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 Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jolym

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July 28, 2022, 01:13:44 pm
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Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jolym
« on: July 28, 2022, 01:13:44 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Jolym
Class/Spec: Monk (DPS/Tank)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Stribor 21yold Croatian currently working currently tho waiting college to start in october.


271 ilvl as both WW and BM.I perfer playing WW due to enjoying dps playstyle more then the other 2 tho i can feel in as tank if necessary.

Vers crit as primary stats.
Dps prio is fists>Rsk>Whirling dragon punch>blackcout kick to spend chi and not break mastery if next generator would overcap>Tiger palm>Blackout.


I have every class at 60 around 260-270 ilvl except mage and rog which are more or less naked.


Dont have any.

Raiding Experience:

I played balance druid for Castle nathria and sanctum of domination.Which are my only relevant raiding experiences even if my Sanctum got cut short by breaking an arm.

Previous Guilds:

Ex Gratia. Broke my arm during Sanctum progress and couldnt raid for a couple months after i recovered IRL stuff kept me from activly returning to game and mainting a raiding schedule.


Non that should interfere with evening raiding schedule


Yes i have no issues listening or speaking on discord.

Computer / Connection:

I dont have fps issues.My connection is stable around 75ms tho i should be switching to better internet after moving to college in october. I dont have issues with disconecting hourly


Weak auras+DBM

Other Games:

I try out other MMOs when they come out along with playing league when they have clash. And whatever single player games that catch my eye.

Why Iron Edge?

I am looking for a raiding guild for season 4 since its looking interesting to play 2 day a week gives me time for other things without commiting all my free time to raiding

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A solid and motivated player to put in prep hours and maintain a character+ an alt to raiding standards.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

I am looking forward to hearing from you guys

July 30, 2022, 06:00:36 pm
Reply #1

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jolym
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2022, 06:00:36 pm »
Hi Stribor,

Thanks for applying but unfortunately I don't think we'll be the best choice for you, nor you for us. Good luck on your search!

All the best,



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