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 Draxell - Hunter Application

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November 10, 2007, 04:16:05 am
Reply #15

Offline Nachmanun

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2007, 04:16:05 am »
"jag tycker om Ravenous" ye my ass.

Jag tycker om både Ravenous och din rumpa <3 :)

November 10, 2007, 05:24:23 am
Reply #16

Offline Devilrox

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2007, 05:24:23 am »
^^i didn't want to join for illidan loot^^ that's exactly why you applied because if it wasn't for that reason you wouldn't have mentioned it good luck time will tell that you are the most lootwhor i have ever known
just for the record he has wiped us at archimonde countless times if it wasn't for him he would have been dead.


November 10, 2007, 05:40:13 am
Reply #17


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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2007, 05:40:13 am »
Well that's the reason why we offer him a trial - I don't blame him for leaving Rav because from the messages I've gotten about him it seems like he's not very well liked there. I got countless of people writing like "Don't trial him he's just a <insert insult here>"

I do not know if this is because he left or because he was not liked in Ravenous anyhow it does not really matter does it? You did not kick him and he left on his own for his own reasons. It's no secret that for the past few weeks I've activly been looking for another hunter as you can find my posts on the guild recruitment forums on wow-europe, ever since R1 left and he joined Ravenous. Weird huh? Do we make such posts about our guys joining you guys? No we do not. R1 left on his own conditions and what did I write in his application on the Ravenous forums? I wrote that he's a good hunter and he does his job. You guys clearly hate this guy and I do not know why you would write these kind of things about him if you didnt.

You should be happy he quit! It's all good now.

To Grayfox: You don't think I like Ravenous because I trial this guy? I know that you do not like IE. It's not like you make a secret of it. I still cannot find it in any part of me not to trial him as I do the best for my current guild. I've actually tried to help Ravenous as good as I possibly can and I still try to help in the ways I can. I don't know what else you can ask for. If you can think about something feel free to talk to me you can PM me here or on the Ravenous forums.

I wish R1, misantrope, windeos (The hunter crew ;) ) and the rest of Ravenous the best of luck.

November 10, 2007, 06:35:51 am
Reply #18

Offline delling

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2007, 06:35:51 am »
Windeos is ex-IE too!

Even though he was only here for a short time.

So's Bikini, Urburk... and I'm sure a few others :)

Now I run a tech website.

November 10, 2007, 07:56:42 am
Reply #19

Offline Grayfox

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2007, 07:56:42 am »
It's the holier the thou attitude tbh, also not one of the people that left IE for Ravenous were whispered by me or any other member to join, and if im right all but zakuak failed there trials ? or in zaks case kicked.

The reason he choose you guys is obvious tho, what ticked me off most was the bs reasons, tho we NEVER whispered any 1 to join and leave IE EVER.

we lost one of our best dps and best hunter how would you feel if brother typed a post along the lines of " going back to ravenous cuz of any reason" when you were progressing on illadin or illadari council or anything for that matter and you don't got any 1 that fits his spot as best as he does?

That and fact of the matter is my "HATE" started really bulstering when we went to do gruul the 1st time and i got whispered by delling and crazy on more then one occasion to leave ravenous and come to IE or just go to there isntance instead, and then come up to to the meeting stone outside the place and type in ./say "when are you gonna come with us ? " or somthing along those lines, even if ment jokingly it was really out of place, and im sure if was a little bit stupid and left Ravenous i don't think you would have turned me down now would you?

That and a sereis of other people who got the same treatment, I understand why, its whats best for your guild, but there is no honor in that.

Might also be the fact that threw all our troubles you guys don't seem to have any,
considaring we are on the same server and should have the same player base but it seems mostly all the "good" players are absorbed into your guild. i was reading a thread on about youVScb or somthing like that where delling said somthing along the lines of " it's all about attitude when getting guild members" and that was the reason CB was so low on getting the "good" players dunemaul has to offer, which imo is a load of crap, considaring more then half this server consists of either casuals or 12 year olds and not that many at that anyway.

How many servers have you seen?
Plenty also got a number of friends in other servers i see on a regular bases and we talk about these things and tbh i can't see how "MOST" of them use the same raiding times/rules/recuitment method as us and are far better off PVE wise then us other then the server being worthless it shows on the progress.

Im not blaming IE for anything either, Not likes its your fault somone listend and came hopping.

What pisses me off the most is i created my charecter on Dunemaul the day it was opened and not being a prick or anything IE wasen't all that hardecore back in the day, but gradually from naxx and up kept going farthur, now gz on that i don't say you shoulden't do that it just feels a bit unfair with all the stuff we had to put up with, you guys seemingly got better and better, and funny thing is not because you had better players, just the sheer fact of threw everything Ravenous has NEVER had a stable core of people able to raid fully and we allways got problams and had MANY leave due to this problam, Is it IE's fault? No. am i jealous ? No. i just think its a little bit unfair especially when you guys play it off as our fault not the servers or the people the amount of arrogance i read on the forums from some IE people is ridiculas, drop the act. ( mostly towards other guilds in any case since little ravenous or ME are active on those forums, in my case my views go against some of our most fundamental guild rules which why i'd rather shut up then try and say what i think, better to not cause trouble in things that more or less don't concern my guild that much)

It also pisses me off that even some IRL friends i know that are in guilds that have killed illadin now, come to me to walk them threw the tactics of almost every boss in there cuz they can't read or understand english but by some twist of fate since they are in servers with X amount of guilds progressing in BT they get trialed and then click a few buttons and get to see everything they want from the game, gear up and just sell there chars and do it all over again(like idiots), and then Ravenous gets stuck a "COUNTLESS" number of times every 2 months just cuz people aren't patiant enough or we can't get any 1 else cuz the community just dosen't allow it.

About R1, you guys lost someone you don't totaly count on from what i gather else he would have stayed in IE.

I don't know what else you can ask for.

"I" never asked for anything, if your talking about the "keal'boost" i was TOTALLY against that from the start but instead of letting my guild suffer cuz of my pride i went along with it and it helped some we got a few apps after which were nice but it was still an insult imo, and it's one of the reason i got this "HATE", it also caused about 4-5 people to either migrate or quit the game, i went with what was best for Ravenous as always.

There are good players in other guilds some have even whispered about joining and most include guilds that were having problams and ALL where whisperd the same thing "if this is what you tottally want and if you really can't work things out with your guild then talk to me again" most i told to take a day or 2 to think about it, since "I" don't want to contribute to any 1's downfall or have anything to do with any 1's sadness of any sorts, most changed there minds and stayed in there guilds which is good, since unless you really want to be in Ravenous and its somthing "YOU" want totally without any other interactions then you are welcome, the playing on peoples suffering and/or whispering them to join my guild for the benafit of "ME" is not my cup of tea, as you would say delling whatever floats your boat.

There are only 2 people worthy imo that joined Rav and left IE in the proccess Zak and r1, one which was unable to get spots anyway and would not be missed and actually quit the game more or less before he joined and another who seems to have had a number of arguments and disagreemnts with you and others delling and zak is here for you to ask if i whispered him once when i saw him guildless even tho we needed a spriest i was even reluctent to say answer on his app till after i was sure he had closed the "IE" chapter of his raiding and really wasen't going to join again, since it would be a bit tacky whispering him "Hey i see your guildless wanna join Rav? :D" since i know he has been in IE a long time and i know he is a good player and im sure somthing misunderstanding happened that led to him leaving the guild and thought he may reconsile and rejoin, not "ONCE" was his mind swade towards Ravenous or towards leaving IE. and saying you lost more members to us cb and afgm you fail to see how many we lost to them aswell especially afgm over the span of 1 year since it was created the WHOLE core of Ravenous went there. then again you can see from the level of progress both our guilds are at you can kinda tell who it effected most, unless you just think you are far supirior to us in play or manner.

In the end i do wish you the best with getting "AGAIN" one of the best players dunemaul has to offer i guess 2nd best hunter after Brother.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 08:01:33 am by Grayfox »

November 10, 2007, 08:01:24 am
Reply #20

Offline Madevil

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2007, 08:01:24 am »
Draxell is a cool guy, I don't see anyone hates nor annoys him. He just had a stupid argument with one of our members and they both got _emo_ about it and left.

If he was hated by the majority of Ravenous he wouldn't be in Ravenous, nominated for an officer position, etc.

What I see is just emotions floating.

November 10, 2007, 08:52:17 am
Reply #21

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2007, 08:52:17 am »
Grayfox can u explain me how did Urburk get in Ravenous 10 seconds after leaving Iron Edge, same goes for Zenath, He left Iron Edge and by the time I did /who Zenath he was in Ravenous already. I didn't know u accept ppl to guild in such a short time, great recruiting machinery aight.
In last two years we lost so many players to AFGM, Ravenous and Cold Blooded. If I could be bothered to make a list I am quite sure there would be a solid 25 raiding group out of those.

November 10, 2007, 09:02:23 am
Reply #22

Offline Grayfox

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2007, 09:02:23 am »
Read my post clearly thats all i got to say.

And again those are Grayfox's views not Ravenous's and i like draxxell tbh great guy sad to see him go but the bottom line is what it is, said and done  ;)

November 10, 2007, 12:06:55 pm
Reply #23

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2007, 12:06:55 pm »
Well sadly this is how it feels when the roles are reversed..

Back in the day Iron edge always lost players to AFGM/Ravenous etc. Because they were further progressed in the game.

Now you are experiencing what we did back then, ofcourse our progress was slowed back then by good and active players leaving for better guilds.

But we should be happy that they did because the ones that leave for better purples are not the ones you can count on in the long run.

Zakuak had some serious issues in iron edge. It sounds like draxell has some issues in Ravenous. If you are happy with zak and we become happy with draxell then I guess its a fair trade.

Bears like alts!

November 10, 2007, 12:54:52 pm
Reply #24

Offline gattagoblin

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2007, 12:54:52 pm »
Very nice Application man, Good luck !

btw trick question : "How often u pull aggro"? :D

2/5 :-[

November 10, 2007, 01:19:58 pm
Reply #25

Offline Draxell

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2007, 01:19:58 pm »
From that i get that you or others have been whispering him since before about joining or your insinuating that Ravenous is just shit either way its offending.

The level of anger and "HATE" i feel right now is overwhelming tbh, and no you won't get a reply in a few days about Ravenous apologizing for indecent behavior of its GM, this is my personnel view and you can all get fucked if you don't like it.

I hope this SHIT server dies totally soon and IE with it, saddest excuse for a server i have ever seen.

Most bullshit from a guild i have ever seen tbh, "we have such good relations between our guilds" someone leaves makes an app is one thing but whispering them putting the idea of leaving in there is another thing.

I will stop now before i truly regret what i say, Also wouldn't want to have drama in someplace it shouldn't when i just locked a thread a few days ago on our forums with about the same thing.

Grayfox: Nox's post
Haa. I knew you'd give in eventually. Give :)
does not mean he, Brother nor any other member if IE poached or intrigued me. The decision was solely mine. And again I'd like to re interate the fact its not that I dislike Ravenous as a guild, nor the cvast majority of its members, I left for personal reasons only.

Very nice Application man, Good luck !

btw trick question : "How often u pull aggro"?

Aleandro, like a true Hunter I try to pull agro constantly :D

^^i didn't want to join for illidan loot^^ that's exactly why you applied because if it wasn't for that reason you wouldn't have mentioned it good luck time will tell that you are the most lootwhor i have ever known
just for the record he has wiped us at archimonde countless times if it wasn't for him he would have been dead

Devilrox, Im NOT a loot whore, I have worked, and earned the items which I have recieved, and the comment on me wiping Rav at Archimonde, SIMPLE BULLSHIT, and you KNOW it.

I'm sorry if I've brought IE's and Rav's relationship into disrepute, wasnt my intention, nor was it my intention to piss anyone off. But please don't flame me which random comments which is blatently unfucking true, and make me out to be one hell of a shit hunter and person. But anyways, life goes on.

Edited to include the following: I wish Misantrope, R1 and Windeos the best of luck, was imba playing with you guys, Rav's got some good hunters there.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 01:21:31 pm by Draxell »

November 10, 2007, 01:48:59 pm
Reply #26

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2007, 01:48:59 pm »
Is it can be friendly hug tiem now plz? :)

I wish all the best with whatever!
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

November 10, 2007, 01:50:07 pm
Reply #27

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2007, 01:50:07 pm »
Loyalty Sigh .. loyalty..  unlike the Gray when i get Asked by sumone like Echbar to
"Soo... hen ya gonna join us Slackker?" i blush like a Little girl and say "THankzzz
but No can do man."  I like the fact that i are wanted BUT i won't leave Rav. Tbh
i can't tried to leave to Nato and couldn't ,Guess it's cause i are to hard headed.

or an idiot. :P

Bye Draxxel. Have fun in IE.
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

November 10, 2007, 01:52:16 pm
Reply #28

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2007, 01:52:16 pm »
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

November 10, 2007, 01:52:54 pm
Reply #29

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Re: Draxell - Hunter Application
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2007, 01:52:54 pm »
and saying you lost more members to us cb and afgm you fail to see how many we lost to them aswell especially afgm over the span of 1 year since it was created the WHOLE core of Ravenous went there. then again you can see from the level of progress both our guilds are at you can kinda tell who it effected most, unless you just think you are far supirior to us in play or manner.

Now, I've been in IE since it level 12 (with a one month stop in DH when it existed) and I still remember us losing our first six level 60's to higher guilds, including Ravenous. I can also remember us losing members all the way through MC and BWL to you guys.

It wasn't untill Naxx that we caught up with any of the higher guilds, and our raiding base still consists of mostly the same people now as it did back then. The core 15 or so of our raid has been in the guild since pre-MC, and I assume it will stay that way for a while. Our progression is not due to us recruiting anything with epics and skills on the realm, but a result of a stable playerbase of good guys who play well together.

I respect a lot of guys in Ravenous, although I don't really talk to anyone from there as I don't play with you guys often, but it's still my preferred horde guild after IE. You coming onto our forum, being an utter retard and flaming my guild for shit that you make up is just ridiculous. But sure, keep being angry, it makes for funny reading, even if you forget your punctuation a lot...
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