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 Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Ripjoerogan (XR)

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May 02, 2024, 05:36:24 pm
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Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Ripjoerogan
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Death Knight (Tank)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Hello, my name is Daniel Watkins I am 45 years young, and I now live in Sweden (British native). I am retired but I still do photography as a Hobbie that I also get paid for sometimes. I started skateboarding when I was 5 and spend most of my spare time trying to still do it.


I am playing Blood DK, I enjoy tanking a lot and I find with Cataclysm talents and changes it to be a lot more fun than the WOTLK version.


Just my Paladin at level 55 which I made to unlock the Death Knight class.


Mining and Blacksmithing - I took these mostly for the extra sockets for Mastery stacking and since this is a new account too make some gold from mining.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I have played WoW since the original Alpha and I have cleared all raids up to the end of MOP and I have been a 5 time Glad (season 1,3,4,5, and 6) as a Resto/Ele Shaman.

Previous Guilds:

Old school Inner Sanctum on Alliance EU Silvermoon who I left to join SK Gaming on Horde and then back to Inner Sanctum after they disbanded (many, many moons ago).


Available most days and pretty much every time I play is a lengthy session.


I am English have Discord and I can talk and listen.

Computer / Connection:

I have a decent rig and 1000mb connection. I do have the odd random PC restart but it's pretty rare.


I use ELVUI and Weak Auras mostly just because I like the way ELV looks straight out of the box. I use Weak Auras for various things from Bone Shield charges to debuffs and so on.

Other Games:

I used to play a lot of Overwatch at a high level, I was a GM Lucio back in Overwatch 1. Other than that, anything open world/RPG/Die in 1 hit games I play from Far Cry to Elden Ring.

Why Iron Edge?

I saw Hemoroids advertise in general chat and saw the '19 year old' guild line and thought that's pretty cool these days. I saw the photos on the web page and you seem like a mature bunch of folks and overall thats all I want, just a friendly mature guild.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Reliability as a social might not be thought of as important but I still try to play as best I can and I am always up for heroic spams and alt raids, whatever really if I am online, I am down. I think I am a pretty nice guy, I cause no drama, I just want to play the game everything else is not really my business. Always happy to have a banter about the game, Skateboarding, Cameras, and I am a UFC nerd.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Trade spam.

Last Words?

So, maybe a little long winded but I will try to keep it short and sweet.

I played WoW as hardcore as could be for many years all the way through till the end of MOP. I had an accident in real life that left me in a coma and pretty much wrecked me, for a long time I could do nothing. I had to learn to walk again, talk properly every basic thing I had to learn to do again. WoW just died away I couldn't play any games even though I wanted I knew it would be a bad thing to just be fucked up and do nothing but try and play a game. I sold all of my accounts and just cut ties with the game.

After a while I slowy got back to being as normal as I could and started playing with some old friends very casually, I never did anything much to talk about but I was having fun, my ability to play retail was greatly diminished as I have permeant nerve damage in my arm so having to try and do more and more complex rotations and bosses becoming more and more about movement I just started to lose interest as I couldn't physically keep up and when I could fatigue would hit and then it was game over.

For me MOP was the most I have enjoyed this game but I really did enjoy Cataclysm back in the day so I thought I would just play casually and see how I got on and fingers crossed we get MOP. I made a new account last week levelled a Pally to unlock Death Knights and then just got 80 on that and started with my professions. I found I really enjoyed it, and the most important thing was I never really got fatigued as the rotations and mechanics are fairly simple and I am able to keep up, I still have a break every now and then, but I feel fine. Still rusty but It's fun to learn again for sure.

So, there I am in Dalaran smelting 6 million thorium bars and I see the guild advertisement and here we are :)

May 02, 2024, 09:50:34 pm
Reply #1

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Ripjoerogan (XR)
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2024, 09:50:34 pm »
Hey Daniel!

Thanks for applying and putting in an insightful application! Quite the story and journey you've been on.
We have a spot for a tank open currently so you've picked the right time to apply.

We'll be back to you with a decision soon enough, but in the meantime keep an eye on the application thread for any questions others might have.

Speak soon!

May 03, 2024, 07:53:58 pm
Reply #2

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Ripjoerogan (XR)
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2024, 07:53:58 pm »
Hey Daniel,

We are happy to offer you a spot for the Cata raid. We're aiming for a 25-man roster so if you're happy with that, you can poke someone for an invite and join discord.


May 03, 2024, 09:12:25 pm
Reply #3

Offline Ripjoerogan

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Re: Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Ripjoerogan (XR)
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2024, 09:12:25 pm »
Aww that's great! Thanks a lot!


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