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 A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS

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March 30, 2010, 03:13:01 pm
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Offline Yesuare

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A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« on: March 30, 2010, 03:13:01 pm »
Personal Information

Name: Yan
Age: 24
Location: Oxfordshire, England

Brief details: I've been playing MMO's since I was 14 (ultima online), moved onto Anarchy Online at 16 and WoW at 18.  As I've grown MMO's have grown with me and my role in them.  My life has adapted suitably to balance MMO's with real life.  p.s. My wife also plays wow and will be applying after me (Myerni Priest Disc / Holy).

Character Information

My gear can be seen here:

I play as Blood tanking.  I am open to taking any tanking spec that will help push progress more reliably.  However from my experience research and preference blood does this job best.

I enjoy offspecing for DPS when it is required.  On a standstill fight I will push 9k as unholy or 10k as frost. (my DPS offspec gear still needs work average item lvl is 251).

My Character started out on Jaedenar raiding with Unity (now named Dimension).  During some holiday time for my Honeymoon the guild split (now reformed).  As it split I took the opportunity to reroll on Stormscale... erm because I followed a friend who's an Athene fan.
Once my reroll made 80 I transfered my DK over for more raiding.  Now on Stormscale after the lack of any Raiding guilds to suit my play times I created my own guild with my Wife.  My IRL friend now has GM over the guild while my Wife and I are officers there.

You can see me featured in any world of logs report for the zoo as I am the log keeper.

I've killed Lichking on 10man and am therefor attuned to open 10man HC.


I am available to raid 7 days a week if needed.  I usually do raid 7 days a week to entertain 10mans and my alt.

More specifically I am available to be online at the following times (CET):

Mondays: 19:30 - 24:30
Tuesdays: 19:30 - 24:30
Wednesdays: 19:30 - 24:30
Thursdays: 19:30 - 24:30
Fridays: 19:30 - 24:30
Saturday: All day
Sundays: All day

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history

I started gaming at 14 playing Ultima Online where I really dont remember what I achieved.  I remember I had the deed to build a keep but couldnt place it due to lack of land space lol.

At 16 I moved on to play Anarchy Online with a girl I met at college (now my wife).  We got our characters to the max levels and raided all end game content with the best guild of our faction (Storm) on Rubi Ka 1.

At 18 We stopped playing Anarchy Online and started with WoW for the Vanilla Retail Release.  We started on Burning Legion where we raided MC. I lead raids with a guild named 'The Hylar'.  It was more of a Casual turn raider guild, We downed Ragnaros very late in the day after I had already started leveling a new Character on Haomarush (a new server back then). 
Once my reroll (horde warrior) was 60 I joined Incorporated as a tank.  I raided with them through MC and well into BWL.  As we got to Nefarion drama started after Nefarion became a real wall for the guild.  I jumped ship to avoid the Drama and joined Envy the top guild of the server and joined them in time for the Server First Nefarion kill. (oh forgot to mention my wife was with me during this still).
We did the BWL / MC grind for months and eventually people started quiting / burnout and we made a reroll project to Vek'nilash.
On Vek'nilash we joined Windwalkers as a Rogue and Rogue then shortly after joining Xfered over a priest / mage as they required those classes more.  We raided through AQ getting Server first C'thun and went through Naxx40 with them up to 4 horseman.  At this time Curse xfered to Vek'nilash and we no longer had our server first ranking however we still progressed through Naxx40 at a high world ranking especailly given our fresh server state making us considerably under geared to the competition.
I did not join Windwalkers with the last 3 bosses in Naxx 40 as I could no longer make the raid times after a real life change (new job, I've been in this job now for over 3 years).

After a break I leveled 2 chars up to 70 in TBC but did no significant raiding.

After WOTLK release I leveled my DK as my first 80 and began raiding with him (used to be male draenie).  I joined a casual raiding guild and helped push their progression with my previouse raiding experience.  Once geared though I applied to the Server first guild (Unity).  My wife and I both got accepted to unity where we raided Up until the completion of Ulduar where we took a break for our wedding and the completion of some renovation work we had ongiong with our house that we bought the year before.

This brings me up to date.  After our honeymoon the guild split (now reformed).  As it split I took the opportunity to reroll on Stormscale... erm because I followed a friend who's an Athene fan.
Once my reroll made 80 I transfered my DK over for more raiding.  Now on Stormscale after the lack of any Raiding guilds to suit my play times I created my own guild with my Wife.  My IRL friend now has GM over the guild while my Wife and I are officers there.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
I had hoped to make The Zoo a hardcore raiding guild however our recruitment has not been strong enough (an issue with starting a guild so late in the expantion (began the guild 5th December).  This is the reason I want to migrate away and join 'a HPG'.

Why Iron Edge? Simple.  While googling for the issues im experiencing in my guild I came accross Seb's blog and I really like how Seb thinks and writes.  I figure therefor that Iron Edge must be a nice place to raid and looking at how long your guild has been going a steady place to raid.  Now that my wife and I are settled in our own house and keeping a normal routine with no surprises it is my dream to be in a good guild where we can really become part of the community.

I see us staying through the grind between Now and Cataclysm and then having the excitement and fun of the new expansion until whatever happens next.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
I've always been good with tactics and being able to lead people forward.  This is the job of a tank.  I dont know who leads your raids but I bet if its Delling then he doesnt want to be telling the tanks what to do.  Tanks need to know the encounter and know what to do without being told.  They need to call for calldowns when they need them and tell people to GTFO if their only route with a firebreathing dragon is through that missplaced boomkin.

TLDR; good player good brain, communicates well.  Oh and I keep up to date with class mechanics and best play techniques.

Last words?
I am applying in the knowledge that you probably arent desperate for a new tank.  Keep my application at hand and if you need me before I'm level 85 let me know.  It will be fun to be in a great guild for the Cataclysm progress.

March 30, 2010, 07:11:48 pm
Reply #1

Offline delling

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2010, 07:11:48 pm »
Bonus points for appealing to my ego!

I think we could probably squeeze in a DK DPSer, but a tank is unlikely.

Cool that you met your wife in AO! Are you both kinda goth-kiddies then?
Now I run a tech website.

March 31, 2010, 12:43:49 am
Reply #2

Offline Intrinsic

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 12:43:49 am »
Your tank gear and experience is really good, problem is we dont need a tank however a dps dk we could use.

March 31, 2010, 11:06:12 am
Reply #3

Offline Yesuare

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 11:06:12 am »
Bonus points for appealing to my ego!

I think we could probably squeeze in a DK DPSer, but a tank is unlikely.

Cool that you met your wife in AO! Are you both kinda goth-kiddies then?

Hah, well I guess back then I was walking around in a leather jacket with Iron maiden patches all over it and long hair.  But Roo was very normal and perhaps saw past my appearance that was kind of implanted on me from the people I hang around with, wow I'm so impressionable.

As for DK dps or tank options.  Being a full time DPS is something I can definately do and enjoy doing.  Before getting back with a definate yes or no to if I can do that I will get my wife to put in her application (ideally we would come over together if we were both needed in some way).

Oh I also need to clarify, is my output / gear level as DPS up to the standard to be trialed? 
You can see my current frosty gear by seaching my char on
I've got 264 scourge reaver legplates in my bag which I will use probably after tomorow once I've enough frost emblems for the Badge cloak with expertiese.  As for sanctification marks those would only be available to me from 10man HC since it would be unfair for me to take them for offspec in my current guild as I MS tanking.

April 05, 2010, 03:46:07 am
Reply #4

Offline Yesuare

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 03:46:07 am »

We've been a bit bussy during the easter break but my better half will post an app soon.

In the meantime, I've been making a few upgrades to my Frost DPS gear.  Unfortuantely I've had to squeeze in some messy Expertiese gems to support this sword I picked up, certainly not my BIS preferentail weapon but meh...

Search for eu stormscale Yesuare on


April 06, 2010, 07:21:06 am
Reply #5

Offline Ameliorate

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2010, 07:21:06 am »
How is Stormscale these days?  It's been a couple of years since I moved here from there to avoid the horrible queues, but there is talk of some old NiX guys heading back there for expansion.

April 06, 2010, 10:29:04 am
Reply #6

Offline Yesuare

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 10:29:04 am »
They've managed to keep migration open long enough for the queues to vanish :)

We had some seriouse lag issues over the last few weeks but fingers crossed they appear fixed now. 

June 22, 2010, 01:34:19 pm
Reply #7

Offline Yesuare

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2010, 01:34:19 pm »
bump.  current personal progress is 11/12 ICC25hc as raid leader.

My guilds split now due to summer inactivity.  I'd still be interested in joining you guys though.  Do you need a DK tank? as for dps my current gear allows me to do 12.5k on saurfang / rotface as unholy and probably more as frost duel wield..  I can play both well.

June 22, 2010, 01:57:59 pm
Reply #8

Offline delling

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2010, 01:57:59 pm »
We're kind of sitting in the middle of shit-happens and summer-inactivity too. Not really sure I can keep recruiting -- I have a lot of triallists already!

You would probably get a few raids (we're really short of players atm), but once people return from the hospital, or exams... you'd probably be kicked out of the raid :)
Now I run a tech website.

June 22, 2010, 02:22:07 pm
Reply #9

Offline Blackwhale

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2010, 02:22:07 pm »
I dont think i've ever healed a DK tank. Some day i got to know what that feels like
If pluto isnt a planet because its a dwarf, does that mean dwarfs aint people?

June 22, 2010, 02:26:38 pm
Reply #10

Offline Daekesh

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2010, 02:26:38 pm »
Intrinsic can help u!


June 22, 2010, 02:49:42 pm
Reply #11

Offline Abyiss

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2010, 02:49:42 pm »
I dont think i've ever healed a DK tank. Some day i got to know what that feels like

You've healed me plenty times :P
The only man foolish enough to roll a DK tank.

(Shannaro 2010)

June 22, 2010, 04:48:37 pm
Reply #12

Offline Blackwhale

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2010, 04:48:37 pm »
I dont think i've ever healed a REAL DK tank. Some day i got to know what that feels like
You've healed me plenty times :P

Sorry for the missunderstanding abyiss.. Did i ever heal you in a proper raid tho?
If pluto isnt a planet because its a dwarf, does that mean dwarfs aint people?

June 22, 2010, 04:54:12 pm
Reply #13

Offline Intrinsic

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2010, 04:54:12 pm »

June 22, 2010, 06:26:42 pm
Reply #14

Offline Skymunken

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Re: A Raid (X-realm) Yesuare Deathknight Tank/DPS
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2010, 06:26:42 pm »
Intrinsic can help u!


I heard shadowmourne is good for tanking yes?
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?


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