Hello there, IE crew!When i'm finnished with this sentance, my application will follow.
My in-game nick, class and level is;
Rhenai, a 70
FEMALEBlood Elf Paladin!
My spec. is holy, obviously; with Blessing of Kings.
Why i'm holy? Yes, because it's greatfun healing, you're able to do hard challenging things like raiding, wich is the base for any healing class in my opinion. And i've allways wanted to make a healing class, and this is the one
Here's my armory link:
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dunemaul&n=Rhenai (The boots i have is nothing to discuss. I'll replace them once i get lucky with loots. I've done Moroes more times then i can imagine. Then i tried to get the ones from Mechanar, (did 10 mechanaar runs in one day). Since they didn't drop i got tired of trying to get them. Then it hited me, that i could get the ones from 40x EOTS marks and arround 17.3k HONOR! And it was quite a timing since, it was.. EOTS Weekend! I did as many BG's as i could that weekened and i ended up with 20 EOTS marks. After that, when the EOTS weekend was over, i were quite unlucky beeing online when it wasn't more then 1 EOTS BG up. So i stoped PvP for the boots.Wich ends me up with a pair of green ones from a quest in BEM!)
If you got any criticism against me, i mean.. if i do something wrong in a raid, i have no hard taking it. I think criticism, maybe not criticism but pointers only develope you as a player both in raids and aswell when you aren't raiding.
I played this character for quite a time now. I leveled it up kinda late in TBC though, since i were eger to level up my hunter first, since it was my main at the time.
Before TBC, i played on a hunter here on Dunemaul.
Ehm, first i were in the guild called Red Sun Rising, we did MC etc. Then i had a friend in Aeon of Ancients, and joined them. I did BWL, 1-2 bosses in AQ40 and then Anub'Rhenkan in Naxxramas. Then Gorbag, i guess it was.. wanted to migrate the guild to the server Spinebreaker, since Dunemaul was my 'home', i didn't want to migrate.. wich eventually ended me up without a guild. From there i started playing on my hunter.. leveled up some alts and kept it that way until BC, with breaks from time to time.
And when BC came out, i hited my hunter.. slowly and casually to 70. I played on it for a while, migrated it to Executus with some irl friends and from there, i started to play on a paladin (on executus). When it was arround 59 something, i migrated it back to Dunemaul, with my friends and leveled it up to 70.
When i had scratched up some gear, began with it on 68.. i joined the guild: Fallen.
With them i did mainly Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair and we had some attempts on Hydross then Unstable.
After a while in Fallen i didn't feel it was for me, since there were alot of people were PO'd at eachother. I won't discuss why i left them in here, it's confidential.
Since i were without a guild, i did some heroics from time to time, grinded gold. Then i were hungry for raiding again. So i joined the guild; Ravenous. There were alot of nice people there, but i felt it wasn't suitable for me. I left them, again without a guild.
I spoke with Lobsteer the other night, and he said applications for Paladins were still up. So i went to sleep, and here i am.. typing a application to the oldest and strongest guild on the server, Iron Edge.
-- Time for personal info.
My name is Nicolas, i turned 17, in March something :>
I was born and live in Gothenburg, Sweden. I'm very satisfied living here, its a great country and i love it!
Summerbreak atm, most comofortoable i must say. I was spammed with homeworks and alot of schoolwork.. and more to come.
On my freetime, i hang out with my irl friends, sleeping alot, since its summerbreak and stay up late, if i don't falling asleep by the computer
On the Fall/winter/early spring i play Icehockey and ofcourse i got school, trying to get some time for WoW and relaxing etc etc.
Karzhan : Check!
Serpentshrine Cavern; Check!
Tempest Keep: The Eye, didn't start with it, and luckily they removed the pre quest.
Black Temple: Nope.
Hyjal Summit: Not really, i still need the vial from Vashj and Kael'Thas.
And since i just named the attuenments in BC; i'll tell my raiding experience in BC!
Full karzhan, full Gruul's lair, Magtheridon's Lair. <-- Those are obvious!
Serpentshrine Cavern; Hydross the Unstable, Lurker Below, Fhatom-Lord Karatressh, Morogrim Tidewalker, Leotheras the Blind and Lady vashj, you could basically said i've done them all.
In Tempest Keep: The Eye i've done, Void Reaver, Al'ar and High Astromancer Solarian.. only boss i haven't done is Kael'Thas Sunstrideer or whatever his name is :p
When it comes to raiding times.. i can play from 19.00 to 00.00, not more. And on fridays/saturdays i'm out with friends most of the times. If you guys raid on sundays, i can be online arround 16.00 to 21.00.
And i'll inform if i can't come. Either to a officer or the paladin CL.
Old MMORPG experience;
None. I've done some Diablo 1/2 and some DotA.
Before WoW came out, i were hung up on CS 1.6, it was great fun. Then it got abit to regular, i mean.. same thing everytime; Buy weapons, kill,kill, headshot and eventually die. My friends bought WoW, and i tought it looked like a game in the area of Harry Potter style, since they were ALLIANCE, gnome ones! But then they showed me some horde characters and i got hooked!
What you can expect of me is following statement:
I'm mature when it comes to raiding, if you guys abusing the guildchat, i'll do the same
The socialness in a guild is very important imo. It builds a root of fun, progressing and many laughters! And even more since your one of the oldest guilds on the Dunemaul EU server, and still is! I've heard your a great bunch of people, maybe you've heard all that before, but i'm certain of what i'm saying!
I'll guarantee you; I'm quite skilled when it comes to BC instances and i'm very kind and aswell, a really, really nice guy!!! My rare humor isn't often laughable. But i'm kinda funny i think.. lol! :p
Last words?I DONT WANNA DIEEEEEEE!111111111
Have a good continuing and a great rainy day!!
Btw, if you wan't to contact me in-game, feel free to do so. Either with a in-game mail or a /w Rhenai
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Battle.net? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)