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 Raider Application - Paladin (DPS/Healer) - Kurgøn

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April 17, 2020, 03:36:09 am
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Raider Application - Paladin (DPS/Healer) - Kurgøn
« on: April 17, 2020, 03:36:09 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Kurgøn
Class/Spec: Paladin (DPS/Healer)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Hello guys, my name is Ramon, I'm 29 years old. I've been playing World of warcraft since I was 14 years old (2004). My very first character was a hunter named darkhunterr, but before lvl 20 I took my Paladin, I called him Bigkillerr and I’m ashamed about it, yes.

I was quite addicted to this beloved drug and had to leave because my parents saw me throwing my life away in Azeroth. I came back for every expansion, but never hardcore. I began architecture and in the fourth year I played PvP in Pandaria. I left the game again because it wasn't interesting anymore and came back for legion. I loved the sacrifice of King of Stormwind and the lore and I joined a russian guild for my first raids as a Paladin healer and got Cutting Edge: Antorus (HC). Had to leave the game again but thanks to that now I'm an architect that has his own business of Dark Kitchens in Spain.

I came back in BFA just to realize that I f***ing love hardcore raiding. I expended hours practising my rotation as a paladin retry and finally got a chance in a world top 300 guild named Attain it. We did Cutting Edge: Jayna Vajayna. Left the game again because my pc broke and couldn't afford another one and found my business in the meanwhile. Now I came back for 8.3 willing to raid again but as a healer, the spec I've always played since my char "Kurgøn" was "Bigkillerr": Healer.

As you can see in my retry logs: I did a decent performance on every boss but Jayna, but then you realize I got a 99 on the healing log and see that I did 30k HPS in the last phase: That tells you 3 things:

1. I know how to use the whole potential of my class.
2. I don't care about my personal achievements as long as we take the boss as a raid.
3. I am a healer that can play dps quite well if needed.

I will keep the rest of my presentation for the next questions if you don't mind guys.

Thanks for reading!


I am a paladin. We played together a lot and we understand each other. I play tank, dps or healer. Never tanked on myth but im sure I will learn it really fast.

As a healer I'm 473 for mastery gear, 472 for long range healing gear and 471 for myth+ gear.

As a DPS, didn't had the chance to play it on 8.3 and healing is so dope I would like to not do it. But if you ask me because the roster need it, I will.

Bitch please, let's go.

So for raid: Mastery>haste>crit>versa (want crit over versa because I like it) with hast and leech. I personally don't like leech because its like... traming HPS, you heal yourself passively but that's only good to make your hps higher. Sadly, I don't have any other better corruption atm. Would like to have my second innefable truth, that would be amazing.

M+ Dungeon: Crit>hast>mast=versa with double twillight.

You want holy shock ALWAYS in CD, you will use CS (crusader strike) only if your holy shock cooldown is higher than 1,5-1,7s, you will use light of dawn in CD if holy shock is on CD. You want to have 8 glimmers always up except if someone is about to die, better overlap one than losing a raid mate.

Casted healings only if holy shock, light of dawn and crusader strike are on cooldown. Light of the martyr is a really really special spell, use it wisely. LoH may be used whenever a teammate is about to die. AM when you are required to, depending on the boss. Sac whenever the tank calls for it. BoF on certain bosses like shagard (the fcking dog) or wrathion, specially the dog, but its true that its not 100% NEEDED if we do the portals thing well. BoP is a good shit, but its almost never used on raid, thats the truth.

Ofc insta dispells on drestagah (the fcking dickhead worm).

Sentence/consacration... well not specially necesary because you are a healer, right? but you want to do all the dmg you can, ofc.

Divine shield and divine protection: so here is the deal. The one is used to help us the healers and the other... for example in Va-Jayna I used to protect my teammates in the intermission: you can see it here. because they died a lot so my work was to soak the tornados. That's my goal as a paladin, serve and protect.

1. you are a climmerdin
3. mastery buff range +50% is so broken and ofc 40 yards healing.
1-3 not a big deal, maybe for caparace you can use 3, since there are adds that may attack you, but that's not probably an issue with a good tank.
1. Devotion aura OFC, no questions about this. MAYBE, just MAYBE, with a second paladin you may use another one if a second AM is not needed.
3. no argument here. ALWAYS 3.
1. always 1.
1 always for raid and for dungeon you maybe want sometimes 3.

FOOD: i use hast or crit food, depends on how much i have of everyone of it.
Flask: intelect.
pots: for prepot you can use the dmg one, but i usually never use pots because intelect is not that good for paladins, if i need more healing i use wings and 200k holy shock makes the rest.


Glimmer x3
heart of darkness/avenger's mighty/light's decree (sadly waiting for my shoulders to have this, but i will take it).

Vision principal (Raid) / formless and crucible for dungeon.
fromless void/conflict/unwavering

I think I said almost everything, but you can ask me if needed.


I'm lvling a monk lvl 22. Got a lot of paladins in oder servers and wwant to lvl a druid too. but you if you want, its the time to tell me any alt you need because I'm up to lvling it.


Alchemist and lvling ingerneering. nothing cool sadly, sorry.

Raiding Experience:

1. Ahead of the curve: Antorus HC
2. Cutting Edge: Va-Jayna Proudmoure. (fcking loved this boss).
3. 7/12 N'yalotha.

That's my weak point, my experience. But its matter of practise, as you can see in my logs the more I play, the best I am: And in my guild atm i entered for beeing an alternate because I was 465 and hadn't the chance of knowing EXACTLY when to pop my burst to heal like a motherfcking beast and never knew their strat because the other healers always were enough for healing. They know im looking for another guild and we are friends now, its just that I don't have a spot there because heals spots are full.

Previous Guilds:

Attain it: world top 320 - Main Raider
Arise: world top 720 - Alternate
¿Iron Edge? Let's go!


I work at home and Im at home because there is a global pandemic, come on guys you know that! (just joking).

I will be 99% of raids avaible. Because you raid monday and thursday and its PERFECT for me.


I think I am. I have it and I can listen.

Computer / Connection:

I7, Geforce 1080 11gb...
600mb internet optic fiber: 38ms on kazzak
150 FPS. Almost never have a problem, nothing I can tell right now.


Photo better:

I use clique, details, Bigwigs, wa, elvui, targeted spells, exorsus, loot council, pawn, method dungeon tools, raiderio, simulationcraft,

Other Games:

LoL, PUBG, AoE II, skyrim, the witcher... but right now only LoL and wow.

Why Iron Edge?

Because I want to be in a place were the raid needs me and were I can progress and help the raid to progress faster. I don't know if you need me guys, that's the truth. but I'm an old school player that wants to improve and be better. I just want to raid. I want to feel again the satisfaction of killing bosses like when i took jayna after 200 trys or 400 i dont remember anymore.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I will be committed, I will heal, I will work with and for the raid. I will help people get gear and do HC over and over again if the raids need it. I will give the loot to the main roster if I'm benched because of my performance. You want to have me in your raid because I'm someone that wants to improve but its realistic with his performance. I will bring ideas, study logs and try new things in order to take down bosses faster.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

WoW progress.

Last Words?

You are a very nice group of people and I would like to join you guys, I can be dps if needed. I will learn whatever I have really really fast, if you don't trust, try me!

April 18, 2020, 02:24:59 pm
Reply #1

Offline Kurgon

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS/Healer) - Kurgøn
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2020, 02:24:59 pm »
I am already preparing with raidbots my best gear for hit the ass up to all this bosses.

April 18, 2020, 07:56:40 pm
Reply #2

Offline Nashor

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS/Healer) - Kurgøn
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2020, 07:56:40 pm »
Hey Kurgon,

I like your application eventhough its a little bit lacking on some topics. The problem is the main raid team is quite stacked on healers.

We also have a weekend raid every sunday 6:30-10:30 ST that could defintely use a good holypaladin. We are currently 5/12M and progressing on Xanesh with this raid. Would you be interested in that?

I do have to add that it isn't a stepping stone, the weekend raid is a raid on its own and unrelated to the mainraid.



April 19, 2020, 01:39:06 pm
Reply #3

Offline Kurgon

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS/Healer) - Kurgøn
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2020, 01:39:06 pm »
Interesting... It would be 6:30PM right? I don't know If I really can commit at that hour on sunday, have to think about it.

Anyway, Im simming 72k dps right now, I think it can be easy that I reach +80k as a ret, if that works for you.

April 24, 2020, 10:54:34 pm
Reply #4

Offline Nashor

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS/Healer) - Kurgøn
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2020, 10:54:34 pm »
hey Kurgon,

Sorry for the late reply but after discussing it with the officers we've decided that there is no room on the Melee/healing team for another paladin.

As you're not interested in the weekend raid you're free to come on as a social, if so you can poke and officer for an invite.

Kind regards,

« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 11:00:26 pm by Nashor »


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