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 Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - Male

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March 06, 2022, 06:27:30 pm
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Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - Male
« on: March 06, 2022, 06:27:30 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Male
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Modestas, 36, London, corporate sector


Won`t bore you with long story, but a few years back I used to raid. Loved every moment, but these days work comitments and crazy working hours won`t allow me to keep balance between game and real life. Still love social aspect of the game, love leveling and gearing alts. Have quite a few of them. My main class used to be resto druid, but moved to enhancement shaman. Love playing any class (except monk and rogue, donno why /shrug shoulders).


Quite a few :) My main side was aliance on Eonar, but moved to horde following my friends.


Nothing special :)

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Used to play resto druid in vanila and TBC. Raided as Shaman in WOTLK, and quit afterwards. Only LFG and sometimes random normal with friends.

Previous Guilds:

Aliance side on Eonar. The DMZ - stil member, love to be there while playiong aliance.


Hard to say, sometimes i could be offline for entirely week, but sometimes could be playing every evening.


Hope so :) Yes, can be on discord if needed.

Computer / Connection:

PC is okayish, no lags.


Not raiding, so only basic interface ones like titan panel,  auctioneer, DBM.

Other Games:

Lost Ark, Diable, LOL.

Why Iron Edge?

Iron Edge has good reputation

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Tried to think about this really hard, but can`t come up with a decent answer to be honest. Only my friendly and positive approach to the game and social aspect.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Friend mentioned and seen Iron Edge guild members around.

Last Words?

Sounds harsh! Just kidding :) I think i have mentioned everything above. I like chilled play, random dungeons and collecting stuff. Don`t like jumping around, so hope to find home in Iron Edge.
Thank you for your time!

March 06, 2022, 07:02:02 pm
Reply #1

Offline Volandas

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Re: Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - Male
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2022, 07:02:02 pm »
Ups, i just noticed taht i have messed up link, apologies!

My main Horde character Volandas:

I used to play Drae on Eonar:

Apologies for this, noobie mistake :)


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