Class and RaceRogue, Undead
Profile have other items I can replace to improve certain stats, such as AP, Hit, HP etc. This however is my normal dps gear.
ProfessionsHerbalism 375 Alchemy 375
AttunementsAttuned to all heroics, Karazhan, Serpentshrine Cavern, The Eye.
ExperienceFull MC, BWL, AQ, Naxxramas (Kel'Thuzard to 30%), Karazhan, Serpentshrine (few tries on Vashj, all bosses before that (except Leotheras)), Gruul, Magtheridon, Kazzak, Doomwalker. Killed Void Reaver and tried Al'ar.
Personal informationHi there!
My name is Per, and I'm 22 years old. I live in Umeå, Sweden, and I am studying law and hoping to become a lawyer or something. I will start studying again this autumn, after the summer break. During my freetime I like to play games, especially Blizzard games.
In my previous guilds, we have raided mon-thur 19:00-23:30+ and sun 14:00-23:30+ and numerous hours of farming during daytime. Depending on studies and homework, I think my available playtime will fit the Iron Edge schedule. I might however have to take a few days off before exams to study etc.
WOW HistoryI have played wow since US beta. Once wow went live in US, me and some friends (Brother to name one of them) started playing on the server Gorefiend, and ended up in Sinister ( and played with them until EU went live. Sadly we left Sinister for EU-version the same day we were to set our first feet into Molten Core, so I felt I missed out on some early experience. That's not something I regret though, as playing on US was very demanding - raid times could be around 01-05 in the morning.
When me and my friends (from Sinister) came to EU live, we started up the guild Ravenous ( on Dunemaul, and we became quite successful, being the lead guild on the server up until Ragnaros. Once we got to Ragnaros, we got beaten by another rivaling horde-guild - A Few Good Men.
As we started doing BWL, we ran into some serious internal issues that had been underlying for a very long time, and it lead to many people leaving the guild to join A Few Good Men - including me. During AQ, we (AFGM) decided to mass-migrate to Tarren Mill, as Dunemaul became unbarably laggy.
A Few Good Men ( has been the guild that I've played with up until very recently, and is the guild I refer to as my "homeguild". We have successfully cleared BWL, AQ, done Naxxramas up to Kel'Thuzard (30%, we stopped due to christmas holidays and upcoming TBC).
When TBC came, we had major revamps to the guild, as the guildleader had to leave for studies and various people decided to quit the game. We started recruiting alot, but as Tarren Mill is not a server full of good players, we had to rely on cross-realm applications, which we didn't get too many of. We managed to clear Gruul, Magtheridon, Karazhan, and did Hydross in SSC. Also did 2-3 tries on Morogrim.
I have been the rogue-leader in AFGM since the beginning basically, and I have also helped out in the administration of the guild, and recently got appointed Officer and co-leader of the guild. I have also been in charge of recruiting since TBC came. After immense struggle to get new capable members to fill the roster, I "had enough", which means I was on the brink of burning out from the game.
That lead to me saying goodbye to many old friends on Tarren Mill, and try my luck on Kazzak, where my character currently resides. Once on Kazzak I got in to Showdown ( as a trial for 2 weeks, and it all went well. However, the immense farming needed in those days (expensive flasks etc) lead me to realise I wanted to change environment. I decided to put WOW on the shelf and take some time off. Apparently what I needed was not to leave AFGM, but leave the game alltogether for a while.
I have not raided since the day I quit Showdown - on my own request - and during this free-time I have been socializing and focusing on studies and various activities, such as tennis. I have now reached a point where I feel the urge to play WOW again, and I feel that it will be alot better if I "go back to the roots" so to speak, Dunemaul. I am also looking for a bit more "relaxed" way of raiding, meaning not having to farm 100's of terocone each day. But this has luckily been fixed by Blizzard's alchemy revamp. I also have quite a few friends on Dunemaul which makes the move more interesting.
Outside of wow I study as mentioned, but I also do alot of movies. I really enjoy making movies of wow, and I've made quite a few with AFGM. I've made a BWL and an AQ cinematic movie, and as of late I'm making in-game movies, showing when I play vs various bosses.
My profile can be found here: WordsThe reason I am applying to you is because I want back to raiding, and I am hoping to be able to do so at a little less "hardcore" way. Even though I say less hardcore, I don't mean in any way that I will play less serious, it just means fewer hours (outside of raids). I will always play at my best.
I want to join Iron Edge because I believe you have the community, will, and strength to keep raiding at the level I'm looking for.
Currently I am visiting my parents in Luleå during summer holidays, meaning not as much play during daytime as I'm used to, which means that I might have problems keeping 100% raiding in the start. Once I get home to Umeå in august it will be game-on once again!
I consider myself motivated, dedicated, and active. I also take an active part in problem-solving during raids, which I see as a must if you are going to succeed as a guild. I also want to be a part of the community that is Iron Edge.
If there is anything you would like to ask me, I will mainly be active on the forums, so a PM would be the best way to contact me. I also have MSN which I try to use (
I hope this application is satisfying and provides you with the information you need. I really hope you consider me and my application valid, and I wish you the best of luck.
NOTE: My character is locked to Kazzak until July 13th, so there will be room for thought and conversations. Feel free to contact me.
NOTE 2: My current gear is a bit outdated I guess, but I will work to get some upgrades as soon as possible. And don't laugh at my gloves/belt. Still haven't seen A SINGLE belt or gloves drop in TBC, that are better than tier 3. Luck ftw.
Devlin, Rogue
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)