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 Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - alücard (XR)

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March 11, 2017, 07:35:20 pm
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Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - alücard (XR)
« on: March 11, 2017, 07:35:20 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: alücard
Server: Skullcrusher
Class/Spec: Rogue (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

i'm originally from iran but i live in istanbul now
i'm 30 years old and architecture .i speak persian-turkish and english.
im play decent Rshammy(name:Doomshovel) aswell its 900ilvl same as my main rogue


im playing assassination rogue

well im playing for ages so i better know what im doing


shaman 110:doomshovel  
deathknight 110:ochta
warrior 110:darkdwind


i have most of the Professions since i have lots of alts:P

Raiding Experience:

playing since vanilla,i played all  expansion expect pandaria and draenor

Previous Guilds:

i played in lots of guilds im just gonna write some of them and their ranks(all of them were at Skullcrusher) :
paranormal Rank 2  realm
after hours  rank 4 realm
RAVENS unranked
original sin World 40


i have lots of free time since i live alone and i dont work full time


yes :)

Computer / Connection:

i have Asus ROG G20CB desktop and its monster :P plying with 100 fps ultra resolution and my ping is aroud 50-70


dont use lots of addon just bassics like weakaura-dbm etc etc

Other Games:

dont ply lots of games just csgo and lol but im pretty dmn good at them :P global elite in csgo :D and was platinum when i was plying it

Why Iron Edge?

just find it on wowprogress

What can I offer Iron Edge?

some experience from the  old guy :)

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

Peace ^_^

March 11, 2017, 09:32:37 pm
Reply #1

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - alücard (XR)
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 09:32:37 pm »
Hi Alücard,

Firstly thank you for applying to Iron Edge.

The next part you may of had an inkling was coming, this application considering is an cross realm application, would expect more of an effort to join us rather than what you have given.

You mentioned you was in guilds in high ranked on realms and even world rankings, now if you were asked to be able to prove this would you be able to?

Honestly i seen the title with (XR) cross realm and was hoping to read a decent effort well informed, theirs no logs, no ui and not much visible effort put into this application. This is my view and not of the guilds or its officers but of my own.

Personally i would of liked to see abit more about yourself, why we are the target of your next wow home and more on what you can offer us as a team.

Good luck on the application and im sure one of our officers and hopefully melee officer can get a look in on this application and come back with a decision for you.

Good luck.

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Former angriest bastard on the internet.
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March 11, 2017, 10:14:46 pm
Reply #2

Offline doomjudge

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - alücard (XR)
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2017, 10:14:46 pm »
well we are talking almost 10 years ago and unfortunately there are just some players that can prove  it :)but those are happint in past im looking forward but i can put some logs from last week run :P

March 13, 2017, 05:44:21 pm
Reply #3

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - alücard (XR)
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2017, 05:44:21 pm »
Hey Alücard,

due to your low mythic experience and lack of effort put into the application, I'll have to decline this one.

Best of luck with your search!


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