Personal Information
Hi every1 my name is Milan aka Lestariol (in wow). I live in Serbia and i am 17 years old. If you want to know more things about me you can contact me in game.
Character Information
My gear can be seen here: I am sry but i cant link my tanking gear from armory, dunno why, i tryed but something isnt ok. Atm i can tell you that i have 26k armor 13k hp 28.50 dodge and 417 defense, also i have good ress gear, i got 252 nature and 223 frost ress with MOTW and i have 13k hp. Ofc you can always inspect me in game and ask me anything you want about gear. I know that my gear maybe isnt so good for The eye or SSC, but belive me i am working on it and it will be much better soon.
The Eye:No
Serpentshire Cavern:Yes
The Black Temple:NO
Atm i can raid every day till summer last. My school starts in september and i got a job, so when school starts i will be able to raid 3-4 time in a week (i hope that is enough). Ofc whenever i cant raid i will tell to the CL.
More specific times:
Mondays: Whenever it needed
Tuesdays: Whenever it needed
Wednesdays: Whenever it needed
Thursdays: Whenever it needed
Fridays: Whenever it needed
Saturday: Whenever it needed
Sundays: Whenever it needed
This is as i said till summer last.
Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history
Before WoW o have been playing Diablo 2 which i played from 2004. Also i am playing War Craft 3 for 7 years. Its a strange thing that before i started playing wow i thought for it thats a stupid game, but when my friend showed me the game and when i saw and heard everyhing about it i needed to start playing
and now i cant stop playing it. I started playing WoW 7.7.2006. My first server was Frostmane where i was in 3 guilds and i played till january 2007 when i migrated to Skullcrusher. On Skullcrusher i was in 8 guilds
, and that helped me to gather exp in TBC.
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Well i heared for Iron Edge from a Rl friend (Shalalala maybe some1 know him), and he said that you are a good guild with relaxed people and nice atmosphere. Also i was on your site and i saw that you are atm in a need of feral druid, so here i am aplying.
What can I offer to Iron Edge?
I can offer help, friendship, jokes
, nice conversation and many other things. I am also always willing to help guildies.
Last words?
I hope i will join Iron edge and that i will finaly be in a nice guild.
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)