Hello members of Iron Edge from Noxiouz the level 70 tauren warrior! I'm sure most of you know me, but for those unfamiliar with my being I'll write some information about my character and myself.I'm fairly sure that most of you people in Iron Edge remember me from my earlier days when I raided with you throughout Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Zul'Gurrub, AQ40 and Naxxramas. Now I'm hopefully back for some more action with the people I like the most on all of Dunemaul
Personal Information.In real life (??) I'm known as Alexander. I'm 18 years old and live in Bergen, Norway on a street called Fæsteråsen, which can be seen
here!Character Information.I'll start of by listing my gear as it currently is;
[wowitem]Tankatronic Goggles[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Necklace of the Juggernaut[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Destroyer Shoulderguards[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Devilshark Cape[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Panzar'Thar Breastplate[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Rich Purple Silk Shirt[/wowitem]
<Made by Delling>[wowitem]Tabard of the Argent Dawn[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Bracers of the Green Fortress[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Shield of Impenetrable Darkness[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Gyro-balanced Khorium Destroyer[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Styleen's Impeding Scarab[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Seventh Ring of the Tirisfalen[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Violet Signet of the Great Protector[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Battlescar Boots[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Warbringer Legguards[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden[/wowitem]
(I've used the wowitem codes that Delling described, hope they work).
The items are all enchanted and socketed with stats that I believe is best for PVE, such as parry, stamina and defense.
The items linked above, is the current set I'm using for non-resistance based encounters. For fights like Hydross the Unstable, I have about 360
Frost resistance, about 200
Nature resistance. Note that theese resistance sets are separated, but if you want me to get a hybrid resistance gear set I can get up to around 190 of each at the same time. I also have some oldschool fire resistance gear
<Made by Smorisha> that brings me up to about 300.
Attunements:I'm currently attuned to all of the instances in World of wacraft, except for The Black Temple and Mount Hyjal.Raiding:Currently I can attend raids every day , but there might be the occasional day where I have something important to attend, just like everyone else I imagine

If I should not be able to attend a raid, I'll be a 100% sure to notify Mr.
Smorisha or
Delling about it, in good time ahead.
In the far run, I'd expect my attendance to hover somewhere around 90%. I'll be sure to always bring the required potions for raids.
Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft historyI started playing my very first online game back around 1999. I started playing a game called "Xenimus" with some friends.It's a very simple game, based on leveling, gear and pvping. Fun for a short period of time
After playing Xenimus for a while, I took a break from computer games until World of Warcraft came along in February of 2005. It's actually a funny story how I got my WoW account. My older brother ordered two WoW accounts instead of one by a mistake, and decided to sell me one of them for a small sum of mola. I started off as a human paladin on some random server, but I quickly discovered that this class wasn't quite what I expected it to be. So, I decided to start playing with some real life friends on Dunemaul, which I'm still occasionally playing with. I rolled a
Warrior! Fearsome, brutal and fearless. I quickly discovered that this was the class that I wanted to stick too!
After casually leveling up to 60, I started chatting with a former warrior member of <Iron Edge> known as
Lockhart. He told me that that IE was in search of a tank. The very day I turned level 60,
Lex invited me for a
Molten Core raid. I had never before heard the word "Addons" or "40 man raid" for that matter. To this very day, I still think that that's one of the most exciting things to ever happen to me in World of Warcraft. Inside Molten Core, I was blown away. I had never been able to imagine that a MMORPG could be this revolving around team playing and communication, based on my previous experience with them after having a shot at Shazzrah. Even though it took us a few tries, we managed to kill him. 25 man, IE-style. I was proud to be part of such an achievement. (We all had green gear and shit, OK?)
After attending a series of raids with Iron Edge, Lex told me to leave my current guild, <Hells Fury>. The very next day I got invited to join the ranks of Iron Edge. It was a day of celebration and success!
I stayed in Iron Edge for a long time, till we had gotten far into the corridors of Blackwing Lair, but however we got stuck trying to kill Ebonroc. Foolish as I was at that time, I decided to leave Iron Edge and to join Cold Blooded. I still think that this is the stupidest move I've ever made in the history of World of Warcraft.
After spending some time in Cold Blooded, I quickly found out that progress isn't nearly as important as friendship and communication to me. I found out that I had really made things rough for myself, so I decided to take a long break from wow, for about 5 months or so.
I came back, and started leveling up a shaman as I had deleted my warrior. (as well as sharded my gear... shard-value 1500g my ass.) I made a post on the old IE forums which I believe that Delling printed out, about that I really regret the decision I had made earlier about leaving Iron Edge for Cold Blooded. After a few days, I got accepted into the guild. One hell of a happy day for me

As the days went by,
Smorisha asked me if I could make a GM ticket and ask them to restore my warrior. And so, they did! But here comes the fun part. In order to get my sharded gear back, I'd have to pay some random GM a sum of 1500g (Pre-The burning crusade, mind you) in order to get back all my old stuff. Unenchanted, naturally. After a two weeks of intensive Ni-hao farming, I got my gear back, and got back to raiding with Iron Edge. We cruised through Blackwing Lair, without a worry in the world. Good times

A few weeks later, Naxxramas came out. We were all thrilled to try it out! It was purely awesome. After some good tries at Anub'Rekhan and some spanking of the slow learners, we killed him. We continued to progress through Naxxramas. After killing a variety of bosses like Noth the Plaguebringer and Grand Widow Faerlina, we finally met the boss himself. Da big cheese, mister Patchwerk. At that time, a discussion started on
"You can't down Patchwerk without having A40 DPS gear, you will fail horribly". We prooved them wrong, and killed Patchwerk first on the server, IE-style! I remember the joy on Teamspeak that very moment we killed him. I would estimate that the decibel was around 140, somewhat on line with a jet plane. it was the best moment I've ever experienced in Wow, and guild spirit was higher then ever!
A few weeks later, The Burning Crusade got released. I got my copy fasy, but was very busy with real life things at the time, so I couldn't level a lot. I kinda fell behind, and that is where a period of casualness started. At around level 64, I lost interest in the game. I had better stuff going on, so I decided to leave world of warcraft. I left IE in a reasonable way I believe, and stayed away from the online crack for a while. But as we all know, no one ever really quits.
I came back later, still level 64. I joined Iron Edge as a friend, as I had no intension of raiding at that time. I slowly level up towards 68. Then, the game with all its power grabbed me again. I was instantly hook'd and started playing more. I leveled to 70, having a good time.
A few weeks later, I was bored at school so I started watching a Nihilum video of some SSC bosses and TK bosses. I really loved the content, and it made me think of the golden days where we raided Blackwing Lair and Naxxramas. I wanted to raid again.
However, there was no spot in Iron Edge for me, seeing as my gear was very bad, and that Velas was already in line waiting for a spot. I talked to Cobratix, the warrior class leader at the time being, and he said that there was a very little chance that I'd get a raiding slot any time soon. So I packed my bags, said goodbye as respectfully as I could, and joined <Fallen> where I had been offered a raider slot.
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?I stayed in Fallen until today. When I look at how my history has been in World of Warcraft, IE is really my home. No matter what. A strong core of people I've known from day one remains, which I consider some of my closest in-game friends. This is the guild I want to be in, you are the guys that makes the game really worth playing. The game itself is good, but it sure as hell wouldn't be the same without Iron Edge. I think anyone with the same experience as me can strongly agree. I guess its true, what they say.
You never really know what you have, until you've lost it.(two times mkay)What can I offer to Iron Edge?-Random Ventrilo spam.
-Tanking stuff on things.
-A helpfull cow.
-I can also start of a TF spam in /2.
Sponsors within the guild?Delling,
Smorisha. And some others, I would imagine
Last words?"I'm trying to log in, but there's CUM all over my screen!
Shot at 2007-07-22
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Battle.net? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)