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 Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Lexyan (XR)

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December 04, 2022, 03:59:15 am
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Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Lexyan (XR)
« on: December 04, 2022, 03:59:15 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Lexyan
Server: draenor
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Marcel, 19, Austria, School, born on the 7.11.2003, love analytics and gaming,


I play both Arms and Fury, my pref is Fury though. I played it since BFA and have fallen in love with it. If Arms is better on a fight though and it makes a huge difference going i will switch regardless of my pref. Currently both specs are geared at 360 ish

I love fury bc the fast playstyle suits me i love the sound of the spec and the fantasy of wielding 2 big swords on my back

So rn fury is in kind of a strange state. we have like 2 builds for ST one would be to go full raging blow build where you spam raging blow, the other one is a build that focus about BT. We prio Mastery bc we have such a great enrage uptime we also take interest in crit and haste bc most of our CDs are Hasted and the faster we get stuff off CD the faster we get rampages the more enrage uptime we have the more our mastery gets used. Rotation is quiet fun. Opener would look like this: Reck -> Charge (now we have enough rage to cast a rampge which enrages us) -> Rampage -> Avatar -> Ravager -> Spear we want to have Ravager inbetween Avatar and Spear bc Spear has traveltime and we want it to be effected by The 20% dmg inc by Avater. After our Burst our rotation is based on our build for the sake of keeping it short i will describe the one playstyle i pref. It would be to spam Raging blow until we get Rampage, after Rampage we will spend both Chrarges of RA on Crushing blow bc it deals so much dmg this even has prio if we overcap rage. Execute is top prio tho. Whirlwind is our filler but itsnt pressed very often bc we have so many charges of RB

As you can see i can go all day talking about this soec XD iÄm an acitve member of the warrior discord and can be meat there frequently talking about builds answering questions and even a bit of TC


only DKs all of them are 60 by the time of writing this.


I think its Alchemy and Herbalism? yet I'm not sure haven't checked in a long time and have been busy gearing my main ;D yet if required I would learn a prof and lvl it :)

Raiding Experience:

I started playing the game in late BFA and I heared to much about raiding in WoW so i wanted to see it for myself in 9.0 i jumped into normal raid with my Blood Dk and cleared the whole thing with a pug. yet I was afraid to go into HC and tank it. So in 9.1 I lvled a fury warrior geared it and send that guy into HC i fell in love with the class again (also played arms there when it was better than fury) i cleared HC on my warrior with a pug which was very hard bc the tier was very pug unfriendly with Fatescribe and Sylvanas. Yet i managed to kill her, this was also the point where i desided to look for a bigger challenge for the next tier. I wanted to step into mythic so i looked for a guild. at the end i anded with 5/11. Now, here I'm looking for another step up and raid at the highest high end wich you guys.  

Previous Guilds:

So far i have only had like 2 guilds. one I joined at the start of SoF it was a rather chilled guild that did casual raiding. So they only managed to kill 1 boss. I wasnt very happy with this but i started looking way to late for a guild to raid with with also no xp so i didnt know what i expected to be fair. the next guild was a more raid focust guild and we managed to get 5/11 in SoF in Season 4 we manged to get 3/10 in SoD 5/11 in SoF and 8/10 in CN. But again now i seek to step up again.


Always available I study before raid and school ends long before raid even starts during Holidays I stay at home LULW


Yes I'm able to both speak and listen to English fluently, and yes I also have a mic and willing to use it.

Computer / Connection:

I have a giga PC run around 300fps open world and also about 200 in raid no FPS drops. Internet is mostly fine If i have lag its not for long and not rly big around 200 ping. Never had an issue that prevented me from raiding so I'm also good on that end.


For raiding I use Bigwigs although I have a DBM also set up if this is required. I pref Bigwigs bc it forces me to understand the fight and what is going on it doesnt scream at me to run away if i have to run it tells me the mechanic that is coming up and i have to know what it does. this puts more focus on my part and it makes me understand what is going on better. i also use WA3 bc at this point raiding wihout WA is legit not possible but i like WA when i started playing in BFA i used TMW which is kind of WA but also not but it solved the same reason.

My UI:
Notes: I use a Razer Nager so some keybinds are a bit strage, my HP pot is bound to Alt4
If a more detailed screenshot of my UI is required like seeing where my Bigwigs bars are it will be send as soon as i get noticed about it.

Other Games:

actively one WoW. I try to commit myself only to one thing and this is WoW else i mostly play single player games to chill out stuff like. Skyrim, The Witcher 3 and 2. Monsterhunter but i try to stick to singe player games so i can commit to wow every minute not spend playing a differed game is a minute lost that could be worth a lot

Why Iron Edge?

I want to join you bc you are a prepared guild that knows what they are doing. You have a long History of raiding and from what i read you guys know each other really well. The community and social aspect is also big so it never feels empty. You care about your raiders and have a mentality which i agree strongly with. I like to be very specific and just your very specific form shows that you also care deeply about being very perfecting and specific. So I think I would not only fit as a person but as a player as well.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm a chilled guy who doesn't rage even after dying to stupid shit. I take stuff as it is. if i don't get loot that's just how it is there is no need to make drama that said i despite drama and try to avoid it bc nothing good comes from it. If anyone needs anything be it flasks potion or anything else (but a mog mount I don't have that xD) I'm always up for a joke. I'm fun to play keys with and raid with i don't feel offended quick. I try to be positive always no matter the cost 1% of the boss at the end of a night is 1% less :) I watch a lot of twitch and YT so I'm up to date with memes. I'm an active member of the warrior Discord and also read r/competativeWow every day. I talk to my brother a lot about the game who is a HOF raider so I also good lots of knowledge from there. I'm a very eager person which you have probly spotted by my application being legit a book. I try to be the very best I can be. There are no reasons for me not to raid only If I legit cannot, if I have a headache i raid if I'm ill i raid and so on. So far I haven't missed a night of raiding and have a perfect attendance. most of the time i also take part in optional runs way after them being mandatory to help guilds  to get gear fast and make a quick clear with a high char. In general I don't care about logs on prog bc I can log on the rekill. I can take responsibility for mechanics and not just be a braindead person when I get the mechanic. If I do not understand something I will ask in advance and not during the pull (ofc if its mandatory bc we haven't spoken about it or I'm legit unclear i will ask but I pref to ask questions before a pull bc during a pull it gets messy) I prepare myself very long and through a lot of sources like videos and logs, I also watch streams like the RTWF or just in general streamers. also I talk a lot with my brother about it and look what he and his guild does. I don't like giving up and be like yea we wiped 10 times I'm mad now. If we wipe 10 times we wipe 10 times I will still put the same focus and hope in as the 10 pulls before. If there is a problem with a mechanic i try to help by giving input and feedback. I don't hesitate to talk if i think there is a better method of doing sth.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

WoWprog, WoWforums.

Last Words?

Yea, I thank you for reading my app. I know its a lot but i take it seriously. By checking the screenshot you can see that it took me almost one hour to write this all together XD. I know my raiding xp might not be a 10 year Veteran, but I know I have what it takes to be a CE raider and raid with you guys.

again I would like to thank you for reading this and I hope I will hear from you guys soon and preferable on a positive outcome and on dc :) and pls don't be mad I don't know the name of the person who the dog belongs to bc i have written this app for the past hour :(  

December 06, 2022, 11:09:58 pm
Reply #1

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Lexyan (XR)
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2022, 11:09:58 pm »
Hi Marcel,

We're no longer offering a trial to you.

Good luck in Dragonflight
« Last Edit: December 09, 2022, 07:58:57 pm by Shimmar »


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