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 Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid

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June 11, 2009, 02:14:46 pm
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Offline tutunio

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Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« on: June 11, 2009, 02:14:46 pm »
P E R S O N A L   I N F O R M A T I O N

Hello, my name is Mircea and I am 27 year old romanian. I'm from a small country town called Breaza but I've been living in Bucharest the past 9 years.
My work (bank auditor :( bleah!) takes me on the road every now and then and for varying periods of time, usually between 4-6 weeks. I am at the start of such a period this week and I will return home towards the end of July. During such times I'm playing on my laptop from restaurants, hotel rooms and lobies and pretty much wherever I can find a decent wireless connection. In worst case scenarios this can affect my attendence/raid performance as sometimes the connections suck or there's a lot of distractions/background noise. In most cases though I've got a decent wireless connection in my room and can play undisturbed. Back home I've got perfect gaming conditions.

C H A R A C T E R   I N F O R M A T I O N

Orc Rogue with Skinning and Enchanting. Echanting isn't maxed out yet as I only wanted to reach the skill level required for ring enchants. Was about to start leveling JC but I found out about the incoming nerf and decided against it. I've got enough gold to sustain raiding for a long time.

I don't ever PVP (except when I do freestyle ganking) so I keep 2 PVE specs - combat and HAT. I have 2 Sinister Revenge daggers in case I need to spec Mutilate.


When I'm home I can pretty much raid from Monday to Thursday after 19:00 GT and Sunday evenings. I might be a rare sight Fridays or Saturdays. Every now and then I've got photo shootings or play some soccer on week nights but nothing that can put me under 80% attendence. When I'm on the road I can keep this schedule easily provided I've got an internet connection.

More specific times:

Mondays: After 19:00 GT
Tuesdays: After 19:00 GT
Wednesdays: After 19:00 GT
Thursdays: After 19:00 GT
Fridays: Some Friday evenings
Saturday: Some Saturday evenings
Sundays: Most Sunday evenings

G A M I N G   A N D   W O W   H I S T O R Y

I have been playing games since 1990. Started with a low end romanian computer and worked my way through all the x86 generations. I make it a habit to play all new games that get good reviews but WoW gets priority. The only game I invested a lot of time in before WoW was Warcraft 3. I reached level 40+ on ladder and kinda gave it up when WoW launched.

I've been playing WoW since beta. Started a priest (Giuseppe) in vanilla and played it for 3 years. After moving from guild to guild (Black Fury, Immortals) for a while decided to start my own and founded Bridgeburners with some close friends. We managed to clear BT after the nerf but we had a late start. During some of this time I was the guild and raid leader through quite a bit of content. When BB was done I joined Rasta Gaming along with the guild's core raiders. We managed to get Twilight Vanquisher and things were looking good. Drama hit, good people started leaving and we sunk into mediocrity. Most of my friends joined well known guilds and I decided to have one last go at playing this game in a way that would please me.

Why do you want to join   I R O N   E D G E ?

It's either join a good or quit the game for me as I just can't deal with the amount of time that's being wasted in most other guilds. I am really excited after my trial run as you have by far the most fun and mature vent chatter I've heard so far and the raiding attitude is exactly what I'm looking for. It took some time to down Leviathan last night but there was almost no dead time and that's what I'm looking for.

What can I offer to   I R O N   E D G E ?

The output of a skilled rogue that stays up to date and the input of a laid back no drama guy that likes numbers and intelligent dialogue.

L A S T   W O R D S ?

I R O N   E D G E - this spaced out wat of writing Iron Edge that Antoneasa also used in his application started as a joke between some close friends. We had F U L G E R A T O R U L in our former guild and he would drink and start bragging about his Iron Edge past. And he would emphasize it by saying Iron Edge in such a way that you could best represent it by writing it spaced out like this. Then, one night, he went over the line and the officers practically raced each other for the kick pleasure. Demonhate currently know as Tutunio won that race :P
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 01:36:04 am by tutunio »
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

June 11, 2009, 02:22:40 pm
Reply #1

Offline Cwave

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 02:22:40 pm »
L A S T   W O R D S ?

I R O N   E D G E - this spaced out wat of writing Iron Edge that Antoneasa also used in his application started as a joke between some close friends. We had F U L G E R A T O R U L in our former guild and he would drink and start bragging about his Iron Edge past. And he would emphasize it by saying Iron Edge in such a way that you could best represent it by writing it spaced out like this. Then, one night, he went over the line and the officers practically raced each other for the kick pleasure. Demonhate currently know as Tutunio won that race :P

Fulg... aka Coldkain

One scary-ass borderliner he was......!

June 11, 2009, 02:27:52 pm
Reply #2

Offline delling

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2009, 02:27:52 pm »
Yea, I had to do a little research just to make sure you weren't Coldkain... But it seems like you are 'clean'!

You did well last night, but obviously I'd like to see you again on a harder fight -- like Freya or Mimiron, see how your reactions are...!

Good application though, and thanks for calling it 'mature chatter' on Vent...

Now I run a tech website.

June 11, 2009, 02:34:25 pm
Reply #3

Offline Spuzi

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2009, 02:34:25 pm »
he is ORC! he can't fail!

spuzilE :)!
Spuzile :-)

Da li cete ikada svoju pesmu imati?
Ili cete kao uvek nase pevati?
Postavlja se pitanje, a to vec znaju svi kompleksi su neizlecivi NaNaNa...

June 11, 2009, 02:41:59 pm
Reply #4

Offline Paperpriest

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2009, 02:41:59 pm »
Only good words about this guy, know about he's stuff, can count him as one of realms best rogues.

June 11, 2009, 03:10:08 pm
Reply #5

Offline tutunio

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 03:10:08 pm »
Thank you, Paper. Good to see you're still alive :)

Coldkain quit and sold his account. Me and him go back a long time. Know him since we were children and our friendship was always on and off. It's pretty much off lately. Last time I spoke to him he was in a famous german guild. Told me he was the best rogue in the world :D
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

June 11, 2009, 03:10:58 pm
Reply #6

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2009, 03:10:58 pm »
its funny you mention it. we used to have the best hunter in the world in this guild  ;D

Bears like alts!

June 11, 2009, 05:33:04 pm
Reply #7

Offline ColdRevenge

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2009, 05:33:04 pm »
sry to be a black sheep but i keep getting wisps ...

June 11, 2009, 05:34:21 pm
Reply #8

Offline delling

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2009, 05:34:21 pm »
I don't think Centox really has any credibility...
Now I run a tech website.

June 11, 2009, 06:17:06 pm
Reply #9

Offline antoneasa

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2009, 06:17:06 pm »
2"pricks " 2"cunts" does Centox know any other words?

June 11, 2009, 07:03:24 pm
Reply #10

Offline tutunio

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2009, 07:03:24 pm »
There's really nothing that I can say about this without creating the impression that I'm making a personal attack. Don't wanna do this on IE forums. Just seems out of place. I've done him no wrong.
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

June 11, 2009, 07:07:49 pm
Reply #11

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2009, 07:07:49 pm »
that centox dude seems to be kind of redundant
"No matter where you go in life, Keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer patient" - Dr. Perry Cox

June 11, 2009, 07:13:17 pm
Reply #12

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2009, 07:13:17 pm »
There's really nothing that I can say about this without creating the impression that I'm making a personal attack. Don't wanna do this on IE forums. Just seems out of place. I've done him no wrong.

Do it.
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

June 11, 2009, 07:50:01 pm
Reply #13

Offline Vorte

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2009, 07:50:01 pm »
We r open book. Be a page.
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

June 12, 2009, 10:22:02 am
Reply #14

Offline Goza

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Re: Tutunio, Rogue application for the A raid
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2009, 10:22:02 am »
We r open book. Be a page.

Grats, that's the gayest thing I've read on this forum for a long time!


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