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 A-Raid Bowflex - Marksman Hunter

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March 18, 2010, 11:08:07 am
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Offline Nubby

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A-Raid Bowflex - Marksman Hunter
« on: March 18, 2010, 11:08:07 am »
About Me:
My name is Kim Soendergaard. Im a young stud, 20 years old and from Denmark.
Currently going to School (Studying) so raiding is what i spend most of my sparetime on. Also like chillin with some mates after work, and going out in the weekends.
I should be able to raid 4 times a week, but might have to study from time to time.

My Raidtimes:

Monday: 18-24
Tuesday: 18-24
Wensday: 18-24
Thursday: 18-24
Friday/Saturday: Drinking/friends
Sunday: 20-24 or sometimes not at all

Internet Connection: 100/10 Mbit TDC.
Computer Specifications: Quad-Core Intel 2.8Ghz, Geforce 9800GTX and 8GB memory.
Stable: Yes

My Character:

Name: Bowflex
Class/Race: Tauren Hunter
Professions: Jewelcrafting / Enchanting (300/300 - Still leveling)

Guild History Horde Site:

Started my raiding days on the horde site in Rigor Mortis. Was there for some time, but never felt a part of the core and had some disagreement with an officer, so i decided to leave them, and join Ravenous 1337 squad.

Was in ravenous for 3 month, before i had some serious IRL issues and was forced to leave the raiding team (If you want more info, you can get it in a PM) I really enjoyed ravenous.

Guild History Alliance Site:

Started my raiding days there in early tbc, after lvling my first Character (Warrior ofc). After some time playing with some IRL mates, i decided to go 1337 Raider and joined some Different guilds clearing all from Kara to Sunwell (Pre-nerf).
WOTLK came fast and wanted to keep raiding. Joined a old guild on Ravencrest with some IRL mates and cleared Naxx Pretty fast (Realms Second KT kill). When ulduar came i joined a guild called Stasis and was clearing that pretty fast aswell. Had a small break after that and then i went to the "darkside" to play on dunemaul.

Cleared uld. 10 hm’s on my warrior and downed Algalon25 on my hunter. Basicly all Hm’s is done in ulduar.
4/5 in ToGc 25 (Irl issues came right before Ravenous downed anub as the first on realm – so pretty bad timing)
The last few month i've been playing and raiding on Ravencrest on my warrior ( Drixxl - Dwarf Warrior ) so i pretty much have all my Icc25 raid exp. from him. Clearing 10/12 within the first week or 2.
Link to my Warrior:

The main reason i wanna come back to dunemaul and raid again is, i've had enough of the lag on Ravencrest. Top 5 raiding guilds already migrated away from Ravencrest, so im gonna go the same way, altho just going back to my lovely hunter.

My Armory Link:

Currently im running Survival Mainspecc and MM as my offspecc. Simple because i enjoy playing Survival alot more, than i do with MM. Im playing MM very well tho.

Played Time: 34 Days
In Comparrison i got 150 days on my warrior and 30 days on druid.

On dunemaul i have a paladin named Holyhaxx :


I expect Iron Edge to be a place where i enjoy raiding. Also a serious and focused guild, on raids. A guild where im thrilled to raid basicly.
In return i can offer Iron Edge a serious and focused raider, who takes pride in being a part of a core-grp of raiders. I dedicate my time and effort in the guild, and bringing skill to the guild.

The thing i enjoy most about playing hunter is mostly the whole "Pew pew lazor gun - and do sick dps" they got going on. Imo. hunter is pretty much the enjoyable class to play. To understand it, i think you need to have tryed it. .

Think that's that. If anyone of you have any questions, regarding specc, Glyphs and stuff feel free to leave a comment down under here. (If it's allowed by the officer staff ofc) Thank you for your time, hoped you enjoyed it.

Zindaron over and out

« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 12:10:25 pm by Ziindaron »

Also come support my livestream. Will be doing it every week Monday/thursday from 20-24. Heroic raids! Might do more during the week.

March 18, 2010, 12:17:06 pm
Reply #1

Offline Huntresa

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Re: A-Raid Zindaron - Survival Hunter
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 12:17:06 pm »
Your gear is ok, but i dont see why you play Survival when it does inferior DPS compared to MM. Cause even in your gear MM would outperform Surv quite easy.
And yes i read that you enjoy Surv more but then i read you like "PEWPEW LAZOR DPS"
. shouldnt you be the best DPS spec possible then?

Also why do you Enchant Hit on boots when your quite abit over the hitcap alrdy?
And your MM spec is not gr8 either, dont use Arcane Shot, so Imp Arc Shot is waste and no Silencing Shot(rly good shot cause it has no GCD aka macroed to every other shot and goes of every cd).

Also we are trialing another Hunter atm, but im not Hunter Officer so its not my call.

Peace Out.

March 18, 2010, 01:09:30 pm
Reply #2

Offline Nubby

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Re: A-Raid Zindaron - Survival Hunter
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 01:09:30 pm »
Changed the boot Enchant this morning, armory havent updated yet it seems. (Using Tuskarrs vitality for the speed increase)

- I've always played survival, and im playing it to the max. Most pugs i go on (Voa, Icc25 and stuff like that) I out-dps most MM hunters with similar gear to mine. That said, ive been concidering MM specc yes, and i got imp. arcane shot, due to my lack of Arp. If i was arp soft or even hardcapped i would ofcause remove the arcane shot from my std. rotation since steadyshot becomes more vital. I just feel like in my current gear, the imp. arcane shot gives me the most dps output.

But thanks for the response Huntresa, i'll take your input and convert it positively.

Also come support my livestream. Will be doing it every week Monday/thursday from 20-24. Heroic raids! Might do more during the week.

March 18, 2010, 04:12:20 pm
Reply #3

Offline Yoica

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Re: A-Raid Zindaron - Survival Hunter
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2010, 04:12:20 pm »
- I've always played survival, and im playing it to the max. Most pugs i go on (Voa, Icc25 and stuff like that) I out-dps most MM hunters with similar gear to mine.

Imagine the difference if you had been MM... It is about you doing max dps, not the difference between you and other players.

March 18, 2010, 04:40:17 pm
Reply #4

Offline Huntresa

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Re: A-Raid Zindaron - Survival Hunter
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2010, 04:40:17 pm »
Changed the boot Enchant this morning, armory havent updated yet it seems. (Using Tuskarrs vitality for the speed increase)

- I've always played survival, and im playing it to the max. Most pugs i go on (Voa, Icc25 and stuff like that) I out-dps most MM hunters with similar gear to mine. That said, ive been concidering MM specc yes, and i got imp. arcane shot, due to my lack of Arp. If i was arp soft or even hardcapped i would ofcause remove the arcane shot from my std. rotation since steadyshot becomes more vital. I just feel like in my current gear, the imp. arcane shot gives me the most dps output.

But thanks for the response Huntresa, i'll take your input and convert it positively.

If you would gem ArP, you would reach 51% ArP(with ArP Food too) and then that would mean you should get NES(Needle-Encrusted Scorpion), which would replace Banner Of Victory. And yes i know NES isnt the best ArP trinket out there for us hunters but in this case you would see a gain in approx 800-1000DPS. And since you´re over hit cap you would go Imp Hunters Mark instead of 3% hit in MM spec.

Edit: And this was all calculated without JC Gems or Ring Enchants since you arent at the lvl in the professions yet to use them.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 04:42:37 pm by Huntresa »

March 18, 2010, 05:38:47 pm
Reply #5

Offline Nubby

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Re: A-Raid Zindaron - Survival Hunter
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2010, 05:38:47 pm »
- Changed my race today (Dunno why really, but felt like it was needed to be done)

So my new name is Bowflex and imma Tauren Hunter.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 05:45:39 pm by Ziindaron »

Also come support my livestream. Will be doing it every week Monday/thursday from 20-24. Heroic raids! Might do more during the week.

March 18, 2010, 06:11:59 pm
Reply #6

Offline Nubby

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Re: A-Raid Zindaron - Survival Hunter
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2010, 06:11:59 pm »
I've decided to go MM. Keybind's is fixed.

UPDATE: Im now Arp. softcapped with the trinket from Fos hc.

Bowflex is out.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 08:35:19 pm by Ziindaron »

Also come support my livestream. Will be doing it every week Monday/thursday from 20-24. Heroic raids! Might do more during the week.


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