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 Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palamario (XR)

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September 28, 2023, 07:41:06 pm
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Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palamario (XR)
« on: September 28, 2023, 07:41:06 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Palamario
Server: Mograine
Class/Spec: Paladin (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Marios, 32, Greek but living in Germany for about a year now, working Monday to Friday 7:00-15:00 and attending a language school to learn german on Mondays and Wednesdays 18:00-20:30.


At the moment I'm playing ret Paladin because i find it fun, it's strong and useful in raids and i can also play it with my friends, be it pvp or dungeon spamming. I've been playing wow since 2006 and i've played almost all classes but i find paladin to be the most fun for me.

5513 gs, 50/50, alga and yogg 0 xp/My logs:


I have lvl 80 hunter(sv & mm), 2nd paladin(holy), shaman(resto), mage(fire) / lvl 70 druid, rogue, warr.

hunter 5299 gs logs:

hpala 5359 gs logs:


Engineering & Enchanting & Cooking on my Ret Paladin
Engineering & Mining on my Holy Paladin
Engineering & Jewelcrafting & Cooking on my Hunter
Mining & Enchanting on shammy with lots of tbc recipes.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I've been raiding on & off since 2006 and have experienced most raids. Progressed in Ny'alotha and Vault of the Incarnates in mythic difficulty.
Big fan of pvp, with Arena Master tittle on retail. MoP and Shadowlands weapon enchants.
Also Rbg experiance at 1800+ and lust for Cata classic :)
Wotlk classic 2.2k+ preg/dk 2v2 & 2k+ hpala/hunter/dk 3v3.
Always playing and enjoying pvp with IRL friends and not trying to push/tryhard for it.

Previous Guilds:

Latest guild Randøms: Casual Guild / disbanded.
Lootgains: Semi hc Guild / joined late and there was no spot for my ret. Did my first yogg 0 and 5/5 togc with them on my hunter though.
Gehennas Refugees: played whole ph1 with them, where i met Vnvnv. Disbanded after ph1.
Tribe(bloodfang)/how to create a triangle(firemaw): Played with them the whole of tbc classic, even through server change. Cleared all content when it was relevant and prenerfed. Disbanded end of tbc cause firemaw became ally only server.


working in the morning 7:00-15:00 but that doesn's stop from being able to stay late if a raid calls for it.
German lessons every Monday and Wednesday 18:00-20:30 untill 18/12 at least.

19/12-13/01 christmas vacation in greece visiting family. Can find a pc to attend raids if needed.


Yes, english is no problem for me. I have done studies and use it in my work as well.
I have discord where i can listen and be vocal when needed.

Computer / Connection:

Pc that can run wotlk classic on ultra with no fps drops. Playing with 20ms everyday with no lag/dc issues.


Using all raid appropiate addons & WeakAuras to make my gameplay clean and smooth.

Ui Screenshot:

I like to keep my UI clean and as close to the original as possible so i can play from diff PCs without too much effort.

Other Games:

I like to play fps games like CoD, BF and Overwatch.
Also adventure/story games like Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Gears of War etc.
Used to also play Hearthstone where i achieved Legend Rank with mulitple different decks.

Why Iron Edge?

Since my last guild disbanded i've been looking for a new home, somewhere i can enjoy a nice, friendly raiding atmosphere while also performing and clearing content on a high level. Your guild has been around a long time and i'm hoping i can be a part of it so we can experiance ICC and hopefully cata in the future together.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'd say my best characteristic is loyalty. I will always be there, through good and bad, easy or hard, performing my best without causing problems/drama.
I'm also patient and fair and always like to research my class/spec to stay up to date and be a top performer on every tier.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Vnvnv raided with you and proposed i should apply as he thought we will be a good match.

Last Words?

Thank you for the chance to apply.

September 29, 2023, 09:38:20 pm
Reply #1

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palamario (XR)
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2023, 09:38:20 pm »
Hello Palamario,

thanks for your application, we'd love for you to join the raid. You can poke me or another officer ingame or on discord for an invite. Welcome!


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