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 PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar

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February 26, 2014, 12:55:17 am
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PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« on: February 26, 2014, 12:55:17 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Aniar
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Member Type: pvp

Personal Info:

My ”real” name is Maria Annaxenia Timontytär Ruotsalainen. I Live in small city in  Finland, called Jyväskylä, a town secluded by rest of the country by forests and lake.  I am at the moment doing my master degree there in Digital Culture studies. My main interest in my studies (and so often outside of it) is digital games and to be more precise MMORPGs. As it stands I am making good use of my interest in my master thesis ”World of Warcraft and Aesthetics of presence”, where I narrate my own experiences as a player and reflect on them, being especially interested of the new frames of space and time the game bestows upon us and the consequences this has to our experience of the self.

My past studies have been in philosophy, culture and history and that being so the humanities streak is quite strong in me: I am interested in how culture exists and comes into being and especially how this process happens in online spaces. I am also interested in knowing the address of the nearest unemployment office, as it is not likely I will ever grow up and get what they call an actual job.

Did I say grow up? Mental age being what it might be, my physical age is hovering towards 30. Yet having been born the 29th of February I actually do not see that I am turning 30 as that date does not exist this year. This in a convenient manner renders my age to 12, an age which is applicable to  everything I am, expect what comes to matters of alcohol and sex, of which both I am known to enjoy in a healthy and respectable manner.

 When not playing wow, taking 3 hour naps, or pretending to study, I spend my time with my dog Tiitu. Tiitu is a furry little fellow that I rescued from Russia before this became the cool thing to do  and she is the light of my days and the warmth of my nights (not in perverted way, respectable sex is limited to humans). She is tons smarter than me (which in itself is not challenge) and guides me trough forests in our endless hikes. (which tbh half of the time are me sitting on a rock smoking a fag while she runs around).



I have to admit that I have always played Warlock: Aniar has been my main since early TBC when I made her and till this day I havent grew tired playing her. Moreover, I greatly enjoy playing the spot warlock has in in RBGs: Warlock can accodamate multiple roles (defender, heavy CCer, flag protector, flag carrier, multidotter) and is as its best one of the cornerstones of the team. I am accustomed playing both affliction and destruction, even tho the latter is definetly my stronger spec and one I enjoy the most. I have no problem playing affliction if this suits better in the needs of the team, but I do think I have to work on to became better with the spec in question (which I am and will be actively doing in future).  


Aniargugu. Priest (disc) I am gearing up at the moment so no experience in RBGs or real arenas yet


Tailoring - Mainly for Cloak enchant

Herbalism - Bit for the haste cd, but I am considering to get engineering or blacksmithing instead of it.

PvP Experience:

Most of my PvP experience comes from RBGs. As it stands I have 939 RBGs done, of which many of the I have lead either alone or together with Prostylo (see his application). All my RBGs I have done with this character.

I changed fully to PvP when Mist of Pandaria came out. I started a team in the beginning of the season 13, which eventually evolved into a guild (Pumped PvP). With this team I also reached my highest RBG rating, which is 2k+.

Since the beginning of the season 13 I have done 3- 4 RBGs per week consistently.

Unfortunately I am not as experienced in Arenas as I am in RBGs: My highest rating is as low as 1813 in 2s ( which I got with Frost dk, me playing destruction warlock :) )
I am hoping that in the upcoming season I will finally have time to concentrate more on arenas as well, as there are things in PvP one learns much better through arenas than in RBGs.

Summa summarum, I would say I am 2k player who has potential to be better, but needs to work on it (but where would the fun be if one woudnt have to :P ). My strenghts in RBGs are situational awareness, quick responsiveness, and focus on CCs.  

Previous Guilds:

ild called Regulatots (Kul Tiras/ Stromreaver) and again before that in Midlife Crisis,Right, The guild I am currently in is Pumped PvP, which is also my guild. The reason I am now applying here (with bunch of people from my guild) is that as it stands I do not have time nor energy (due to my real life commitments) to efficiently lead a guild. Thus when I saw your recruitment macro and discussed with your PvP officer I saw this as great change for us to keep playing together in a new environment which seems skilled, friendly and steady.

Before I process to tell you more about my history and previous guilds in WoW, let me briefly to tell you about Pumped PvP, as it is so that many of our members are now applying there and thus it might be useful to know more about us:

The team in which Pumped PvP is based was started together with the PvP season 13 in Agamaggan, in a time when some of the members were still part of PvE/PvP guild called Midlife crisis. I personally have long history with the guild in question: It was my home during TBC and WOTLK when I was actively raiding and I returned to it now in MoP, indeed around the times when I started the RBG group there.

From the beginning on the RBG team was cross-guild effort. This was needed in a small, low populated server like Agamaggan. While this made the PvP team viable in Agamaggan, during the spring Midlife crisis started to struggle with recruiting for PvE and the guild made the decision to migrate. Consequently, in may 2013 Midlife Crisis PvE moved to Kazzak. At this point most of the PvP members stayed behind in Agamaggam : We felt the time was not right for us to go yet, not least because our team hosted so many members who were not from Midlife Crisis and leaving those behind would have felt as wrong thing to dd. Moreover, once Midlife Crisis migrated, some of the members who already made their way to Kazzak yet continued to play RBGs with us.

Those of us who stayed in Agamaggan decided to make the RBG team cross-server, in order to respond to the challenges of recruitment in a dying server. This is when the name pumped PvP became to official use the first time, even though by the value of having been running joke inside the team it had already been used by the members of the team .

We continued few months as a cross-server RBG team, recruiting mainly from low pop. servers like Aga, wanting to offer the players in those servers the change to do RBGs while knowing many of them struggled finding players for that in their own servers . This worked with moderate success, but with time the challenges which come with running cross-server team became all too obvious and we decided that it is time to turn Pumped PvP to a guild format and get most of us under same roof. We started looking for new home.

We looked into all possible servers and their statistics and at the end it was clear that Kazzak seemed to most fitting place for our needs. We packed our bags, said bittersweet goodbyes to Agamaggan, and arrived to Kazzak. Here we changed the guild name to Pumped PvP and started recruiting not only to RBG team itself, but to the whole guild.

And now, after 8 months since we established Pumped PvP we are looking new directions in the game. But those 8 months have not been in vain: During them experiences have been gained, friendships have been forged and RBGs have been won. I myself especially put value on the friendships I have established during the time and thus if I would have to describe Pumped PvP, its ethos, and its members with few sentences, it would be as follows: Bunch of friends who enjoy the game together in form of laughter, pantering, stupid jokes, arenas, randoms, RBGs, and occasionally some horrendous flex :D And this attitude is not tight to the guild, but who we are, and we are more than happy to exemplify this in new guild environment as well, if it would be so that Iron Edge accepts us on the board. Naturally we would simultanously respect and follow the rules and ethos of our new home.  

As I already indicated, before Pumped PvP I was part Guild called Midlife Crisis. Before Midlife Crisis I was a year in gu which is place where I still feel lot of affinity to, and which GM is one of my oldest friends in WoW, and person I respect greatly.  


I am available most nights and will make sure to be available always when needed.


Yes. I am very vocal in and our of RBGs (when needed in latter .)

My English is fine, I do make lot of typos when spelling tho.

I have ts3 and mic. I use it.

System / Connection:

My connection is fine (around 50 ms usually). PC at the moment is not the best: my gaming PC broke and I have not yet bought new PC to replace it and thus I am playing with back-up desktop :) It still runs the game and RBGs very smoothly (around 60 fps) so there is no issue with that.  


- Battlegroundtargets
- Healershavetodie
- Glaiatorlossa
- Gladius (when doing arenas)
- Quartz
- RazerNaga
- Platebuffs
- Tidyplates

Links for UI:  (destro)  (affli)

You can see keybindings etc on the screenshots.

Other Games:

At the moment Minecraft

Why Iron Edge?

Iron edge is a guild with substantial history and seems like a very nice place to play. The PvP history is very respectable and I be would honored to play with highly experienced players of Iron edge. Moreover, I have had few chats with Anarawen about the matter and through them gained a positive image about the guild.

What I can offer Iron Edge:

 I can offer steady, reliable team player who will always put the needs of the guild ahead of her own needs.  

Where I heard about Iron Edge:

I saw the recruitment macro while standing next to PvP vendor. After this I went and did some research on the net :)

Last Words:

"This intensity of, and absorption in, play finds no explanation in biological analysis. Yet in this intensity, this absorption, this power of maddening, Lies the very essence, the primordial quality of play" (Huizinga, 1954)

February 26, 2014, 11:18:19 am
Reply #1

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 11:18:19 am »
Nice and thorough application, lets see if our pvpers think you have enough high rated experience.

Bears like alts!

February 26, 2014, 12:34:02 pm
Reply #2

Offline Lethys

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2014, 12:34:02 pm »
This is a very good apply, and by the looks from your experience, I see no reason why we should not give you a try/spot since we are in need of a committed warlock  ;D

But that is for the PvP officer(s) to decide  :)
Any comments or statements made by Lethys are not representative of Iron Edge as a whole.

February 26, 2014, 01:18:11 pm
Reply #3

Offline Jallurin

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2014, 01:18:11 pm »

I am just going to write it here since there are some many applications from your guild.

I have played with some of those guys from the guild, but I dont think it was any of you. played abit with a danish guy with a wreid name, think he was called xezhlt or something like that and was a warlock aswall. for me it looks like good pvpers in that guild.

they are high rated in rbg and many of them have like ''Rival'' and ''Challenger'' achievements. and prostylo even got ''Realm First! Grand Crusader'' what up! :D

good lock folks and I hope to see you all in the guild

Jallurin :) 

February 26, 2014, 02:39:54 pm
Reply #4

Offline Auja

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2014, 02:39:54 pm »
Sick application (claps) :D
Manga freak, free spirit, deist, chain smoker, Activist and Protester, #occupygezi, 34 and still getting older! (Astrild)

February 26, 2014, 04:09:23 pm
Reply #5

Offline Aleynnah

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2014, 04:09:23 pm »
This is definitely one of the best applications i've seen :P Good job!

Your experience in RBG looks good! Not that good in arena though..
You seem like a dedicated player, and I think you'll be a great add to our guild :)

Thumbs up for me!

February 26, 2014, 04:09:49 pm
Reply #6


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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2014, 04:09:49 pm »
I will never look at applications the same way again.

Thumbs up :o

February 26, 2014, 04:16:26 pm
Reply #7

Offline Cojche

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2014, 04:16:26 pm »
I love you!
There i've said it.
High functioning sociopath.

February 26, 2014, 06:17:46 pm
Reply #8

Offline Aniar

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2014, 06:17:46 pm »
Thank you for all the nice replies and positive comments! And thank you Jallurin for the nice words you put in about Pumped PvP!

And yes Anarawen , you are definately right, my arena experience is really not something to boost about. I am planning to fix it during this season as I finally will have time to concentrate bit more on Arenas as well!

If you have any questions or concerns about anything,I am more than happy to answer! 

February 26, 2014, 08:24:45 pm
Reply #9

Offline Zalik

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2014, 08:24:45 pm »
I usually just scan applications and then read the replies. This time and this time only, i've read the entire application and it's just a great one.

Now Im gonna re-write my application and just re post it here. You made my application looks worse than it already is ! thanks !!

February 26, 2014, 11:58:27 pm
Reply #10

Offline Tetsujinn

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2014, 11:58:27 pm »
Good job mate , we can use ppl with "life" in them . I love it . + 1 from me

Regards , Tets.

February 27, 2014, 12:22:04 pm
Reply #11

Offline Aleynnah

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Re: PVP Application - Warlock (DPS) - Aniar
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2014, 12:22:04 pm »
You can whisper me or another officer for an invite!


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