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 Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Kastell

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December 25, 2015, 11:42:27 pm
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Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Kastell
« on: December 25, 2015, 11:42:27 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Kastell
Class/Spec: Mage (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

My name is Daniel Kastell. I'm 18 years old and I live in Västerås, Sweden. I'm currently in my 2nd year of studying economics.


I'm currently playing Arcane and that is the only specc I'm playing. Ilvl is 734

Level 15: Ice Floes. I use this talent just because there are alot of movement required in the HFC boss encounters and if I have Ice Floes I'm able to cast while moving.
Level 30: Ice Barrier. Trying to have this spell on a high uptime to make it somewhat easier for the healers and also avoid lethal damage.
Level 45: Ring of Frost. CCing might be needed. If ghosts are loose on socrethar I can easily ring of frost them wich saves about 6-7 seconds (if undamaged)
Level 60: I'm usually using Cauterize but Greater Invis is also a viable talent. I use cauterize just because if I'm taking damage that would've killed me I can easily react when my cauterize proccs to either pop Ice Barrier or Ice Block. I use Greater Invis in fights where I have to soak stuff, Archimonde Shadowfel Burst for example.
Level 75: Supernova. I like this talent because it does a fair amount of AoE damage and it's also a chance for me to get arcane missile proccs while using it.
Level 90: Incanter's Flow. I use this talent because as I said on the Ice Floes talent HFC boss encounters usually requires alot of moving. Incanter's Flow is my choice just because I get increased damage even tho I'm moving. Rune of Power could be viable on fights such as Kilrogg, Council, Gorefiend (Phase 2) etc.
Level 100: Prismatic Crystal. I use this talent because it's a big dps increase every 1.5 minutes. The amount of damage that I put into my Prismatic Crystal is dealt either single target or AoE damage depending on how many mobs there are in the radius of 8 yards. This can be very usefull if there's something that requires some AoE even tho I'm an arcane mage and my AoE basicly depends on Doom Nova or Supernova.

Stat prio: 2100 Haste (Cap) and then I focus on Mastery - Multistrike/Crit. (Current haste is at 2500 just because I found out that the haste cap was at 2100 a few days ago and when I calculated abit I realised that I can only get down to 2250 haste if I remove the current haste enchants I have. I have quite haste heavy gear and that will be sorted once I get a few more BiS items)


Kásca - Ilvl 715 fury Warrior (Leggy Ring)
Káscat Ilvl 700 Destro/Affli Lock
Blóf - Ilvl 700 BM/WW Monk
Bláf - Ilvl 690 Combat Rogue
Bléf - Ilvl 676 Retri Paladin
Zyppet - Ilvl 683 Marksman Hunter
Yamell - Ilvl 676 Feral Druid


I'm currently using Herbalism and Tailoring. Tailoring mainly to get some gold from the Hexweave Bags.

Raiding Experience:

Wrath of The Lich King
Naxx 10/25 Cleared
OS 10/25 Including 3 dragons cleared
EoE 10/25 Cleared
Ulduar 10/25 Normal Cleared I did Flame Levithan Hardmode only, 25 man.
ICC 10/25 Norm cleared. Cleared lootship on both 10/25 hc aswell (If it really counts as heroic:P)

BoT 10/25 Cleared on norm. 25 cleared on HC.
TFW 10/25 Cleared on norm.
FL 7/7 Cleared on norm. 6/7 cleared on HC.
DS 8/8 Cleared on norm and HC.

Mists of Pandaria
MSV Cleared on 10 norm.
HoF Cleared on 10 norm.
TES Cleared on 10 norm.
ToT Cleared on 10 norm.
SoO Cleared on 10 norm. 11/14 Heroic 10 man. 14/14 Mythic

Warlords of Draenor

Highmaul Cleared on Heroic. 2/7 Mythic
BRF Cleared on Heroic. 6/10 Mythic (Took a break after I killed Thogar)
HFC 13/13 Cleared on Heroic. 8/13 Mythic (Took a break after Gorefiend, hence of the lacking progress)

Previous Guilds:

I'm currently in Hoax. The raid times in here does not fit me very well so I decided to leave.


I'm avalible at all times


I have Teamspeak 3, I do have a microphone and I'm ready to use it!

Computer / Connection:

I have a very good pc. I'm at about 100+ fps at all times. My Internet is very stable and I rarely lag/dc.


DBM: Tracking Boss Timers
Bartender4: Setting up UI
BLCD: I have it cause I used to raidlead back in BRF

Other Games:

I'm playing abit of Hearthstone and League of Legends

Why Iron Edge?

I want to get some nice progress while having fun.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A very active player who dedicates alot of his into WoW. I'm able to help out with anything and I'm also very positive to progressing even tho wiping sucks.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

A friend of mine told me about you. Póach.

Last Words?

Póach is a very close friend of mine.

December 26, 2015, 11:03:15 am
Reply #1

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Kastell
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 11:03:15 am »
Hey Kastell

Thanks for the application to join us here at Iron Edge, another mage application to ponder over, your progress is somewhat reasonable considering you took a break too.

Poach is also very new to us here and we are currently on a break until the 4th of January, aslong as this apply isnt based on that if one of you fails there trial the other will leave i have no qualms in a trial offered. It'll be nice that we got some ranged competition for our ranged raiders to keep them on there toes :)


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December 26, 2015, 02:46:02 pm
Reply #2

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Kastell
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2015, 02:46:02 pm »
Interesting to see this rise of range applicants to this guild, seems the age of melee is over for now.

Your application seems quite decent, and I would very much like to take you in for a trial. I just approved another mage as well, so we'll be rocking 3 mages in our roster as of now it would seem, so I hope you don't mind having a bit of competition to deal with.

We are currently on a break until the 4th and will then resume with a complete clearing raid, before then progressing on Archimonde again. It will be expected that you know the tactics for all the bosses, and know the Archimonde fight in and out.

You can poke me or an officer ingame for an invite  :D
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