Hello my name is Goran and I'm from Norway. I'm 21 years old and currently working as a IT-Consultant.
WoW History I've been playing WOW since release, mostly pvp but a few seasons I also did some PvE
because of friends. I started playing a druid, but after 1 year of being flag carrier
in WSG it got kinda boring...so therefore i rerolled warlock and I've been playing it
since the end of vanilla. I've always been a big fan of BGs, so I've started on Battlemaster achievements *geek*. I'm also really excited about the new Rated BG system.
Been migrating after my friends awhile, but they quit all the time, so I've decided to stay on dunemaul and find other people to continue my PvP adventure with.
Characterhttp://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dunemaul/annyonghi/simpletotal time played on my lock is 305 days, beat that , doing achievements and farming gold takes time .
In the old days I was a drakedog fan, so I've been playing destruction for a long time...
PvPVanilla --> Rank 10 druid
Arena Season 1 --> 1700 2v2 (Balance / Destro)
Arena Season 2 --> Pala / Warrior (me) 1600 or something, not impressive.
Arena Season 3 --> 2200 5v5 (2346 setup, for those who remember it)
Arena Season 4 --> 1800 Warrior / Pala (me)
Arena Season 7 --> 2000 2v2, resto druid / hunter
Arena Season 9 --> 2000 2v2, feral / destro, my friend ragequit when druids got fixed
My arena history isn't impressive at all, I've just been doing casual arena with my friends.
I've been playing many different setups in all seasons, but it's not worth mentioning, I'm also having a hard time remembering since it's so long time ago.
Been playing Dota many years, but latetly I've moved over to HON, currently 1700 MMR.
Realm first Ragnaros 01.10.2005
Realm first Onyxia 21.08.2005
Been playing on many different servers, Al'akir, Stormscale etc.
Feel free to ask any questions..
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