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 Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square

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May 12, 2011, 02:41:25 pm
Reply #480

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #480 on: May 12, 2011, 02:41:25 pm »
So let's hear your argument Rucious

I asked you on irc, you ignored me. Seems like you are using this opportunity to lynch a villager and hide something.

May 12, 2011, 03:13:03 pm
Reply #481

Offline Rucious

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #481 on: May 12, 2011, 03:13:03 pm »
I don't know what to say after Tyler convinced me. That's why I didn't answer on IRC, Shiftey. He has more strong points than you do, so I'll go with him this time as well, like he said me to change my vote for TTaM.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

May 12, 2011, 03:18:21 pm
Reply #482

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #482 on: May 12, 2011, 03:18:21 pm »
And? I voted and argued for both TTaM and Cwave day 1 and nobody trusted me. Turns out I was right all along.

May 12, 2011, 03:18:56 pm
Reply #483

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #483 on: May 12, 2011, 03:18:56 pm »
And I proved most of Tyler's arguments are made up lies that were never told by me.

May 12, 2011, 04:39:11 pm
Reply #484

Offline Nachmanun

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #484 on: May 12, 2011, 04:39:11 pm »
I'm gonna vote Tyler, I don't think Shiftey is the bad guy. Pretty sure this'll bite me in the ass tomorrow when Tyler only needs to convince 3 villagers to get a majority vote, but from where I see it Tyler is more suspicious than Shiftey at this point - but I'm gonna stop rolling with playing it safe and going with conviction instead.

May 12, 2011, 06:40:35 pm
Reply #485


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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #485 on: May 12, 2011, 06:40:35 pm »
I was actually about ready to put some faith in Shiftey after chatting with him for quite a long while on TS about the outcome of last night after day broke. However, since then we've went from him suggesting to lynch himself and saying it'd be okay if he got lynched anyway since we're ahead and it'd give us some more info at first, into now being very frantic and seemingly angry or frustrated. Makes me feel it's a lot more likely a bluff that has been called.

So I'm going to maintain my trust in Tyler for now; so far every call he's made with any force has turned up good results.

May 12, 2011, 07:49:13 pm
Reply #486

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #486 on: May 12, 2011, 07:49:13 pm »
Please remember this voting record against me.

Tyler, Hugman, Rucious, Archz, Kawe, Graxlos

2 mafia are most likely amongst them.

Kill them and end the game so we can start another one.

May 12, 2011, 09:10:53 pm
Reply #487

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #487 on: May 12, 2011, 09:10:53 pm »
Please remember this voting record against me.

Tyler, Hugman, Rucious, Archz, Kawe, Graxlos

2 mafia are most likely amongst them.

Kill them and end the game so we can start another one.

   Yes, because if they have voted against you; clearly, they must be Mafia; so we must restrict our Mafia-witchhunting to those have voted against you.

Some of your posts, Jesus; make me think either you are a really, really  like-retardedly bad villager, who has no idea about how to present data in order to logically prove your innocent; or a very incompetent Mafioso.

No I would rather take a look at the voting done by people since the start of day 3:

Graxlos: Shiftey>Arches>Shiftey.
Tyler: Shiftey.
Shiftey: Tyler>Shiftey>Arches>Tyler>Shiftey>Tyler.
Kawe: Shiftey.
Hugman: Shiftey.
Vorte: Graxlos.
Arches: Graxlos>Shiftey.
Rucious; Graxlos>Shiftey.
Shankski: Graxlos.
Nach: Tyler.

  So, What do I get from that? Well Shiftey has changed his vote a total of 5 times, in one day, even going as far as to retardedly vote for himself several times. Does that prove he is Mafia? No, not on its own, but with some of the frankly stupid and illogical "clearly I am totally innocent! Its so obvious how can you not see it!" posts Shiftey has done in the last day, It doesn't paint a pretty picture. Lets take a look shall we? Have a little gander at Shiftey's attempt to "prove his innocence" since I accused him at the beginning of day 3; and decide for yourself, I you were in his place, and a villager, would you act this way?

May 12, 2011, 09:11:04 pm
Reply #488

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #488 on: May 12, 2011, 09:11:04 pm »
Starting from the start of day 3:

From what vorte tells me though, he investigated you Tyler and you showed up as read, and that means there are 2 mafioso voting for TTaM, which means they killed him outright probably to gain trust. And who were the two most voiced about TTaM? Tyler and Graxlos, it is becoming apparent they are the mobsters in here. Unless either TTaM or Tyler are millers.

So could I be right about Tyler and Graxlos?

Tyler even voted for Cwave first but changed, definitely trying to make us believe how he really is a villager.

As for your accusations, I am not seeing any evidence, I voted for who I believed to be a mob but sure, go ahead, lynch me a waste a kill. But there are mafia amongst us and they want me dead and since tyler and graxlos both so hastly voted for me and trying to frame me. It's becoming very obvious who the mafia is right now.

I say let's start with Tyler. Lynch him!

Accuses Tyler and Gaieos.

See, now you are lying to frame me.
I havent accused delling.
Starting to lose yourself in your web of lies there mister mafia? You're the godfather, now I know.

Accuses Gaieos again.

Also the one of the dead mafia vote for TTaM Graxlos, another lie in that post? Just lies and lies of lies. You're losing yourself in it. You're clearly mafia right now.

And again.
That log proves I was right about grishnag. And also that delling thing you are leaving out a part cause it was a sarcasm :)

So yeah, you just proved that I am a villager, thank you. You are definitely a mafia.

And again, then states the fact that Gaieos had questioned him, as "clear" proof that he is innocent, and Gaieos is "clearly" Mafia.

Trying so desperately to frame me, this is fantastic :) I voted for myself too just to prove you all wrong, lynch me please. I am a villager, I will sacrifice myself to prove that Tyler and Graxlos are mafia.

Accuses Gaieos and Tyler again, then states "OH I WILL VALIANTLY SACRIFICE MYSELF, FOR THE GOOD OF THE VILLAGE!". Then changes his vote to himself ???.

Everybody says that I am a terrible villager but I think otherwise, if I can pull so much attention from the mob to me, especially people who are overzealously trying to lynch me and then I'll turn up green, which I will unless I am a miller. Then you'll know who is the mafia and we'll win the game. And since I am a villager, despite being dead, I will win too. I think it's a very clever move from my side.

Then states he is actually playing a brilliant villager role! As he is drawing all the attention to himself, so he can die in your place! Fellow villagers! Rejoice! For the Shiftey martyr is here, to save you from having to decide on who to vote! ???

I now realized something. TTaM actually PMed me day 1 that he knows arches is a tracker. Which means he knew from the very beginning which a) is weird how he found out and b) if arches is a tracker and TTaM was a mafia, how the hell is arches still alive?

I am beginning to think that arches might actually be the godfather we are all looking for, he would should up as the tracker if investigated(cause that's the aura mafia built around him and leaked on purpose).

He's also very silent and trying to stay out of harms way, not posting at all. I hope this time I am right.

Well, a few hours after I post about Kesh's pm's to me, he suddenly "finds" that in an earlier pm to him from Kesh, that has evidence that Arch may be lying! Does he post even, the copy-pasted version? No. He just moves on. And by "moves on" I mean: "I am gonna ignore all the stuff Hugman posted about me earlier in that post about Kesh's data, because, ya know, we don't want to dwell on that do we... OH LOOK ARCHES, CLEARLY, PER MY PM I DIDN'T POST, HE IS AS GUILTY AS FUCK! LETS GET HIM!" Changes vote to Arches.

oaky then:


also the absolute trust you put in people claiming what roles they have is beyond me Tyler

And now Arches is the "Clear" Mafioso.

shankski: I am posting like mad, I am trying, but everything is just hitting a wall that you people have created for you

and I have voted for myself to prove my theory right, then you'll see who the real mob is and my sacrifice wont be in vain

but now that I am beginning to suspect graxlos less and less, I think I should change it to arches

Now that Gaieos has changed his vote from Shiftey, he is no longer the bad guy! Lets all kill Arches now!

I am not saying kawe is lying at all, I a not even talking about him. Interesting that you bring up some arbitrary numbers and names to create an aura of guilt around me.

Maybe you are trying to steer attention away from someone else?

I said I dont suspect grax now too, which you seem to ignore and involve him too. Which brings you entire argument to a dead end.

It's artifically made up and flawed.

Try again.

Oh, shit, Tyler said something, quick! point out Tyler is Mafioso!

I dont dismiss that possibility, but I operate with the assumption that there are 2 mafia in the game. And based on what I can tell, my suspects are arches and you. And my reasoning is some posts ago.

Especially arches, I hope he actually speaks, I wanna hear his side of the story.

Yup, definitely with Tyler and Arches now!

Then the next few posts are some "logical" drivel about how clearly Tyler is Mafioso.
Changes vote to Tyler.

You know what guys, I give up. You are all so set on me being mafia, Tyler really played this one well and poisoned you. Just bear in mind when I die and you see that I was a villager and start shouting who's fault it is... it was Tyler's so make sure to lynch him next. Cause he's bloody well obvious.

Decides to give up, Changes vote to himself.

  Then Changes his mind again, and does a large post, explaining how logical it is that Tyler is Mafia. Personally, I didn't get a single useful piece of data from it.

So let's hear your argument Rucious

I asked you on irc, you ignored me. Seems like you are using this opportunity to lynch a villager and hide something.

Oh, no, Rucious said something. Quick! imply he is Mafia!

And? I voted and argued for both TTaM and Cwave day 1 and nobody trusted me. Turns out I was right all along.

Then imply you were fully right all along, to back up the drivel you have been posting for the last day.

Please remember this voting record against me.

Tyler, Hugman, Rucious, Archz, Kawe, Graxlos

2 mafia are most likely amongst them.

Kill them and end the game so we can start another one.

And finally finish it, with some more "logic".

May 12, 2011, 09:11:12 pm
Reply #489

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #489 on: May 12, 2011, 09:11:12 pm »
  So, did anyone apart from me, re-read all of Shiftey's posts, since the beginning of day 3; and not think he sounds fucking insane?

Do you really believe a person who posted all that, has the town's best interest at heart?

Do you really think all of that frankly borderline schizo posting, voting and accusing; that it was done in the interest of getting a town win, and not just to spread fuck tonnes of confusion among the remaining villagers?

Seriously. I can understand some of you have suspicions about Tyler, fair enough. Imo he still could be a ninja

But Shiftey? Come on! He is as guilty as fuck.

  One more thing to point out, and its a good one. In all that posting, accusing, and vote changing, Shiftey didn't vote, or accuse me of being mob once. Why not? I accused him of being Mob at the beginning of day 3, and stuck with it throughout the day, making regular posts and irc posts, pointing out he was guilty and talking bollocks.

And with all those accusations he threw around, he never once, accused me. I did just as much Shiftey bashing as Tyler, and yet, nothing.

Wanna know why? Because, at this point, most of you are fairly sure (not 100% but ok) that I am not mob. While some of you have suspicions about Tyler, Gaieos, and Arches.

He as a mobster, isn't gonna go for trying to convince you, I am mob, its too hard, too much has been said, that can back me up, as not.

So he goes for the easier targets, spreads some doubt around, and BOOOM! we have a conflicted vote.

We didn't at the mid point of day 3, the majority had already voted for him.

And now we are conflicted.

Not the actions of a Townie.

May 13, 2011, 12:01:55 am
Reply #490

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #490 on: May 13, 2011, 12:01:55 am »
Night Descends!

Only the terrible combination of fear, grief and anger can drive people to do the unspeakable things that happened at sunset.

The crowd was out for blood, Shiftey would pay for his crimes with his life. As the Executioner prepared the guillotine for it's second use in two days, someone shouted from the crowd. "The guillotine is too good for him, use the wheel".

And the Executioner tied Shiftey spread eagled on the breaking wheel. Shiftey hadn't spoken a word since he had been seized by the angry mob. Everything had already been said.

The hammer fell on Shiftey's leg and broke it, Shiftey flinched, in obvious pain, but unwilling to yield. The Executioner then broke his other leg...

As the Executioner prepared to break Shiftey's arm, someone from the crowd rushed forward and grabbed the Executioners hammer and swiftly granted Shiftey coup de grace.

Displeased, the crowd shouted in anger at the traveler, but his voice, loud and clear rose above the town square. The only thing he said was:

"But can't you see? This man's blood is as pure as his resolve is steely!"

The traveler then disappeared into the night.

Shiftey the Villager has died a painful death
Ahkailon the Traveler has left town

It is now night

This night will end 18:00 CEST Friday. The day after that will only be 30 hours. With less players it takes less time for discussion.

Trolls are awesome!

May 13, 2011, 05:59:45 pm
Reply #491

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #491 on: May 13, 2011, 05:59:45 pm »
As the sun rose again over Edgeville, the villagers solemnly started their next day. No one had any illusion that brutally killing the innocent Shiftey would somehow stop the murders...

No one is safe in the night.

But it's a beautiful day, and the morale of the town is greatly heightened when they find out no one died during the night!

It is now Day 4. This day will end 23:59 Saturday evening, that's 30 hours from now.

Trolls are awesome!

May 13, 2011, 06:21:42 pm
Reply #492

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #492 on: May 13, 2011, 06:21:42 pm »
Good morning edgeville!

So this was a weird night.

I guess any remaining ninjas are saving their kills.

The mafia had one or two kills afaik. So they could have gunned for a ninja, a veteran or someone with doc protection or all of the above.

Is the doc informed if he saved someone?

Is the ninja or veteran informed who they are attacked by?

Bears like alts!

May 13, 2011, 06:23:54 pm
Reply #493


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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #493 on: May 13, 2011, 06:23:54 pm »
I was only informed that I was attacked when I lost my spare life, not who it was that shot at me.

No idea if doc gets info on his patient though, need palmar to answer that I think.

May 13, 2011, 06:28:12 pm
Reply #494

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #494 on: May 13, 2011, 06:28:12 pm »
You never get any info on the attacker.

If a vet/ninja gets hit, I will tell them.

If a doctor protects anyone, I will tell him.
Trolls are awesome!


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