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 The silly bastard who used to ninjah accounts until i got my own! Vorte! 'lock!

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March 20, 2007, 03:07:17 pm
Reply #15

Offline Goza

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Hit rating 96 = 7,61% to hit, thats already including one +hit item (Sash of Serpentra) that lowers my +dmg slightly, got another (Ritual Horns) which I don't use much anymore thou.

March 20, 2007, 03:13:10 pm
Reply #16

Offline Vorte

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I know that my mage has about 130, and has not reached the +hitrating cap yet. Think some lock had 160 hit rating, and still he got resists, but not often tho. My point was however, that farming 5 mans(which i love to do) combined with the scryer's bloodgem, i might be able to skip suppression, just a thought anyway :p
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

March 20, 2007, 03:22:20 pm
Reply #17

Offline Kelrathos

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But the massive amount of +hit will mean you take a hit (drummm tsSCHH) on your +dmg, which is paramount if affliction specced, as I understand it. I'm not a lock though, so I could be talking out my ass :)
Übercasualness Extraordinaire.

March 20, 2007, 03:30:04 pm
Reply #18

Offline Vorte

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You do have a point( i think :P )

But what i ment isnt that i will abandon spell damage for +hit, nonono, that's not my way of playing:P

What i ment is that i will be getting stuff which has a solid chunk of both, and some stam ofc.

In order of what im looking for on a piece of armor from a lock POV is; +damage, hit, stam, crit, int, penetration(i just don't believe in it:p )
Swop hit and crit and you got what i had when playing a mage.
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

March 20, 2007, 03:48:06 pm
Reply #19

Offline Kelrathos

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Of course you're not abandoning damage completely, but no matter what, the +hit on an item is taking up itempoints, which could be distributed to +dmg or stam (if there actually is a corresponding item somewhere that has that, of course!). I just think that when you have a great filler talent that makes you free to *not* need the +hit (or need it to a lesser extent), why not take it :)

Instead of imp. lifetap (I mean, you have DP!), and maybe also the 1 point in soul siphon (which seems to me to only be effective in a 25-man raid situation, even more so with only 1 point in it), do suppression!

Again though, I only have a lvl 15 lock, so I'm not exactly in a position of experience. I'm a pewpewlazor like you were ;)
Übercasualness Extraordinaire.

March 20, 2007, 03:55:48 pm
Reply #20

Offline Vorte

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The filler is great, no doubt. I will find out whether i need it or not at 70  :P

Most likely i do, but gotta try! :D
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

March 21, 2007, 06:42:58 pm
Reply #21


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Lolol late reply.

+hit is a key stat, You want 16%, More or less impossible with gear alone, Suppresion is the key to achieving this, leaving it out is just plain stupid.

Your ideal build is a bit odd in some places, One in Soul Siphon? The 2/2 Talent is a huge upgrade...
0 Suppresion, Read above.
Fel Intellect, you have Dark Pact, You will never need more than a 3k mana pool tbh...

except for these, It's identical to my build more or less, except I have 1 in Demonology, and 49 in Affliction.

More to the point, I could invite him if he's positive he'll stay on this warlock, and not decide to reroll a priest or something :p


March 21, 2007, 06:58:19 pm
Reply #22

Offline Vorte

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Priest's aren't pewpew, and i hate em. No worries:P
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

March 26, 2007, 02:25:54 pm
Reply #23

Offline Grilldyret

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On my warlock, I prefer having the succubus out since she can slap things pretty hard as well as give me mana.

Anyway, Vorte has my vote! I need his chocolate
Ah, if he was a girl he would be my girlfriend! xD

Nevermind the compliments, he got in anyway.
Damn germany...
« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 02:30:16 pm by Grilldyret »

March 26, 2007, 04:02:04 pm
Reply #24

Offline Smorisha

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DR Grilly on a tour? Some doctor seminar there or? :)

March 26, 2007, 07:03:35 pm
Reply #25

Offline Grilldyret

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Well, you could put it that way. I got to examine some nice stuff.

March 26, 2007, 10:44:01 pm
Reply #26

Offline Archz

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Pfff lies and slander.
You got wasted every second day  :P

March 26, 2007, 10:48:25 pm
Reply #27

Offline Ahkailon

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We did not!

DR Grill tried to examine me in my bed... Not sharing room with him again  :-\


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