Personal Information

I am Mohammad and I would like to raid with your guild with my hunter.
Character Information

My gear can be seen here:

I love being BM and Survival and can respec depending on the fight to maximize the efficiency of my dps output.


Currently I can raid every day of the week if required. I have been an many semi hard-core guilds in the past I have raiding experience and heroic prenerf achievments.

I played world of warcraft since TBC. I created this hunter in LK expansion I know how to play hunter very well with experience in and out.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
My former guild got disbanded, and someone in game recommended that I join your guild. Since it fulfills my requirements its actually the guild that I am looking for.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
I can offer my maximum effort in terms of guild progress and creating a helpful environment with a touch of a friendly and humorous social activity.

Last words?
I would love to join your guild you will not regret it.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 10:14:25 am by graxlos(Gaeios) »

May 09, 2013, 07:51:40 pm
Reply #1

Offline Yoica

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 07:51:40 pm »
Your gear and experience aren't too bad, but your application is pretty abysmal. Try taking a look at some of the other recent applicants to get an idea of what we want to see.

May 09, 2013, 07:54:42 pm
Reply #2

Offline msshabib

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 07:54:42 pm »
ok working on it

May 09, 2013, 08:19:33 pm
Reply #3

Offline msshabib

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2013, 08:19:33 pm »
Personal Info:

My name is Mohammad, I'm from Saudi Arabia and I'm 29 years old Im a banker and my hobby is playing wow.


My main spec is survival Hunter{511}ilvl, and my off spec is Beast Mastery.
I prefer to play survival because its a very viable spec specialy when it comes to aoeing mobs during boss fights. For my BM spec I choose that when its a single target fight since the damage output is slightly higher than survival.

Class: Hunter

For a protection warrior there is more than one build you can go with and it depends on the fight/situation to decide what build you should choose.
For an example there is the avoidance  build {Mastery > parry= dodge > hit=expertise}
And i use this build for fights that i take heavy damage when my damage not needed.
and there is the damage build {hit cap and Exp cap > mastery > parry=dodge}
And i use this build at the time because what i see in this patch that the tank-damage is important due the vengeance i gain in the fight.

Dpsness ..warlock, mage, shadow priest/retri paladin/deathknight/druid/rogue


Engineering : for nitro boots and the proc buff applied on my arms that increases my agility

Raid Experience:

I started raiding at WOTLK
Naxramas-Full clear
Ulduar- Full clear
TOC full clear.
VOA 10-25 full clear.
OS 10-25 full clear.
EOE 10-25 full clear.
ICC 10N-25N full clear.
RS 25N full clear.
BWD 25n full clear.
BOT 25n full clear.
BH 10-25 full clear.
FL 25n full clear.
DS 25n full clear.
MSV 25n full clear.
    25hc 4/6
HOF 25n full clear.
TOES 25n full clear.
TOT 25n 3/12.

Previous Guilds:

guild "Prestige" guild disband

guild " Ember" guild stopped raiding for a while since they had a failed attempt to merge with another guild called "Ice"

guild "something epic" guild disband


I'm usually free from 18:00 server time for as long as you want


i can speak, understand and write English
yes, i have TS3 and Ventrilo and yes i have mic and i can use it

Computer / Connection:

Yes, I have a good computer and never had any problem with it, My FPS always above 100 in fights.
For the connection its stable ms between 80 and 120, I never DC .


Deadly boss mode : for the fight timers and warnings.
Recount : Damage meter
classtimer : For ability's cooldown

Other Games:

League of legends

Why Iron Edge?

I am used to raid in 25 man guilds someone in game recommended I join your guild plus the raiding times work pretty well for me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer my maximum effort in terms of guild progress and creating a helpful environment with a touch of a friendly and sense of humor.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

someone in channel one but I cant remember the name.

Last Words?

I would appreciate it if you allow me to join ill do my best to not let you down

May 09, 2013, 08:22:42 pm
Reply #4

Offline msshabib

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2013, 08:22:42 pm »
Insert Quote

Personal Info:

My name is Mohammad, I'm from Saudi Arabia and I'm 29 years old Im a banker and my hobby is playing wow.


My main spec is survival Hunter{511}ilvl, and my off spec is Beast Mastery.
I prefer to play survival because its a very viable spec specialy when it comes to aoeing mobs during boss fights. For my BM spec I choose that when its a single target fight since the damage output is slightly higher than survival.

Class: Hunter

Dpsness ..warlock, mage, shadow priest/retri paladin/deathknight/druid/rogue


Engineering : for nitro boots and the proc buff applied on my arms that increases my agility

Raid Experience:

I started raiding at WOTLK
Naxramas-Full clear
Ulduar- Full clear
TOC full clear.
VOA 10-25 full clear.
OS 10-25 full clear.
EOE 10-25 full clear.
ICC 10N-25N full clear.
RS 25N full clear.
BWD 25n full clear.
BOT 25n full clear.
BH 10-25 full clear.
FL 25n full clear.
DS 25n full clear.
MSV 25n full clear.
    25hc 4/6
HOF 25n full clear.
TOES 25n full clear.
TOT 25n 3/12.

Previous Guilds:

guild "Prestige" guild disband

guild " Ember" guild stopped raiding for a while since they had a failed attempt to merge with another guild called "Ice"

guild "something epic" guild disband


I'm usually free from 18:00 server time for as long as you want


i can speak, understand and write English
yes, i have TS3 and Ventrilo and yes i have mic and i can use it

Computer / Connection:

Yes, I have a good computer and never had any problem with it, My FPS always above 100 in fights.
For the connection its stable ms between 80 and 120, I never DC .


Deadly boss mode : for the fight timers and warnings.
Recount : Damage meter
classtimer : For ability's cooldown

Other Games:

League of legends

Why Iron Edge?

I am used to raid in 25 man guilds someone in game recommended I join your guild plus the raiding times work pretty well for me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer my maximum effort in terms of guild progress and creating a helpful environment with a touch of a friendly and sense of humor.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

someone in channel one but I cant remember the name.

Last Words?

I would appreciate it if you allow me to join ill do my best to not let you down

May 10, 2013, 01:02:05 am
Reply #5

Offline Cabronsote

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2013, 01:02:05 am »
Is yet another applicant from my General Spam channel.

This was also at beginning of raid.

Gear seems decent, enchants and reforges seem to be ok...

I am assuming you ue BM spec for PVP? else I would not know why you have Powershot in your spec.

Surv spec Seems ok...although if it is your main raiding spec you may want to shift barrage for glaive toss.

I personally only use Surv spec for multi mob encounters and THEN i have Barrage as my tier selection...but on other fights if you want to be SUrv throughout I would not recommend it tbh.

Will let  other hunters chime in as needed!

May 10, 2013, 01:26:16 am
Reply #6

Offline msshabib

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 01:26:16 am »
yes the bm spec u saw is pvp but I switch talents immediately before raid as for the barrage I will change it to glave toss.

May 10, 2013, 02:45:46 pm
Reply #7

Offline Ceberow

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 02:45:46 pm »
Since your BM spec is for PvP i expect you're going to raid with your Surv spec?
I agree with Cabron, your spec is good. Good gear and good gems.

However i dont understand why you would reforge your 2 rings like you have done.
Take away Crit Strike instead of mastery + haste. If you're going to raid with Surv its better for your DPS to change it around. Reforge the mastery and haste instead of Crit.

GL with your apply.

May 10, 2013, 05:38:42 pm
Reply #8

Offline msshabib

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 05:38:42 pm »
I totally agree with u but if I reforge the haste to hit ill get over hit capped

May 10, 2013, 05:41:53 pm
Reply #9

Offline msshabib

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2013, 05:41:53 pm »
The reforges I have done give me the hit and expertise cap any change will get me either under hit/exp capped or over

May 10, 2013, 05:52:17 pm
Reply #10

Offline Traisera

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2013, 05:52:17 pm »
May i ask you something, why do you want to leave your guild?

May 10, 2013, 07:22:10 pm
Reply #11

Offline msshabib

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2013, 07:22:10 pm »
the guild im in is not a raiding guild im searching since my prev raiding guild got disbanded and the guild leader decided to quit wow

May 10, 2013, 07:30:52 pm
Reply #12

Offline Yoica

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Re: Zergeling/Survival+BM Hunter
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2013, 07:30:52 pm »
Looks good, I'm glad you took time to make a proper app!

We'll give you a trial, poke an officer for an invite.


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