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 Entranze - Feral Druid

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June 24, 2007, 01:56:43 pm
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Offline Entranze

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Entranze - Feral Druid
« on: June 24, 2007, 01:56:43 pm »
Greeting all Iron Edgers (and probably a lot of unguilded people wanting to join)

Personal Information

I’m Entranze, a Tauren feral Druid -  Specced 0/44/17 PvE Specc
In something people call real life my name is Vegard. I live in the western part of Norway.
I’m 16 years old, and while that may seem quite young to a lot of people, I can be as mature as any adult while keeping that young touch of common sense and humour!

IRL I don’t really do much, mostly I spend my time in front of the computer. When not playing I’m mostly driving around on my (beloved) ATV with some friends and such.

Character Information

Level 70 Tauren Druid
Played time is 68 days, 30 of those at level 70

Gear is coming here:

Tanking gear
[wowitem]Stag-helm of malorne[/wowitem] with Keepers of Time enchant – and 4 hit/4agi + 18stamina/5% stun resist
[wowitem]Barbed Choker of Discipline[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Mantle of Malorne[/wowitem] with Scryer Exalted Tanking enchant – 2x 12 stamina gems
[wowitem]Thoriumweave cloak[/wowitem] with 12 agility enchant
[wowitem]Heavy clefthoof Vest[/wowitem] with 6 on all stats enchant – 3x 12 stamina gems
[wowitem]Umberhowl's Collar[/wowitem] with 4 on all stats enchant
[wowitem]Gauntlets of Malorne[/wowitem] with 8 stamina Leatherworking enchant on it, going to get 15 agility whenever I find an online enchanter for it
[wowitem]Belt of the Raven Lord[/wowitem] with 5 strength/6 stamina and 12 stamina gems
[wowitem]Heavy Clefthoof Leggings[/wowitem] with Nethercleft Leg armor enchant – and 3x 12 stamina gems
[wowitem]Heavy Clefthoof Boots[/wowitem] with 12 stamina enhant – 2x 12 stamina gems
[wowitem]Violet Signet of the great Protector[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Ring of Unyielding Force[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Commander's Badge[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Wildfury Greatstaff[/wowitem] with 35 agility enchant
[wowitem]Idol of the Wild[/wowitem]

DPS gear
[wowitem]Stag-helm of malorne[/wowitem] with Keepers of Time enchant – and 4 hit/4agi + 18stamina/5% stun resist
[wowitem]Mithril Chain of Heroism[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Mantle of Malorne[/wowitem] with Scryer Exalted Tanking enchant – 2x 12 stamina gems. Either that or:
[wowitem]Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless[/wowitem] with Scryer Exalted DPS enchant –  2x 3 hit/3 agility gems
[wowitem]Farstrider Wildercloak[/wowitem] going to get 12 agility on it, but want the cloak from Mechanar >-<
[wowitem]Chestguard of the Conniver[/wowitem] with 6 on all stats enchant
[wowitem]Umberhowl's Collar[/wowitem] with 4 on all stats enchant
[wowitem]Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation[/wowitem] with 15 strength enchant – 6 agility and 3 agility/4 stamina gems
[wowitem]Dunewind Sash[/wowitem] with 6 strength and 3 agility/4 stamina gems
[wowitem]Skulker's Greaves[/wowitem] with clefthide leg armor – 6 strength and 6 agility and 3 agility/4 stamina gems
[wowitem]Edgewalker Longboots[/wowitem] with 8 stamina Leatherworking enchant (going to get 12 agility) – 6 agility and 3 hit rating/3 agility gems
[wowitem]A'dal's Command[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Shapeshifter's signet[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Core of Ar'kelos[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Bladefist's Breadth[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Terestian's Stranglestaff[/wowitem] with 35 agility enchant
[wowitem]Idol of the Wild[/wowitem]

I also have [wowitem]Greaves of Malorne[/wowitem] with clefthide leg armor enchant

As you can see from my DPS gear, I was in need of stamina when enchanting and socketing it. As well as I was unlucky on BM/Karazhan/Hydross drops for trinket and ring.

For the Hydross fight I have 149 nature resistance and 123 frost resistance, going to get some more since Starbrow wants 200 of each for it. When killing hydross before, it has been more than sufficient, but will go get some more. It only consists of TBC greens which is better than the Naxxramas leather frost resistance gear, and the epic nature resist ring from Violet Eye + Seal of Ascension (UBRS key).

My favourite and raiding specc is Feral, as stated to some persons before, I will rather reroll than respecc(resto)! I sometimes respecc Doomkin for some fun in PVP but that will not affect raiding at all.

Karazhan - Done!
The Eye - Done!
Serpentshire Cavern - Done!
The Black Temple - Have quest
Mount Hyjal - Have quest
Nightbane summoning quest - I only have the part to kill him left

Sha'tar - Exalted
Cenarion expedition - Exalted
Lower City - Exalted
Thrallmar - Exalted
Keepers of Time - Revered
The Scryers - Exalted

My professions are 370 Enchanting and 375 Mining

Raid Times:
I can most likely raid every day of the week, I have no things I do every week. I just take it as it comes.

Monday – Friday: 17.00 – 24.00 (12.00 – 01.00 in the summer)
Saturday: Depends what I do, most likely 15.00 – 01.00
Sunday – Depends what I do, most likely 14.00 – 24.00 (14.00 – 01.00 in the summer)

Due to my rather young age I haven’t got much time to explore the world of online gaming. I have been into several different games throughout my life.

I can just say that from the very moment I started play my first game, think it was Dungeon Keepers, I was addicted to computers! From there by older brother has introduced me to Counter-Strike 1.3 and 1.5. I discovered Counter-Strike 1.6 and Condition Zero through my friends. I Also Played a lot(!) of Warcraft 3, not that much online though.

One of my friends (Limpi) got me to start with WoW later in 2005. I don’t regret starting, WoW has been a great pleasure in my life and has given me a lot of new friends (and probably some people that don’t like me).

I first started a Troll mage in the start of June 2006. i got it to level 10 and then started a Druid because I liked the lore, Protectors of Nature was something I liked, and from there I got both to 30 where I made the choice of leaving behind my mage and continuing on my Druid. I got level 60 only 3 months before The Burning Crusade was released, so my pre-tbc experience is limited to ZG only.

I’m a perfectionist by nature and was first to 70 in my local area, first to raid in TBC, first to get T4 and such. From there I come into why I want to be with Iron Edge.

Previous guilds
The only proper raiding guild I have been in is Cold Blooded. I left because I don’t feel like I fit in, feeling either too young or too old for them some times. It was a fun time, but somehow I couldn’t manage the sense of humour they had, and it came up to several argues and such. I have though of leaving earlier but I’m a forgiving person. I finally got to the decision when Starbrow offered me a trial (I have to write an application though) and thereby trying to start on a new floor here.

Why do I want to join Iron Edge?
From previous experience I know you are very good, possibly the best on Dunemaul (leaving out Fate, AFGM and those guilds that migrated away before I even started playing. I have also gone several instances with members of your guild and I know you are an experienced and friendly guild. From several both misunderstandings and instances I have got to know a few of your members pretty good. After a conversation with Starbrow, I decided to give it a shot and make an application.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
I can offer a friendly, very helpful, fat and  furry tank which is always ready for something. Whether it comes to raiding I always have my flasks and pots ready. Instances/heroics? I’m ready to tank and spank. But for those that want to see a furball entering your guild, I have to disappoint you, I wont be a furball all the time since Delling demands me to be in Innervate form to Innervate him!

Last Words!
Yes I do value stamina a lot since it scales so well with talents and spells. It has saved me plenty of times before, and I guess it will do so further on (and yes Starbrow, I will get more dodge)
Entranze gives Delling a big bear hug!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 02:19:00 pm by Entranze »

June 24, 2007, 02:14:16 pm
Reply #1

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2007, 02:14:16 pm »
First off, good application, nice to see that you read the instruction topics as advised :)

I've been talking to Entranze for a little while now, and consider him one of the top ferals of the realm at the moment. So far I enjoy his dedication to our class and spec, and I like that he knows his way around our mechanics. When I poked him the other day for a potential recruiting I had no idea that he had any interest in doing so, but I can't say that I'm unhappy that he wishes to try out for us.

If I have my way, I'm looking forward to several more long discussions about what proper items (and gems in particular) are for us :P
Feral, a class of its own.


June 24, 2007, 02:21:42 pm
Reply #2

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2007, 02:21:42 pm »
I made the choice of leaving behind my mage and continuing on my Druid.


GL :)


June 24, 2007, 02:24:06 pm
Reply #3

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2007, 02:24:06 pm »
awesome application. gl :)

June 24, 2007, 02:35:35 pm
Reply #4

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2007, 02:35:35 pm »
Entranze! I got to know this guy through some heroic instances, and I must say, they\ve never been easier to heal<3
After a while I found out that he only lives like.. 2 hours away from me with a car, which is kinda cool. (2 hours in a car is nothing in norway) Anyway, this guy is imo the perfect material to fill whatever tanking position he's needed in, he's dedicated, skilled, has the gear and he's an awesome guy altogether. You have my support mate, good luck!

June 24, 2007, 03:54:12 pm
Reply #5

Offline Bombardi

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2007, 03:54:12 pm »
now that is what a good application!!!11!!! ;D

If only applications alone could get you in the guild!  :D

June 24, 2007, 06:39:32 pm
Reply #6

Offline endre

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2007, 06:39:32 pm »
this nabb here knows just aboute all there is to know aboute wow.. He is a really nice and easy guy to get along with.  good stuff..
/they dont calll me the man for nothing keikei

June 24, 2007, 09:54:01 pm
Reply #7

Offline Smorisha

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2007, 09:54:01 pm »
Due to not knowing him for a long time I can only share my opinion from his first IE raid. Good tanking and overall playstyle, big plus is that he showed good on very tough encounter (Lady Vashj). I believe that he can fit well into IE raiding machinery.

I wish u best of luck during your trial!

June 24, 2007, 10:21:02 pm
Reply #8

Offline delling

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Re: Entranze - Feral Druid
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2007, 10:21:02 pm »
Agree, did well today.

Communicates well.

Let's see if we can follow it up with a kill tomorrow :)
Now I run a tech website.


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