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 Mage 60, apply.

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November 14, 2006, 08:53:13 pm
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Offline Badguy

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Mage 60, apply.
« on: November 14, 2006, 08:53:13 pm »
As the topic states, i wuold like to apply for membership in Iron Edge.

IRL i'm Carlo a 25yo guy, i live in a small town in middle italy. I like to play football, train myself and swim, go out whit my usual and occasional friends everytime i can. White wine it's my drug and my lover, and too much often someone has to give me an hand getting back home.  ;D

Char infos:
mage 60 ofc, here's the profile:
Fire ress: 230unbuffed
Nature ress: 270unbuffed
Shadow ress: 100+ unb
Got loads of alt equip, full t1, zg set, non set ecc.

Specced fire until the game release whit some short ice periods, currently specced 0/30/21, obv willing to respec as needed

Raided until aq40 huhuran encounters

Playing online since 2001, ultima online unofficial, starcaft/warcraft3, diablo 1/2 and now WOW

Beginned my journey in wow in March 2005, Crushridge realm, where i got a 60 rogue and mage. Rogue was my first character abandoned pretty early to lvlup and play the mage. Badtaste/Unknown entity was my first guild, i have joined Realm hunters when they transfered on Hakkar, 'cause i was on fight whit the  UE GL. Now i'm a bit tired of playing only whit italians, i would like to know other people for differente countries and play on an international server. (crush its only italians and chinese farmers )

Why join IE?: Simple. As i don't know anyone in other servers than crushridge, one top-end guild match another at a first view, so, i'm scouting the realm forums, reading the various guilds raid rules/timing, free sections ecc to try get an idea.
Yesterday i was arrived on IE forum, today chatted a few minutes whit Vix, and now i'm here asking.

What can IE expect from me?: A friendly and helpful member, good sense of humor, swift learner e a nerd one (yeha im nerd, but i got a life, a work and friends, so take the good meaning of nerd, not the nolifer one ). Im active, i can raid 5days/week 20.00 till morning if needed, got some difficulty on saturday and sunday afternoon, i work as a waiter and im rather busy on week-ends

Last words?  Take me or ill die (im serious)

damn serious

 (maybe not)

ill hope to see ya all in-game. Bye Carlo.

November 15, 2006, 04:47:21 pm
Reply #1

Offline Vix

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Re: Mage 60, apply.
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2006, 04:47:21 pm »

Nice application, decent gear (not too imba, not too bad...), you seem to understand the English language to a satisfactory degree as well!

Anyway, you'll have to respecc if you're aiming for a raider rank. In other words: YOU ARE RESPECC OR YOU ARE NO RAID. We can discuss that later.

Everything seems to be in order, I just need to take care of a few things. Watch this spot or talk to me again ingame or on IRC (Oddweb, for further information which'll be coming up.
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