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 Social Application - Warrior (DPS) - Hayfield

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February 01, 2020, 01:34:48 pm
Read 3369 times


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Social Application - Warrior (DPS) - Hayfield
« on: February 01, 2020, 01:34:48 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Hayfield
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

My name is Ričardas, but I suppose Richard is easier. I am from Lithuania, capital city Vilnius. I am 23 years old and I studying physiotherapy in Lithuania's Sports University. Most of my free time I spend playing WoW.


I choosed to play warrior as a my main because, I'm sure it is class that really fits me in all cases.


Mage - 120
Hunter - 120
Paladin - 120
Warlock - 115
DH - 105


Yet, I am not a big professions guy. On my main I have archeology, engineering, mining, fishing & cook.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I never did a mythic raid, only a first boss in ToS in legion, becouse it was hard without guild. Every expansion I usually do normal and later on heroic (not always, last bosses). But I know how raids works just I never had someone to raid.

Previous Guilds:

I never had like a real guild as yours. I always was in those kind of guilds where they always invite random people in it. Most of the times I left it those in couple of weeks, becouse nothing is happening there and people are just not looking seriously at it.


Everyday I am available for around 4-6 hours per day, on weekends even more. I don't have much to do.


I speak better then i type, my English used to be B2 now I do not type in English that much, but my speaking skill are pretty good. I have full headset with mic and I can download teamspeak if needed, usually im using discord.

Computer / Connection:

I have pretty decent computer, my fps are huge and no problems with internet connection at all. No ping in Kazzak. BTW we have fastest internet in the world in Vilnius, Lithuania. haha..

Addons/UI:, dbm, method dungeon tools, easy frames, dejacharacterstats, gladius, threat plates, details!, omniCC, gtfo, weakauras2 and others world quests, exploring, rares addonds.

Other Games:

Used to play league of legends, CoD and lots of other games, but now I am playing WoW only for a long time.

Why Iron Edge?

Looks like fun! Great guild where people do more stuff together in game and not. And I really want to be a part of a guild where I can stay it forever and achieve big things together.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

To be a good guildmate & friend for all of you.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I was looking for a good guild everywhere, then I saw member of yours  just in game and I just checked guild name in google.

Last Words?

I hope too see ya at Iron Edge! LOK'TAR OGAR!

btw, what's the name of the phoenixflame's dog? :D

February 03, 2020, 08:46:06 am
Reply #1

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (DPS) - Hayfield
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2020, 08:46:06 am »
Richard it is! You can poke an officer for an invite. Welcome!

btw, what's the name of the phoenixflame's dog? :D

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