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 [Paladin] Inphyy

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January 19, 2007, 08:42:53 pm
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Offline Inphyy

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[Paladin] Inphyy
« on: January 19, 2007, 08:42:53 pm »
Greetings Iron Edge'rs,

During my leveling I got in touch with one of your members, who was like me, leveling his paladin. After some conversations he directed me to this forum to post an application in hope I can be of help for Iron Edge.

Personal Information
My name is Alex Janssen, I'm 20 years old and I come from a little country called the Netherlands. I'm currently unemployed and I'm currently waiting to go to university in september. I spend mostly all my hours of the day playing WoW, nothing is stopping me apart from biobreaks and a good rest.

Character Information
My current gear and the gear I get while leveling is not worth mentioning, which is the same for attunements and resistance gear.

WoW History
I have been playing WoW since the EU open beta, started as a priest in retail but rerolled to a warrior later on. When I missed the first migration wave from Burning Legion to Magtheridon I rerolled on Magtheridon, to be able to play with my friends again. I rolled a rogue, which had been my main untill last week. Got into a guild which was pretty much on it's way into clearing naxxramas untill  people started slacking because BC was coming. The guild went inactive and everyone started rerolling alts or stopped playing, like some friends of mine.
Now that many of my friends don't play the game anymore I found it was time to make a new start on another realm. I choose Dunemaul because some other friends migrated here  and asked me to start here.

Why I want to join Iron Edge
I had little knowledge of the guilds that are on Dunemaul, I was planning to level to 70 and then find a decent guild to take me in, but the process seems to have been speeded up. I got told to make an application for Iron Edge from a member of yours who seemed interessted into me being a part of the community, and so I did.
The reason I want to join is because I would like to explore endgame content and have fun while doing that. I got told Iron Edge is a good organized guild with a good perspective on the awaiting content.

What I can offer
I can offer a dedicated player who's willing to push the limits of my class and the game. I'll be one of the first paladins to hit 70 and I'll do my best gathering gear in the progress, while being of help to others.

Things I have to add
I would like to add that I will be leveling with the spec that works the best, and will respec once it's needed to whatever spec is wanted from me (this will surely consist of full holy, or a holy/prot hybrid).
Example of a viable Holy spec, with a few points in protection.
The talent points which I had left I put in protection, this will make me being able to tank for a wee bit in certain situations. If I'm not getting convinced of there being a better raid spec, then I'll surely use this.

That'll be all!


« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 05:32:37 am by Inphyy »

January 19, 2007, 08:50:15 pm
Reply #1

Offline Valand

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Re: [Paladin] Inphyy
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 08:50:15 pm »
This guy is great, fun to quest with always there with suggestions about items / areas. He would be a great addition to the paladin force.

He will be the first paladin to 60 as I'm off to work next week so I can't hold the lead.

January 19, 2007, 09:44:52 pm
Reply #2

Offline Noble

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Re: [Paladin] Inphyy
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2007, 09:44:52 pm »
Noble likes him!

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