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 Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Critstina (XR)

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March 10, 2022, 07:03:02 am
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Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Critstina (XR)
« on: March 10, 2022, 07:03:02 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Critstina
Server: Tarren-Mill
Class/Spec: Rogue (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

My name is Yaron, im 33 years old and I live in Israel.
I work for a startup called BackBox for almost 8 years as chief architect(programming) and we've recently been purchased by a company in the US.
I'm divorced with no kids, on my second chapter with my new SO and we are trying to get pregnant for almost two years.


Ever since I started playing I always ended up healing but I always had a warm place for a rogue, it was my first character back in vanilla\bc. I used to run around duskwood and kill unsuspecting alliance scum :)))
Having started playing again recently I wanted a top tier dps spec, boosted a rogue and I was going to only run mythic+ until recently, Mortos, a good friend and old guild-mate of mine, asked if I would be interested in joining an amazing group of people that he has been raiding with for who knows how long.
This isn't the first time I was thinking of applying but I wasn't going to apply until I'm certain I can commit. - I'm ready to commit and start raiding again.
Back to the subject:
I've fell in love with subtlety, always having a cooldown, funneling high priority targets, CCing the shit out of annoying trash packs, great mobility and teleporting all over, shrouding, sick AoE, it just does does phenomenal damage and I'm having so much fun!
I wouldn't mind going assassination as well.
Gear level is about the same for both but I prefer subtlety. 258ish

Well, agility is too obvious but I'll mention it anyway be sometimes I would sim myself with higher agi (higher ilvl) but worse stats and get better results.
Agi out of the way, crit and vers are the most useful secondary stats, about the same weight.
lastly, if I really can't avoid them, I go for haste then mastery. While haste can be useful I don't need too much.
Crits apply find weakness which gives 40% armor bypass, YUM!
Vers simply gives a flat out increase in both damage done and healing taken.
Haste will increate dots, energy regen but with talents that reduce the cost I can usually ignore haste. Mastery increases finishers damage, YUM but scales up easy.


I have two, one might be relevant for current content.

Hunter: BM, 250+ish. When I'm sleepy and want to play with 3 buttons or run solo activities - this is da shit.

DK: Blood only, used to love tanking as blood pre shadowlands but with all the mobility issues, since I was only playing mythic+, it became a 'not so welcome' tank to pug with.


Engineering on hunter to skip the green blob frogger in DoS :)
I don't put much effort into professions, there's no excuse, I know, It's on the roadmap.
So far I just buy everything I need on the AH.
Professions aren't what they used to be regarding REAL value imho - but If required I'll level up any profession to max by request.

Raiding Experience:

My raiding experience is as follows: Vanilla – ZG, Onyxia, MC, BwL, AQ, Naxx.
BC – Kara, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK, Hyjal, BT, SWP.
WotLK – Naxx, VoA, EoE, Ulduar, ToC, Onyxia, RS, ICC(12/12HC). Some with Mortos
Cata – BH, BoT, TotFW, BwD, FL, DS(4/8HC – Ranked World 17th on healing as disc, Pre-nerf). With Mortos
MoP – MsV, HoF, ToES, ToT, SoO(Cleared HC and mythic before it became a joke).
WoD - HM cleared on HC.
Quit, came back without a guild for:
Legion - Only pugged Emerald Nightmare and Antorus, maybe some nighthold.
BFA - Uldir, Mogu'shan, SoO, Ny'alotha most cleared on HC.

Previous Guilds:

Back in the day (Vanilla and BC) I was in FlameOn of kazzak. I couldn't handle the schedule so I left, joined Unknown Entity and migrated to Vash'j.
After a while when I had to reduce the time I put into wow, Mortos and a few real life friends formed a guild, I joined, there I think I spent 3 years on a 2 nights raiding schedule. Correct me if I'm wrong Morty :)
When MoP came out most guys took a break, I decided to migrate to Ragnaros where I knew a few guys from real life and joined Solaris for a few months, untill I had to give up even more time for work and school.
Now that I'm a free man I'm looking for a good place to kick it.


I work Sunday - Thursday 9:00AM Realm time :) until around 17:00 realm time.
Usually when there's nothing to do at work I'll run a couple of mythic+. Having my own office rocks.
I don't watch much TV, just binging netflix, no exams, holidays? what are those?

Honestly, I'm online more than I would like to admit.


Work with customers all over the world on a daily basis, english has become native.
Got discord, wife says I'm a good listener, I do have a microphone and I was told I have a sexy radiophonic voice, what ever the hell that is.

Computer / Connection:

Ryzen 5900X
X570 Motherboard
Radeon 6800XT
34 inch Ultrawide 144Mhz monitor
Direct Ethernet cable (fuck wifi) with 500MB stable connection and 60-80 latency on Kazzak.
I use vertical sync and FPS is 'stuck' on 144.
I usually never disconnect.



I like to keep things simple.
However, I got the corsair scimitar mmo with 12 additinal buttons so most of my keybinds are the same button with a modifier like ctrl or shift.

DBM or BigWigs
Method Raid Tools
RSA - spell announcer
HealBot (threat, range check, tricks - easier to click than hover, for me)

Other Games:

What other games?

Why Iron Edge?

I'm looking for a very stable guild with a solid history.
A guild that is able to have fun during raids, joke, make fun of each other and still get bosses down effortlessly.
People that know each other in real life and know how to have fun, but also focus when it counts.
A guild where I will be treated with respect.
I play because I love wow, it's my hobby and habit for many years.
All of which are present as my friend Mortos described to me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

First of all, I'm not afraid to admit I made a mistake.
I have a strong raiding background and willingness to improve my knowledge about my class. I'm able to listen and follow directions given through voice communications and respond if needed. I also have the basic understanding when it is alright to speak up and when to shut up.
I'm a loyal and I search for a long-term home.
I'm very analyticaland tend to constantly assesses my performance in order to improve. I don't need people to hold my hand to get things done.
I'm able to accept constructive criticism and learn from it.
To sum things up: I know how to interrupt on Nefarian, spread on C’thun, dance with Ragnaros and focus DPS on Paragons.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

M O R T O SSSsSsS (eido)

Last Words?

Visiting the UK 4 times a year, I work closely with British Telecom.
If you don't accept my application mortos will send my your addresses.

But seriously now, I'm here for the long run, would love to get a chance and to be a part of Iron Edge.

March 10, 2022, 09:52:46 am
Reply #1

Offline mortos

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Critstina (XR)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2022, 09:52:46 am »
An Old WoW Friend from Wrath and onward.
Though he was our Main Healer at the time he was always good and knew what to do and how

I vouch for him and all (and as you can see he has been prepped :)

March 15, 2022, 09:13:01 pm
Reply #2

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Critstina (XR)
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2022, 09:13:01 pm »
Hi Yaron,

Sorry to keep you waiting. I know Morttos has been harassing me for a response but we spend a bit of time to consider it and have decided to accept you for a trial in the main raid!

You can poke an officer for an invite. You start on Thursday! :D


- Shimmar


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