Hello, Iron Edge!
I am applying for the main raid.
Character: Nzeki
Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/Kazzak/NzekiClass/Spec: Mage (DPS/Healer)
Member Type: Raider
Personal Info:Name: Dec
Most wow friends know me as: Zeki
Age: 29 (30 in 2 weeks

Location: Yorkshire, UK
Work: Audio programming in games
Class/Spec:This tier I'm playing fire, they finally made SKB worse so the spec is enjoyable again. I usually play one of Fire/Frost, Arms/Fury, WW, Resto druid. Gear is pretty woeful, I am coming back to the game after a break, but since it is the start of a season it shouldn't take too long to catch up.
Stats for fire are haste/mastery/vers, I miss when it used to be crit (bring back emerald nightmare fire). Rotation is mostly combustion-centric and maintenence in between, pooling for next combust etc.
Alts:Serephena - Warrior - 80
Zekíí - Monk - 80
Newkeproof - Priest - 80
Zekisham - Sham - 80
Zekiithree - Druid - 80
Professions:Not generally my thing but I've got decent blacksmithing and leatherworking on alts.
Raiding Experience:I've been everywhere from casual to top 500ish, have got CE playing as healer and melee (but often I have to switch classes halfway through a raid to fill holes). I've been officer, co and main raidlead, backup tank, regular raider and 'that guy'.
Previous Guilds:TWW
Depresso Expresso - Bad management and burnout
Project potatoes (and others) - Work got too much so stepped away from the game
Welcome - Didn't feel like a great social fit
Quite a few others over the last 15 or so years
Availability:Evenings generally from 6:00 UK onwards .
Sometimes I have crunch at work and will have to request some flexibility, but not that often.
Communication:Native english speaker, yes and yes.
Computer / Connection:3070/11900k
sometimes but its usually drops to 30 on pull
it's not amazing speed but it's good enough for wow
Addons/UI:Weakauras, Elvui, Bigwigs, RCLC, Details (pretty obvious)
ERT - Notes and timers
Bugsack + Buggrabber - I write a lot of my own weakauras, these are essential for debugging
Gnosis - Castbar replacement
Plater - Scripting on nameplates is handy
TrueStatValues - Lets you know how much you are losing to DR
Other Games:POE, LoL, Elden ring, a lot of stuff for work
Why Iron Edge?The guild seems like an established reliable raiding environment, and I'm looking for a late CE guild where I can hang out with people, make friends and raid without too much stress.
What can I offer Iron Edge?Raiding experience, weakaura writing and reliability.
Where did I hear about Iron Edge?Wowprogress
Last Words?The button for 'Apply to the Main Raid' leads to a form that reads 'Casual Raid', just to be clear I'm applying for main raid.
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Battle.net? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)