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 Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square

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May 11, 2011, 11:47:48 am
Reply #375

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #375 on: May 11, 2011, 11:47:48 am »

Vorte said he was the cop, were is his post? His voice? His investigation?

Also, Arches was claimed to be the Tracker (mainly by Kesh, so I may be an outright lie), but where too is his post?

Vorte investigated Tyler tonight and his name came up in red.

   If this is true (and I want to hear it from Vorte, not you), you do realise, since Cwave was the framer, and Tyler (like me) has been out for Cwave's blood very openly and consistently from day 1, there is like a 90% chance Cwave framed him last night?

   No, Tyler is the only guy (apart from myself) I am 100% sure isn't a mobster. Sure, there is a 30% chance he is still a ninja, but at this stage of the game, with 3 mob down ( 8)), and Tyler heavily involved in putting them away,its unlikely.

May 11, 2011, 12:00:24 pm
Reply #376


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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #376 on: May 11, 2011, 12:00:24 pm »
I chatted with vorte about this, and told him I see three possibilities

- Vorte is a cop, and Tyler was framed
- Vorte is a cop, and Tyler is a miller
- Vorte is a mafia and had been lying the whole time

Vorte mentioned that he doesn't think it was a framing because a) it fits his suspicions and b) Cwave the framer was killed

I'd be a bit annoyed if Vorte is right in this case, given I've put my trust in Tyler, and am less suspicious of Hug as I was by a long ways since the beginning. If Tyler and Hug's shots at each other early on were an orchestration... well, I think that's unlikely no?

May 11, 2011, 12:07:59 pm
Reply #377

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #377 on: May 11, 2011, 12:07:59 pm »
Just so you know Kawe, Palmar said in irc last night, the actions in the night have a priority list (feel free to post it palmar), and it was something like this:

(cant remember the first one) > role actions > kills.

Kills was definitely last, so Cwave would have been able to frame someone before he died.

May 11, 2011, 12:18:36 pm
Reply #378


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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #378 on: May 11, 2011, 12:18:36 pm »
Yeah, I ctrl-F'd palmar 'cause I remembered reading something like that, but it seemed not crystal, here it is:

<Palmar> Roleblocks -> Checks -> Kills

May 11, 2011, 12:23:37 pm
Reply #379

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #379 on: May 11, 2011, 12:23:37 pm »
Yeah, that's how it goes

1. Roleblocks (Escort) - Blocks any night action by the targeted person
2. Checks/Actions - Tracking, Investigating, Framing
3. Kills - All kills are resolved simultaneously, Getting killed doesn't stop you from performing your own kill.
Trolls are awesome!

May 11, 2011, 12:34:49 pm
Reply #380

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #380 on: May 11, 2011, 12:34:49 pm »
Yes, it is true that Tyler popped up as red for me. I hold it a possibility that he was framed, but if he wasnt.. well, it fits the way I've been seeing this for a while.

Most have faith in Tyler(this is sort of true for graxlos too), that's atleast how I'm reading these 20+ pages - and that is dangerous! I would like to have you make a good case, which I'm sure you can.. who you'll deflect the finger on will tell alot!

After having chats with kawe and shiftey last night I'm close to positive they are not affiliated with the mafia @grax. I have been chatting a bit with arches aswell and can tell you that my suspicion was right here aswell - he's just an innocent retard  :P Kawe might be playing us all with the veteran call, but I doubt it..

Now - the guy who seems to be in a corner for himself here is Hugman(yes, I know I haven't mentioned shanks yet..did I forget anyone else?). I'm really confused about you.. you went from being a sure townie in my eyes, to some bad ass turbo-plotter together with Tyler(textfalls and blind accusations).. I hope I read that wrong, as if you're not mafia this game is actually looking good for the village for the first time!
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

May 11, 2011, 12:45:01 pm
Reply #381

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #381 on: May 11, 2011, 12:45:01 pm »
If Tyler is mafia then he has been playing a great game.

Shiftey plays like a retard if he is a villager.

I really cant read anything from shankskis actions.

I was quite sure Hugman was mafia until he changed his vote to TTaM.

You didnt mention Nach.

Im pretty confused atm.

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May 11, 2011, 12:48:01 pm
Reply #382

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #382 on: May 11, 2011, 12:48:01 pm »
Anyway, as I have said to a few of you, I had some data I was gonna post this morning. It is very long, deal with it.

  It has become apparent to me, that Kesh has had me duped for most of day 2, and had me thinking some of you were not acting in the Town's best interest. He convinced me of most of this, by forum pms, and pms on Irc. I asked Palmar, if I could post a screen shot of one of these forum pms, and he said it would be against the rules, but I could copy/paste the data in it/

So here it is:

Godwin Extraordinaire
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Posts: 3,777

? Sent to: Hugman on: May 08, 2011, 01:57:02 PM ?
Hey, we don't think you're mafia.  You're far too outspoken.  So, we're going to try to get you into our little group.  We don't have many yet, just me, Arch, Shiftey and Kawe.

Arch is a tracker and tracked Kawe last night.  Kawe didn't leave his house!

Jump on irc at some point and talk with me and shiftey!
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  This was sent to me early day 2, and I was immediately suspicious of it and he then got me on irc, and through pms, we discussed various people, and what we knew, and some interesting things were said by Kesh (especially since we now know he was mob). Obviously, since he was mob, he could have just been lying about everything, however, I doubt he did lie about all of it, as doing so would very quickly reveal him to be lying. No, he would have lied about some, and threw in some truths to keep me believing.

   Here is a few things he told me, on irc from his pms:

1. He had formed a pm group, which consisted of Himself, Kawe, Shiftey, and Arch.
2. Arch was the "tracker", and tracked Kawe first day, and Kawe had stayed at home.
3. Arch had fucked up, and revealed he was a blue, and Vorte had found out, and was trying to get him lynched.
4. He said, "that Shankski was the cop, and that he had contacted him, and said he had investigated Tyler, and had revealed him as Mob".

Now you can figure out what to make of the above data yourself, but this is what I have concluded:

Point 1. Him forming a pm group. Well I never really joined it as I was too suspicious, but lets take a look at the names he mentioned:

Kesh: Turned out to be mob.

Kawe: Right now Kawe could be either. Kesh seemed to be clearing his name, with the
"Arches tracked him, and he is clean" line, but this could be an outright lie, or there
could be some truth in it. Arches needs to speak up, and let us know if Kesh was just outright lying. Also recent events, Kawe has claimed to be the Vig, taking one of the Mafia hits for that night, and leaving the other for Dell. Either he did, and what he says is true. Or he saw that the mob had just suffered a heavy blow, and quickly devised a cover, to throw us off him. In which case, there should be another Vig out there, and he can come forward (since he is the Vig, so its not like he risks too much by revealing).
  Personally I think the former is true, and If Kawe was in the pm group, he was just duped like me.

Arches: Arches, through out the game, has acted weird as fuck. Also he has been very quiet too, not responding to direct questions asked of him in posts (including my own). You need to speak up and do a decent post explaining your actions, and if anything Kesh told me was true Arches, or I am gonna have to start suspecting you as the Godfather.

Shiftey: Shiftey has been suspicious as fuck throughout the game, and I have thought he was a clear mobster for a while now. Kesh now having been revealed as a mobster, there is no very little doubt in my mind that Shiftey is mob. Why? because every time I questioned or queried data in Kesh's pms, or his reasoning for votes/posts, etc, he referred me to Shiftey as back up. For example, here is one of the Irc pms sessions, I did remember to copy to notepad:

[14:01] <TTaM> well
[14:02] <TTaM> it seemed to be a lot of your post was abut arch
[14:02] <TTaM> but u missed what he said on irc?
[14:02] <Hugman> i think most ppl did
[14:02] <Hugman> thats the point
[14:02] <Hugman> either he said somethign, and then it needs to be posted
[14:02] <TTaM> what he said was, "why cant people with powers say them in the thread"
[14:02] <TTaM> now that can only mean he's a blue
[14:02] <Hugman> but thats just really dumb
[14:02] <Hugman> really really dumb
[14:03] <TTaM> indeed
[14:03] <TTaM> but it makes it clear that the arch pointing is wrong

and a bit later:

[14:13] <Hugman> its funny
[14:13] <Hugman> i didnt expect this pm from you
[14:13] <Hugman> and now
[14:13] <Hugman> it may change everything
[14:14] <TTaM> indeed
[14:14] <Hugman> looking back at who accused who
[14:14] <TTaM> i saw the vote going to arch nad had to do something!
[14:14] <Hugman> and looking at who are in your group
[14:14] <TTaM> can't lose our blues
[14:39] <TTaM> me, arch and shiftey think we should be voting vorte, btw
[14:39] <Hugman> yeah
[14:39] <Hugman> i just read his post
[14:39] <Hugman> kinda seals the deal

And that would be how it went, Kesh would say something, and then if I was doubtful, he would refer me to Shiftey, or use Shiftey as back up. As far as I am concerned, Shiftey and Kesh have been Mafia buddies the whole game.

Point 2. Arch was the "tracker", and tracked Kawe first day, and Kawe had stayed at home. Don't know what to think about this, could be an outright lie. Since Arch is either acting like the Godfather/a Douche, we will have to wait until he speaks up, though I did ask for him to do that a day ago, and I am still waiting...

Point 3. We saw how this went, and Kesh's whole "Arch is a blue, and Vorte wants him dead! We must save him!" this is mainly why I was for lynching Vorte at the beginning. Thankfully it back fired and Kesh played his hand too strong. Also it helped me make up my mind between voting for Vorte/Kesh that day, when, Arches, the guy Kesh has spent most of the day "defending" turns round and whispers (it was raid time) me "Vote Kesh, he has been lying about a lot of things".

Point 4.  Pretty sure this was an outright lie, designed to discredit Tyler. I asked Shankski directly after, and he was like "erm, what now?" He had no idea.

Anyway that is the data I had. Feel free to make of it what you want.

The main conclusion I got, was that Shiftey must die, as he is clearly Mafioso.

May 11, 2011, 12:53:04 pm
Reply #383

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #383 on: May 11, 2011, 12:53:04 pm »
Yep, if tyler is mafia he has been playing a great game, and so have you - should it be true for you. I agree on Shiftey, but I still think he is unaffiliated with the mafia.

Yes, shankski is impossible to read as he's practically said nothing.. this goes for Nach aswell, but he's told me several times over skype that his role was boring, so I'm pretty sure he's just a simple green-dude standing behind a fence looking at fat ladies in skirts rather than figuring out who the bad guys are.

Anyway - as I pointed out in the previous post, putting too much trust into ANYONE is dangerous as hell and can tilt the game in a second.. at the moment I'm holding it all open, and noting that Hug looks to be either easily "won over" or playing a good mafia game..(I doubt the latter :P)
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

May 11, 2011, 01:00:07 pm
Reply #384


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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #384 on: May 11, 2011, 01:00:07 pm »
That's a very interesting discovery for me... until now I wasn't aware I was a part of any pm group...

I did hear from vorte the same about the tracking though; that arches was the tracker, that he tracked me and that he said I didn't leave my home.

Btw stop mixing up vet and vig, exact same thing shiftey was doing last night on TS. And if we have another vet he should only reveal himself if he's really sure the person he reveals to can be trusted - if the mafia knows someone is a veteran for sure, they're really unlikely to target them -> wasted blue role. As for vig, I guess they can reveal themselves if they've used their bullet for the game.

May 11, 2011, 01:01:28 pm
Reply #385


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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #385 on: May 11, 2011, 01:01:28 pm »
I almost forgot, and this is something I keep doing: forgetting about shankski's existence in the game at all. He's said so very little, one of the few remaining who are in that position and not dead.

May 11, 2011, 01:01:59 pm
Reply #386

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #386 on: May 11, 2011, 01:01:59 pm »
Hugman I dont know if Im reading you wrong.
But Kawe claimed to be the veteran not the vigilante. Veterans can survive one assasination which is what he claims happened.

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May 11, 2011, 01:02:40 pm
Reply #387

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #387 on: May 11, 2011, 01:02:40 pm »
Hugman I dont know if Im reading you wrong.
But Kawe claimed to be the veteran not the vigilante. Veterans can survive one assasination which is what he claims happened.

Yeah I just had Vig in my mind when I was writing this.

May 11, 2011, 01:11:08 pm
Reply #388

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #388 on: May 11, 2011, 01:11:08 pm »
and noting that Hug looks to be either easily "won over" or playing a good mafia game..(I doubt the latter :P)

Anyway - as I pointed out in the previous post, putting too much trust into ANYONE is dangerous as hell and can tilt the game in a second..

This is true, but I know to much about Tyler, for him to be mobster, 100% sure about this. He could still be a Ninja, and turn around and start offing/lynch voting me, but I deal with that when it comes.

May 11, 2011, 01:16:17 pm
Reply #389

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #389 on: May 11, 2011, 01:16:17 pm »
I've posted quite a bit. Only really post when I'm confident about any suspects or something sticks out to me, as I did with Kesh. I don't want to stir shit up and possibly get an innocent villager lynched.

With regards to Hugman's post, I had no clue that somebody called me a cop and said I investigated Tyler until Hugman pointed it out to me. Was actually quite surprised. Someone has been playing a good game.

Pesonally, I wouldn't suspect everyone that was in this "PM group" as if Kesh put all the names down of the Mafiosa, it would be a silly move exposing people.

As many of you have already said Shiftey and Arch has been acting weird from the start so I've currently got my eye on those two.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 01:18:06 pm by shankski »


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