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 Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull

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January 17, 2016, 10:44:23 pm
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Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:44:23 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Krull
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Victor , aged 23, From Romania

At the moment i'm working as a public servant in the city's branch of the Ministry of Health, i grant Permits basicaly


I don't realy have a perffered spec, certaintly not on the hunter, over 11 years of WoW i've played every role and have a max level of each class. Atm i'm played MM because it's the optimal spec and will continue to play the optimal spec.

I'm the kind of "if i can't play X i'm not raiding" kind of guy

Well MM's rotation is a pretty straightforward priority system: Chimera > Kill Shot > Glaive toss / Barrage if targets >= 2 > Aimed Shot. The "trick" to the spec is that it can provide very high on demand burst through Sniper Training , the t18 4pc set bonus and TotH procs, so knowing when an important add is going to spawn or when a burst window is coming up to save focus / TotH procs for is what set's the spec apart.


Yes i have a max level character of every class, unfortunately beyond my hunter i don't think any are mythic ready, they used to be heroic capable, kept em as a backup if we needed something specific going into mythic.


Well between all my characters i have every proffesion in the game.... twice, as far as special recepies go, there arn't realy any special recepies as far as raiding goes nowadays

Raiding Experience:

Classic With Furieux as a Warlock - Twin Emps in AQ40 / Razuvious+Anub in Naxx
TBC with SoT as a Warlock - Up to M'uru in SWP , SoT eventualy cleared it after the Wrath patch but i was in my last year of highscool and had a big exam at the time
WoTLK with SoT as a Warlock - Everything up to Putricide HC including Zero Light and Tribute to insanity, had to "quit" when Thawke got pissed everyone was showing up on wensday's farm ToC run to the point where we had to bench people, and barely anyone was showing up in the icc progress runs, so he kicked everyone who didn't attent one such ICC raid once (wich unfortunately was my freshman year of University, sem 1 finals) when that happened i casualy went back to Furieux as i was abit tired of WoW at time, beyond this point i barely played and certaintly didn't raid anything while it was relevant content, mostly just normal difficulty raids
Cata with Furieux as a Holy Palladin - Hardly played, think i killed a few bosses in Firelands
MoP with Furieux as a Brewmaster Monk - Same as above, did no Terrace / Heart / ToT , came back in late late 5.2 bout a month before siege came out, did end up clearing Siege normal and up to i think Dark shamans on Heroic.

Also as a warlock i've pretty much every single lock specific role you had to do back then, tanking Vek...lor? Leotheras, Illidan, Socorolash, Kiting adds on Vashj etc. I tend to preffer to have the encounter specific roles whenever i can fulfill them, as i said above, i care about the kill, not the meeters.

In WoD i started off in Furieux again where i played a Brewmaster tank Cleared Heroic Highmaul and BRF and thats about it since they don't have the people for mythic raids, then a good IRL friend started playing WoD again, and he convinged me to join his raids, i geared this hunter as best i could in preparation for HFC and now i am 11/13 Mythic.

Previous Guilds:

Well most recently i havn't "left" Hoax, Hoax just Decided to Stop Raiding due to roster issues. The others guilds you can see under "Raiding Experience".


There is nothing unpredictable in my schedual, only thing is lately i've been on a pretty extreeme diet wich leaves tired (i sleep like 12 hours a night) and i've been a few raids past few weeks. That said it wasn't a big deal in Hoax but should i be accepted , if it interferes with raiding i'll stop it.


Yes to all of those.

Computer / Connection:

Nope, my PC ins't a monster but it's sufficient for raiding, as far connection goes, it's Romanian internet so it's like the one reliable thing we make.

Addons/UI: - There you go

Raid Relevant Addons: Elvui For unitframes and action bars / TMW (yes i know WA is superior and i have WA for some specific encounter mechanics, but waaaaaaay back when when i first realized i should be raiding with some kind of addon to track buffs / procs / cooldowns etc when i was probably 15 or 16, i start using TMW and it's the one i've stuck with) and DBM.

Other Games:

Not much realy, some ocasional Smite and since they've turned SWTOR into Kotor 3 with that latest patch, that.

Why Iron Edge?

Well the two nights a week instead of 3 is certaintly atractive but mostly because i want to finish an expansion for once, previosly as you can see above whenver i've gotten close to beating the last boss of an expansion while it was relevant i've had to stop for whatever reason, now i'm getting close again with a guild that was capable of beating the content aaaaaand NOPE they stop raiding.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

 As to what i bring , well i'm a mature, progress focused old time raider who's prefectly willing to do "bitch jobs" , kitting, positioning, debuff soaking, you know, those personal responsibility jobs that help beat an encounter.

Also someone who can reroll any needed class.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

Nothing that hasn't been said yet, only that you can consider this as much an application for Legion, i don't mind coming in even on a social role at this point as long as i get to kill mythic archimonde sometime in the next you know... 6-8 months. It's very tireing to go guild hunting this late into the expansion.

January 17, 2016, 11:25:38 pm
Reply #1

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2016, 11:25:38 pm »

Nice application, i just noted your happy to come in on a social level right now as long as you got a archi kill before end of expansion. We are nearing killing it ourselves for the first time and i suspect will be atleast a long time till we did bring in socials to it, we also have a large amount of hunters at the moment, are there any other classes you enjoy playing?

I read about your exploits with your warlock, is there a chance of getting that geared and bringing it as an option? We do have 2 locks if i'm not mistaken but one of them is going to be going WW monk as soon as they can which means we would be in need of another lock. As mentioned we have a full pack of cards when it comes to hunters with 5 within our roster currently so maybe something to think on before accepting trial with us if the officers decide to go that route i dont know what they think most of the time other than, when is burger king open until (rashkebab), seriously im concerned for his well being XD

Anyhow the usual applies, can you provide logs for your char to give us an idea of your output. If you can do that im sure one of the officers will contact you / have questions for you on this application so keep checking back here for any updates/ additional questions.

Good luck on the apply.

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January 18, 2016, 12:36:18 am
Reply #2

Offline Tutan

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 12:36:18 am »
Hi Krull,

Do you have a screenshot of your UI during raid combat?  You are sitting at 77fps while in garrison, what kind of fps are you on during high graphic raids?

Also your battlnet and wowprogress say that you are 10/13 rather than 11/13 as your application says.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 01:50:59 am by Tutan »

January 18, 2016, 07:29:02 am
Reply #3

Offline Supremacy

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2016, 07:29:02 am »
Another Hunter... Jesus...

A Romanian too! Hide ur fucking cars !

"Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall"

January 18, 2016, 08:25:48 am
Reply #4

Offline PowerofTwo

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2016, 08:25:48 am »
Hi Krull,

Do you have a screenshot of your UI during raid combat?  You are sitting at 77fps while in garrison, what kind of fps are you on during high graphic raids?

Also your battlnet and wowprogress say that you are 10/13 rather than 11/13 as your application says.

That's bizzare it's possible i missed the 2-3 tyrant kills we have conincidentaly. I see that yes our first kill was on dec 7th and for some reason i wasn't there, but the logs will show i was there for attempts at least. I do have a few Xhul kills under my belt it'd be wierd if i was never on Tyrant All of Hoax old logs are here that being said: First Night of Mannoroth Progress I belive This was our first Xhul Kill, Keep in my mind i was in charge of kiting the void adds for Xhul so theese are probably not stellar First Zakun Kill Frist Gorefiend Kill

And so on, in my defence, these logs will probably show me somewhat low on dmg, that's because i realy try and do my best to NOT whore on the meeters and pay attention to mechanics, like for example on something like say gorefiend , if i see an add about to catch someone i'll stay on it thill it's dead, not swap around only hitting adds i can get sniper training / kill shots on and ignore all others. Over the course of 10 years i've played every role at ... rollercoastery levels of play and i realy don't care about meeter's, i'll use logs to see if something isn't handled properly, isn't depselled fast enough, if an add is living for to long, if that add is living to long because to few people are switching to it, but as far as raw hps / dps goes i'm not realy that concerned. Might sound damning coming from a dps applicant but there it is.

Basicaly please avaluate me, besides dps, on things like dmg on adds, dmg avoided etc.

As far as playing another class, yes i'm perfectly willing to play any class any role, as previosly stated i switched to and geared the hunter specificaly for a future HFC spot. Unfortunately tho, out of 10 alts i'd say... 8-9 were... heroic ready, they're basicaly all in 695 empowered gear with 705 weapons / 715 trinkets. RNG willing it wouldn't take to long to get a set on them at least but the ring unfortunately can't be helped, some don't have it and then it's 12-15 ilvls / week

As far a raiding screenshot goes, if it's mandatory i gues i could pop into an LFR and get one but it's never been a concern, i mean i've raided with it for all of HFC and it hasn't impacted me. Ballparky i'd say i get around... i dono 30 fps at the lowest and 40-60 otherwise in raids. Keep in mind i raided BWL on a potato, getting like 1-5 fps on razorgore, to the point where i had to turn everything to minimun and aim my camera at the floor , looking at anything would dc me due to the lag so.... :P

January 18, 2016, 09:10:13 am
Reply #5

Offline RomeoMustDie

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2016, 09:10:13 am »
Yo Victor.

GL bro

January 19, 2016, 08:04:55 pm
Reply #6

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Krull
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2016, 08:04:55 pm »
Firstly I would like to say sorry for responding so slowly, I did already tell you I would have answered right after the raid tomorrow, but I got quite delayed on that!

As you know, we do have quite the batallion of hunters in our guild, but because of the fact that hunters are quite the good class all-around I really want to have you in and give you a try. You should know that you are walking into a competative scenary, where performance and output will be what's valued. As long as you're okay with this and the fact that you will potentially have quite some hunters to share your loot with, I see absolutely no problems with having you in.

As far as the talk we had about you re-rolling your warlock for the sake of composition of the raid, I don't think that will be very viable. After all, we do want you on your best geared character, and a warlock with still weeks to get the legendary ring will be lagging quite far behind in that respect.

You can poke me or an officer ingame for an invite!  :D
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