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 Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B

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June 15, 2009, 10:00:00 pm
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Offline Rastien

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Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:00:00 pm »
Personal Information
My name I'd prefer to keep to myself (bad instance a long time ago with giving this out stalking weird women is not cool -.-) but you can refer to me as Rastien as is my first raiding chars name and I kinda like it, truth be told ^^. I live in the heart of Somerset UK, lovely place to live, nice and quiet! :P

I'm 20 years old and inbetween jobs at the moment I just finished working for an ICT consultancy company, and im now moving into a much bigger company within the uk (the uk's second biggest broadband provider). Boring shit right there I'm sure but I play rugby on a saturday and train on a thursday so 2 very competant raids a week will suit me very well.

I enjoy spending time with my gf (who is awsome and is looking over my shoulder :x) and never cleaning my car; it's nicely rotting in the road at the moment. I'm a very relaxed guy and it takes alot to really piss me off and normally if I'm pissed off I'll go quiet on vent rather than well, vent it ^^ and make everyone else misreable.

Character Information
Name: Mooifurhorny
Race: Tauren (female)
Spec/Os: PVE enhancement & PVP enhancement(lol pvp enhancement I know but hey I have fun)
Proffs: L/W and Skinning, L/W not maxed out, nearly there now though :).

Well the main reason I play enhancement is my single favourite spell in WoW history the infamous Windfury! But after finally getting my new character to 80 I found something I really liked, the fact there is no set rotation only a prioty list of spells/abilitys, something which I really enjoy as it makes you pay attention constantly and keeps you on your toes. There is also so many enviroments and situations that occur which enhancments can adapt to quickly and effectively, well lol, with the exception of decent aoe. Well good ol' magma totem instant chain lightenings never quite cut it compared to other classes.

I am currently under the hit cap by 1% (I compensate with hit rating food) this is due to my recent fiddling of gear, I am always playing around with enhsim and changing gear/gems/enchants accordingly to get the best possible dps out of me. I think, not 100% sure as I need to look into it a bit more but I'm over expertise cap so I can change some stuff there. Also I dont have improved WF totem due to the fact we have a dk providing icy talons 90% of the time.

My weapons... dear me this is a bloody sore point with me. My current guild doesnt do Naxx 25 anymore so I have to try and pug it. Well as I'm sure you all know pugs are absolute choas and normally dont even make it to Kael and then of course rogues take my angry dead drop ^^. In Ulduar 10 man we are at yoggy but people just seem a bit slow to learn things and it's getting kinda depressing. So! I know, I'll do arena for weapons and get to 1850 as enhancment :D How hard can it be? ...Sigh yes that failed too :( Did something like 370 odd games with a resto friend and we couldnt push past 1400.

Yes so my weapons are currently fail and when I got them I slapped on double zerking which tbh I'd rather have 1x mongoose 1x zerking but I'm not gonna replace the enchants now. Of course if my spec needs to be altered to fit your raids, it isnt an issue :).


Um hm nothing on this char but various ones across my other chars of old school content ^^

From my reading and understanding group B only raid on a monday and tuesday from 19:30-24:00 this will suit me fine and I'd prefered to do 2 raids a week of focused raiding rather than 3-4 raids a week with constant 10 minute breaks while our 10 man team seems to have rolling dinner times from parents calling them down with the occasional parental god touch of the router being turned off.

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history
Christ this might take some time  ^^. Well traditonally I was an RTS and JRPG fan never like FPS and had never even heard of MMORPG's before WoW. But I kinda stumbled across wow due to the fact I played starcraft and then Warcraft 3 and bloody loved both those games. I was kinda sceptical about the whole thing until I watched a video on game spot about WoW and decided to go right out and purchase it.

I started playing WoW very early on in its release, but unfortunately can't be arsed to log into my account and check the dates ^^ for fear of seeing how much money I have spent on this game :x. Anyways long story short, I leveled a warrior called Minimadness ended up tanking alot of MC for Method and was an OT at Ragnaros downing hehe. But then my GCSE's came and I decided it was best i sell my WoW account and stop playing it as I was pretty much playing 24/7.

Anyways decided when I came back I'd level another prot warrior and was glad to see the same name was available, got it to 40 odd and then decided meh I hate warriors. So as followed 60 warlock: MC/Ony/ZG/BWL, 70 Mage Rastien: Kara, Gruul, Mag, SSC and TK (got the hand of adal title on my mage from my time in Ravenous) 70 rogue: Kara, Gruul, Mag, SSC, TK, MH, 70 warrior: Kara, Gruul, Mag, SSC, TK, MH, 70 warlock (picked up my 60 again): MH & BT. Never made it to sunwell but I'm guessing as you can see I have plenty of raiding experience.

Wrath of the lich king experiences, plowed my warrior to 80 in a week (Marymoocow) and then got shot down in flames as I missed my spot in red sun risings first group for naxx so I sulked lol. Made a hunter on my friends server got it to 73. We then decided to link accounts and power level chars on Dunemaul and the result was Mooifurhorny. Raid experience Naxx 10/25 OS 10/25 Malygos 10 Ulduar 10 12/14 we're stuck on Yoggy currently. 25 man Ulduar, I have yet to properly set foot in with the exception of farming Flame of Ieviathon and Razorscale dragon thing boss ^^.

Last words?
Well I didn't mention this earlier but I have been in RSR for must be nearly... 2 years now and it's a great community and I have some very good friends here. The reason it's so close and great fun is because of the fact we play alot of games outside wow whether it's TF2 or DOTA, L4D, DOW2 and various other things. This is why its hard to leave such a great bunch of friends but my lust for raiding leaves alot to be desired in Red Sun Rising and due to alot of people slacking and not showing up and just plain learning things very very slowly, and being lazy e.g. not bringing flasks or food or even enchanting/gemming gear properly.

There is also a large number of young people in this guild, not that this is a bad thing but they are very annoying and whine over loot and complain all the time, and it's all become a bit too much for me. So I guess thats it if you feel you can find room for a friendly relaxed enhancement shaman in Raid B I would be honored to join. Hehe I am serious though when it comes to looking after my gear getting the most out of my dps and getting prepared for raids whether it's watching tactics to farming food/flasks.

P.S. Spelling and grammar checked by my gf because I cant spell for fuck ^^ so if anythings now misspelled its her fault :3. Also sorry for the block of txt crit :D.

June 15, 2009, 10:21:49 pm
Reply #1

Offline Vorte

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June 15, 2009, 10:57:19 pm
Reply #2

Offline Rastien

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 10:57:19 pm »
Shit sorry -.- cant believe i did that sigh thanks for the link

June 16, 2009, 12:05:27 am
Reply #3

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 12:05:27 am »
too late to read through, but ...

GIEF enh shaman

June 16, 2009, 12:38:01 am
Reply #4

Offline Thoramon

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 12:38:01 am »
Not that bad gear , but impressive hit rating and expertise u got there Mooioffuhorny ( man....Iamsish was way too easier , need glasses zomg  :) anyway I hope you know expertise cap for enh shamans is 25 and hit rating cap 365 , so you might need to work a bit more for improving your AP and crit rating . Overall your application looks good and I hope the officers in charge will replay to you soonish . Good luck .
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 01:17:19 am by Thoramon »

June 16, 2009, 01:32:03 am
Reply #5

Offline delling

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2009, 01:32:03 am »
Great name ... ... ...

Can't we deny simply on how awful your name is?

Good app though. Good luck :)
Now I run a tech website.

June 16, 2009, 09:28:08 am
Reply #6

Offline Rastien

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2009, 09:28:08 am »
Not that bad gear , but impressive hit rating and expertise u got there Mooioffuhorny ( man....Iamsish was way too easier , need glasses zomg  :) anyway I hope you know expertise cap for enh shamans is 25 and hit rating cap 365 , so you might need to work a bit more for improving your AP and crit rating . Overall your application looks good and I hope the officers in charge will replay to you soonish . Good luck .

Oh! ok christ guess i been barking up the wrong tree then ^^ i will fiddly around with my gear later today then. For some reason i was under the impression i needed 17% hit rating to hit the spell soft cap and i had the expertise of 212 in my head as well from somewhere.

Anyways thanks for clarifying that ill dump a load of hitrating/expertise later today :))

-note couldnt get my gf to check this for spelling or grammer shes sleeping ^^

-edit after changing my belt around im now at 365 hit rating expertise is alot harder to lower as its weaved into some of my gear which i dont have replacements for but removed any gems with expertise on and replaced them with agi/crit instead.

Reason i might have stacked it so high hit rating that is, might be due to the fact that our guild only focus's on 10 man at the moment and i have no sniff of a shadow priest in our group to give the extra 3%. Could still be wrong on this front not 100% sure ^^.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 09:53:40 am by Rastien »

June 16, 2009, 11:09:30 am
Reply #7

Offline Supremacy

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2009, 11:09:30 am »
Great name ... ... ...

Can't we deny simply on how awful your name is?

Good app though. Good luck :)

Haha cmon his name is awesome ^^ and he is a FEMALE COW OMFG SHALALALA WILL HAVE SOMEONE 2 PLAY WITH NOW!!1

"Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall"

June 16, 2009, 04:54:52 pm
Reply #8

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2009, 04:54:52 pm »
The spell hit cap is 17%, but generally u have misery or the moonkin buff giving your 3% extra hit, so you only need 14%.  That's ~368 rating.  Ofc, if you don't have the 3% hit buff, as you say, then you need 17%, which is about ~442 rating.


June 16, 2009, 05:18:03 pm
Reply #9

Offline Thoramon

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2009, 05:18:03 pm »
365-370-ish hit rating is just fine for Enh Shamy , as mentioned above . I have missed Earth Shock on General Vezax with even 385 hit rating + SP and Boomkin in the raid so there is a bit of rng factor as well .I'd recommend you to try balance your stats as much as you can . After you get the hit cap and exp capped , then try to stack as much AP as you can ( using 32 AP red gems ) and watch your crit rating ( everything above 29-30% crit rating unbuffed is fine ) . Good luck .

June 16, 2009, 05:44:37 pm
Reply #10

Offline Sparrowhawk

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2009, 05:44:37 pm »
Strong application, good luck with it! Your gemming looks kind of silly to me, but otherwise nice gear.

June 16, 2009, 06:00:59 pm
Reply #11

Offline Rastien

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2009, 06:00:59 pm »
Strong application, good luck with it! Your gemming looks kind of silly to me, but otherwise nice gear.

Silly how any advice and constructive critism so i can improve myself would be great :D i know theres +crit +mp5 with hind sight shud be stamina instead of mp5 where else do you think i could improve? or have gone slightly wrong ^^

June 16, 2009, 07:23:02 pm
Reply #12

Offline Thoramon

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2009, 07:23:02 pm »
Silly how any advice and constructive critism so i can improve myself would be great :D i know theres +crit +mp5 with hind sight shud be stamina instead of mp5 where else do you think i could improve? or have gone slightly wrong ^^
Read above .

June 16, 2009, 07:35:58 pm
Reply #13

Offline Rastien

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2009, 07:35:58 pm »
lol  ;D will fix it this evening ^^

June 16, 2009, 07:39:44 pm
Reply #14

Offline Sparrowhawk

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Re: Mooifurhorny Enhancment Shamoo Apply Raid B
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2009, 07:39:44 pm »
Silly how any advice and constructive critism so i can improve myself would be great :D i know theres +crit +mp5 with hind sight shud be stamina instead of mp5 where else do you think i could improve? or have gone slightly wrong ^^
Read above .

Also socket bonuses are not MUST to get ;)


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