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 Raider Application - Priest (DPS/Healer) - Ranesh (XR)

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April 09, 2020, 02:00:19 pm
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Raider Application - Priest (DPS/Healer) - Ranesh (XR)
« on: April 09, 2020, 02:00:19 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Ranesh
Server: Sylvanas
Class/Spec: Priest (DPS/Healer)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:


My name is Roelof Rooks and I am a  22 year old Dutchie studying to become an English teacher. I am currently in the final stages of graduating and have a job teaching English at a seafaring school. I live in the northern parts of the Netherlands and speak/write 3 languages fluently. German will be my 4th language but it's still very much developing and plans to learn Arabic/Italian following that.  My application is very much an application for Shadowlands. With the Alpha up and the hypetrain going I realize the raiding situation is going to change. I have raided in Wod, Legion and a bit of BFA, but realized BFA raiding sucks. Not because the raids are bad, but because I have an issue with doing certain mandatory preparation for raiding. Don't get me wrong I understand certain tasks are necessary and will do them,  but this expansion killed it for me thanks to monotonous tasks and stupid Azerite gear system. I hope to find a guild to explore shadowland with together and raid this new content. I can understand if this disappoints you, but I hope you will read the enthusiasm in my application and consider it for your Shadowlands roster. Any questions this application might bring I will be happy to answer!


I have played a shdowpriest from the end of WOTLK/beginning of Cata until this point. It has been my main since MoP (my favourite expansion). Over  the years Priest has had a variety of gameplay styles inclusing Dot managing, the dreader mind spike build, the 100 stack S2M club build at the end of WoD and others as well. The main reason I play shadow was that it was my 2nd ever character when I started playing when I was 12 years old, but I have continued to enjoy it mainly because of the classfantasy of being an adgy cultist (Thanks to the tentaclevisuals in Legion) and it's role as a reliable and solid healer, which I off spec from time to time (Holy). My current gear level is 453 (Which I understand to be low for this point in the game). Holy is about 4-5 ilvls lower

Considering the changesmade to the class coming Shadowlands I suspect there to be a reappearance of a certain S2M talent, but when it comes to BFA raiding I have the following ideas of knowing how to play. The stats I go for with my spec is Haste (at least 20%) following that up with as much crit as possible. I try to remain above that 20% haste before anything else. When it comes to rotation I keep my DoTS up at all time and on as much targets as possible. As soon as I enter voidform I start building stacks and drop a shadowfiend as I reach 20 stacks and depending on how full my bar is I pop my Azerite essence (The one that ups insanity generation) when I reach 25. This allows me to reach 40 stacks of Voidform in my opening. My priority is to go back into voidform as quickly as possible as the meat and vegetables of the rotation come in there and it allows for a higher upkeep of damage.


120 mage - Cyande -Terenas
120 Hunter - Silissy - Kazzak

and some more 120's but they're not really relevant lol


Herbalism/Alchemy. Pots and flasks baby! I realise how expensive that stuff is and I'd rather do it myself. I have vial of the sands, but I don't really think that's so special anymore :p. I might have rare recipes, but that would be without my knowledge of their rarity.

Raiding Experience:

I have played a shadowpriest in WoD raiding casually for the first 2 tiers. I started mythic raiding in Hellfire citadel, but barely failed to secure the Cutting Edge Archimonde achievement due to guidlmembers leaving. I did off heal as discipline during farm runs. I have all the WoD AotC achievements although that is only as impressive as the dates i achieved them. During Legion I started raiding as well, but I moved out of my parent's house and didn't raid the first tier. I came back for the 2nd tier and raided Nighthold mythic as well fighting my way up to, I believe it was Tichondrius Mythic, before the release of the next tier. During this raidtier my guild fell apart (more on this in the next paragraph) and I decided to leave raiding for a bit. I raided on and off with some random guilds into BfA, but none really captured my attention as the Resolve guild. That combined with the idiocy which was the Azerite system I lost my interest in raiding considering it was more preparation than actual raiding. I hope to recapture the energy I had during wod and Legion raiding come Shadowlands.

Highmaul 7/7 Hc (AotC) + Kargath Mythic
Blackrock Foundry 10/10 HC (AotC)
Hellfire Citadel 13/13 Mythic (no cutting edge)
EN AotC 7/7
NH 10/10 AotC + 6/10 Mythic
Tomb 9/9 AotC
Antorus AotC thanks to some random guild that my friend invited me to for a couple of runs

BFA basically nothing

Previous Guilds:

The nost notable guild were Tears of the Dragon (WoD) which was my first guild. i didn't leave this one as much as they disbanded and left me standing there. I got in contact with two members of that guild and they invited me to join their new found guild of which the name I cannot remember. We eventually decided to leave that guild since they were stuck on HC Blackhand and were refusing to drop underperforming players. Then we joined the 2nd raidteam of the guild VII. This was also where I met most of my WoW friends. We raided with this guild until Mythic Gorefiend, but decided to split up and make our own guild called "Resolve". We did this considering team one was ahead of us in Progress and we (team 2) never really felt part of the guild. Our raidleader was disrespected by the GM and the team 1raidleader so we decided to call it quits and form our own guild. This guild existed till Mythic Nightold-Tomb of Sargeras. But fell apart due to the stress of recruitment falling on our GM and he couldn't take it anymore. Since then I have been mostly casual. Raiding where I can with guild that I find, but nothing really too amazing has crossed my path since. I saw you guys on wowprogress (liked the name) and checked out the site. I saw an amazing bond of comradery when I read about the guild meet-up and thought that htis might be the guild where I finally re-enter the raiding scene.


I am available every evening of the week, but not 24/7. Considering you run 2 evenings a week I could keep up with that including possible 3 runs with alts or farm/boost runs. My teaching job allows me to have the evenings off and me planning to graduate at the end of 2020 makes my schedule very empty!.


Considering I teach English I better be proficient or else I might have the wrong career. I m up to date with microphones/teamspeak and all that. I have used a manner of different communication apps such as Discord, TS and others (which I cannot remember because they sucked). I can be very vocal when I know am right, but am very much aware that I do not know everything and will listen to someone with more experience.

Computer / Connection:

My computer s a solid gaming computer and one which I have had no issue with until the Coronavirus BS. I do not DC every hour and it's stable for a good 90% of the day. Now with the crisis and internet providers struggling to provide proper service that number has dropped.


I use Exorsus Raid Tools for various reasons. Tracking raid CD's, pulltimer and all that stuff.

I use DBM  to track incoming boss abilities, while I have weakauras to put emphasis on certain more important abilities. I also use weakauras to track certain CD's, but I mostly keep the orignal WoW ui as it still works for me. I don't fix that which needn't fixing. I also use RC loot council, but that's mostly a remnant from a previous guild, although I did experience it as a very fairway to allocate loot.  I try to use as little addons as possible, but am always open for any that might improve my gameplay. I haven't really looked into useful raiding addons for BFa considering I have done so little of it.

I am aware that it looks simple, but I usually only add addons when it is required by the guild that I am in or when I actually feel that I need it. Although I always welcome advice.

Other Games:

Sid Meier's Civ 5/6
An occasional game of League for the necessary salt intake

Why Iron Edge?

Mostly like I said in the guild part of the application. I saw you guys on wowprogress (liked the name) and checked out the site. I saw an amazing bond of comradery when I read about the guild meet-up and thought that htis might be the guild where I finally re-enter the raiding scene. Raiding is an experience that needs to be shared with other people and WoW isn't a game where you can make it on your own.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer you a consistent performance if you allow me the chance to present myself. I am very flexible in adapting myself to the needs of others without causing a detriment to my own experience.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

Although I will understand that you might not consider me for BFA, seeing as how I am lagging behind a lot of your progress. I wouldn't want to be carried nor should you feel obliged to. I want to express my sincere gratitude for you taking the time to read my application and I hope that you see the enthusiasm I have for the game and that you will consider me as part of your guild. I would be happy with a social spot for the remainder of BFAif that meant I could aquaint myself to you all and increase my chances of joining the raiding for Shadowlands. I look forward to any questions you may have for me and will respond as soons as I am able.

Very Kindly,


April 13, 2020, 02:41:42 pm
Reply #1

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS/Healer) - Ranesh (XR)
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 02:41:42 pm »
Hiyo Ranesh,

Sorry for taking so long before replying to you. I really like your application, and I would love to be able to to give you a shot with our raiding team. As you stated you are lagging behind in the gear department and since we've already cleared the majority of the current content it would make sense for you to join up with us when Shadowlands rolls out. You can poke me or any other officer in-game for an invite  :D

Also check out this thread for any information in regards to raiding with us.
"You smell so much nicer when you're awake"

April 15, 2020, 10:24:44 pm
Reply #2

Offline Ranesh

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS/Healer) - Ranesh (XR)
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2020, 10:24:44 pm »
Thankyou! I will. The link to the thread doesn't work however, so maybe look into that :p


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