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 Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus

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November 05, 2017, 07:08:50 am
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Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus
« on: November 05, 2017, 07:08:50 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Theviciøus
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Name : Mohamed
Age : 22
Location: Kuwait
University: Marketing major graduating senior


I have always played fury as i tend to enjoy playing it my current ilvl for fury is 935. for my offspec im still learning to play arms as i didnt have the bis legos for a long time and whenever i got it i started to play arms from time to time but still learning tho. arms ilvl is about 933

i have been playing warrior and specially fury for a while now and i can safely say that i am quite familiar with it. The rotation comes naturally to me as i have grown used to it. as for stats i always go for haste & mastery pieces.


I have many alts but there is only one that i am using for mythic raiding beside my main which is a destruction warlock a link for its wowlogs:


At the moment i play video games and continue going to uni until i graduate. i play few games on the side to wow like csgo and league.

Raiding Experience:

Been always playing as a dps.
TOS 7/9M (without mistress)
NH 5/10M (That was the start of me considering mythic raiding and the lack of a stable guild resulted in such progress)

Previous Guilds:

Evil Lightning ( My first mythic guild it disbanded a while ago)
Intended ( was stuck on hc kj for a long time and it was a reason for me to leave after sometime they disbanded )
Greylogs ( I made that guild with a punch of friends because we were sick of guilds quitting and for the aim to progress mythic and after some time we also disbanded :D)
Dispossessed ( My last guild and also the most stable one of them i joined them when i was 3/9M and by that time they were progressing mistress and they didnt want to change their roster however i went in for their maiden progression and we got the kill and when we got to avatar and after 3 weeks they have decided to disband the guild)

If u can see a pattern here its not its just imagination i am not a curse i swear xD  


I will be always available for raid times i have never missed a raid before expect when its an emergency.
I go to university from Sunday till Thursday from 2 PM till 6:15 Pm and Tuesday is an off day
and given your raid timings which are Monday just before my off day and Thursday which a weekend it would be perfect.


I'm fluent in English, I use both TS3 and discord and i have a headset with a mic and i communicate and listen at all times.

Computer / Connection:

My pc is good its core i7 with a gtx 980 gpu and 16 gb of ram. I only have fps drops when its a 30 man raid or something other than that i have no fps issues. My internet is stable and no i dont disconnect every hour i wouldn't have considered raiding if that happened to me xD


DBM : raid warnings
Weak Auras: Helps me with tracking cds
Exorsus Raid Tools (For certain fights or raid CD tracking) : for raid assigments
RC Loot Council/EPGP : for loot systems
Pic of my ui :

Other Games:

League of legends


Why Iron Edge?

Perfect raid times for me

Pretty stable guild

Very good performing raiders - logs proven

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A stable mythic raider that is puts time to improve and willing to listen to criticism with open heart and always puts the well being of the raid before himself.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

I'm very impressed by your website and i would be more than happy to join u guys and continue my progression :)

Link to my wowlog :

November 05, 2017, 12:27:33 pm
Reply #1

Offline Paul

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2017, 12:27:33 pm »
Hey Theviciøus,

I am one of the resident warriors in Iron Edge, hope you dont mind I have some observations and questions I would like to ask on behalf on the officer team,

Dont feel bad of not knowing arms that well, and certainly arm spec relies on 2 legendaries (ring and helm), which if you dont have them Fury and  Arms are very competitive and equal of each other.  I see you have the 2 best ones considered for Fury which is good, and right this moment the next tier raid is still undecided which out of Arms or Fury is likely to be the strongest, as they seem competitive and equal and it might be situational based on boss to boss! - "sigh" if it stays that way we will be gearing for both spec, very harsh on dkp :)

Just have a few questions if you dont mind before I look into your logs in detail,

Please can you explain and walk me through your rotation and priority order please?

I had a quick view of your log "overviewpage" your first 3 bosses your logs are reasonable not the best but ok, but they certainly drop off for the more complex 3 bosses, what issues have you faced here, and how do you see where you can learn and optimise (sure you have had less tries on these bosses)?

Should the next teir be more arms how you feel changing specs, or you planning to stay fury at all costs due to enjoying the spec over the other?]

thats all for now, when i have had a look at your logs to deeper understand I may have a few more, but good luck in your application

November 05, 2017, 04:26:40 pm
Reply #2

Offline Vicious

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2017, 04:26:40 pm »
Hey Quickzor,

Sorry for the late reply as i didn't receive any notifications or emails. Now, I recently got the arms head and i already had the execute ring long time ago and since then i have given a small focus for arms by spending ap and so on. However, i still don't have a solid idea on how the spec plays and atm i don't feel comfortable playing it on a mythic level.
My rotation plays like this and im going to use two scenarios and two different team fights to demonstrate.

First scenario would be Goroth, I charge in pop My cds including avatar and battlecry and moonglaives then i use a 100 rage rampage into odyn's fury and then i use raging blow and bloodthirst untill i get 100 rage and then it would be rampage into raging blow again and bloodthirst and furious slash to fill.
Second scenario would be Harjatan, I charge in hold off on my cd's until the first set of adds spawn in the meantime i would use bloothirst into raging blow and furious slash to generate some rage for rampage and whenever the adds spawn i use my moonglaives and use one whirlwind to trigger meat cleave and then pop my avatar and Battlecry into rampage and odyn's fury filling with whirlwind and bloodthirsts.
The reasons that my logs are pretty bad on sisters/host/maiden is because i didnt really get the chance to re clear the fights as my guild was extending their lockouts every single week that we were progressing maiden on and they continued to do so with avatar as well. For sisters its been only two kills that in both i had died in and in a fight like that it could be from so many reasons and i cant remember what was it maybe i ate a glaive or lack of healing but these things happen.
for host in the only kill that i had my guild had me in normal realm and for a fury warrior which is far from optimal. and lastly for maiden, it was pretty much the most comfortable fight for me and all i had in mind is to do what i'm supposed to do by collecting orbs and doing dps and paying attention on not to wipe the raid and that was the only kill which was during our 3 weeks progression.

As i said, i was a part of a guild that was extending their lockout for almost two months and i know for a fact that tries and getting kills on bosses is the only thing that could help me to perform better in these specific fights. Other than that i always watch kelade's youtube im pretty sure you heard about him he posts pov videos and im on the warriors disc.

I am well aware that arms is better than fury in this tier however, i need sometime to get used to the spec and how it plays to be able to perform better than my main spec. And if in the next tier arms continue to dominate i would focus on it completely. the only thing im worried about is investing ap that could be better spent on my main spec and wondering if its going to pay off or not.

Thank you and sorry for the long reply  :'(

November 06, 2017, 12:38:22 am
Reply #3

Offline Paul

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2017, 12:38:22 am »
Thanks for the reply, the officers will consider the input here, and my questions and will come back to you shortly I am sure,

good luck,


November 07, 2017, 07:18:30 am
Reply #4

Offline Vicious

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2017, 07:18:30 am »
Thanks quickzor,

Just two things i want to clear out as i misunderstood the question, regarding the professions i dont focus much on it atm but in the future im looking to invest into alchemy and blacksmithing.

The other thing is i was in another guild before i made up my guild which was enter sun that ended up disbanding  ;D

Funny thing on the side, i was looking at your discord yesterday night and i noticed that someone was streaming so i opened the stream and i found out that you were raiding which i totally forgot that this was your raid time and i watched you guys phasing avatar and eventually getting the kill. It was very close and congrats on the kill  :D

November 07, 2017, 10:48:45 am
Reply #5

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2017, 10:48:45 am »
Thanks dude!

I'd like to offer you a trial. Please keep in mind that we are currently exclusively extending lockouts.

You can poke an officer for an invite, welcome to the team!
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

November 07, 2017, 11:06:23 am
Reply #6

Offline Vicious

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Theviciøus
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2017, 11:06:23 am »
Will do, Cheers ! :)


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