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 Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Secio (XR)

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June 08, 2024, 01:23:00 pm
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Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Secio (XR)
« on: June 08, 2024, 01:23:00 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Secio
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Paladin (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Ali, 24, Turkey, I was studying Russian Language and Literature at University but quit.


Paladin, Retribution.
I'm normally Druid and Paladin enjoyer main. I main tanked whole TBC until SWP as Guardian Druid -
I played this paladin as ''holy'' in WOTLK a bit but WOTLK was not for me then I quit -
Wanted to play this paladin Retribution this time for both PvE and I have some PvP intent too.


Don't have any alts at the moment, I didn't played in pre-patch so I started late a bit but I'm thinking to make one when I can afford professions.


Engi + will either pick bs/jc/tailoring, deciding at the moment then I'll max one of them.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Don't have any PvP experience before but I hope this expansion will be first for it.
WOTLK Holy Paladin -
TBC Guardian Druid -

Previous Guilds:

Unit, Luminous from Firemaw
Illyrians from Gehennas


I'm unemployed at the moment so usually free, depends of work if I can find one.



Computer / Connection:

Everything is cool.


All basic things;
FojjiCore (for WA's)
WeakAuras and some accessory addons like TacoTip, Bagnon etc.

Other Games:

Darkest Dungeon sometimes.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to play in a competitive environment to improve my gameplay and I thought I can learn a lot in Iron Edge.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm trying to push my gameplay higher all the time and open for criticism so I can offer increasing performance from start to end.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Gehennas Discord.

Last Words?

I played some other versions of World of Warcraft too, SOD -
Tried Dragonflight, cleared HC raids with different specs and decided to not to play, I pushed m+ to +21-22 with 3 different spec as VDH/Holy Paladin/Arms Warrior
I'm not saying these things for ''I'm a good player'' since these sentences are not proof for it, I just tried to adapt different versions of this game and perform, I learned and did at some point, and now playing Cataclysm first time, everything is kinda new for me since I didn't played WOTLK, didn't keep up with the game last 2 year much, because of this I want to play some competitive and knit community to learn, improve and push each other, criticise and do better.


Iron Edge Discord


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