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 Where did Fonzies go ?

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August 10, 2007, 01:09:47 am
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Offline tokracro

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Where did Fonzies go ?
« on: August 10, 2007, 01:09:47 am »
Well its not a proud me, who has returned to this great forum, but i wont feel good about myself everytime i see an Iron Edge ingame before this post...

Im Fonzies the mage who disappeared without saying anything, something that im not proud of, but it happend...

After a period of playing alot and not doing enough exercise, i got a really really sick, so sick that i was put in the hospital by my doctor after a few days os laying in bed not knowing when it was day or night... and i was there for a long time, about a month or so... when i finaly was free to go, i decided it was time for me to get in shape since the reason that i was put in the hospital was something i could minemize the risk of happening again, but eating healty and stay in shape, apparently it something that is in my genes, because it got to my dad 2 years ago and he was unlucky, and he got a bloodtumer and is today paralysed in most of his body. That didnt happen to me...

So i've been away from dunemaul for 6 month almost now, i started playing a pala about 3 month ago just alittle once in awhile just grinding away when ever i had some time... and i has just turned 70 a few days ago, my mage i borrowed to my friend and he transfered with it to another server but it will come back soon also... Im back to play some pvp with some IRL friends and just enjoy the game.. since i have alot of other things in my life now, since it has changed alot since back then..

This is not a Feel sorry post for me post, cuz im the one that are feeling really bad about just leaving this great guild who took me in without knowing alot about me, had some great time back fighting Maulgar and Gruul back then and in karazhan, can see you have IMPROVED alot by now and congrats with that...

Im just hopeing that not all of you will hate me for what happen but if you do i dont blame you, i disappointed alot of great players and ppl, and for that i can repay you guys even tho i would like to..

But see you ingame sometimes i hope..

vonH aka fonzies

BE paladin lvl 70 "Vonh"
Orc Lock lvl 16 "Vondot"

August 10, 2007, 01:22:21 am
Reply #1

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Where did Fonzies go ?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 01:22:21 am »
Hey man, glad to see you're ok!  And glad to see you back enjoying WoW again :)


August 10, 2007, 04:58:33 am
Reply #2

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Re: Where did Fonzies go ?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2007, 04:58:33 am »
Heya mate,

I dont really know you but from the looks of it you did the right thing by stop playing but ofc you could always have left a post on the forums as you would understand. :)

Hope you're in good shape and be careful to not fall into the addictiveness of WoW that it will ruin what you have build up around you IRL.

RL > wow

Might get to know you in-game  ;)

"In nomine Patris, et Fili, e Spiritus Sanctus"

August 18, 2007, 01:58:03 am
Reply #3

Offline Dookie

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Re: Where did Fonzies go ?
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2007, 01:58:03 am »
gosh I would be dead twice already with the amount of junk food I am eating, good to hear you are ok  :D


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