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 Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square

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May 15, 2011, 06:01:41 pm
Reply #525

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #525 on: May 15, 2011, 06:01:41 pm »
Another sunrise, another day, another opportunity to fight the forces of evil in Edgeville.

... Another murder.

As the villagers head to the town square, where they've spent the last days killing innocents, the atmosphere is quiet and there's an aura of fear around the townsfolk. Are they losing this town to the Mafia?

Rucious the Doctor has been murdered!

It is now Day 5, sunset will happen 23:59 on Monday evening.

Trolls are awesome!

May 15, 2011, 06:08:10 pm
Reply #526

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #526 on: May 15, 2011, 06:08:10 pm »
Damn it doctor down.

Well I was mistaken about shanski as were the rest of you(not the ninjas and mobsters).

Im at square one pretty much.

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May 15, 2011, 06:14:02 pm
Reply #527


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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #527 on: May 15, 2011, 06:14:02 pm »
Sigh... well I hope Vorte got some good info for us now or we have another doc

May 15, 2011, 06:16:04 pm
Reply #528

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #528 on: May 15, 2011, 06:16:04 pm »
Well that fucking sucks, I was pretty sure Rucious was the doc - meeeeeeeh.

I investigated the one I thought was the godfather, Graxlos, and he did pop up as a villager - which sort of only strengthens my suspicion.. interested in what arches and others tracked and etc last night!
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

May 15, 2011, 06:42:36 pm
Reply #529

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #529 on: May 15, 2011, 06:42:36 pm »
I have everyone against me at this point, so Im not gonna spend all night and all day tomorrow trying to survive like Shiftey.

But when Im dead and you see my role I urge you to think about Kawe who claims to be a veteran. Since I will not be allowed to post when im dead.
He could just as well be a ninja.

Bears like alts!

May 15, 2011, 06:48:26 pm
Reply #530

Offline Tyler

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #530 on: May 15, 2011, 06:48:26 pm »
So with 7 left alive we are probably down to 4 villagers, 2 mob and 1 ninja

So here is my trust order (I'm still going to vote as Vorte does, as I am sure a case for me being a ninja could be made.)

Vorte: Claimed cop early. No one else has said they are cop. Even if there are no cops it would have been a brave call to bluff that early.

Hugman: If he has been acting all this time, fair play, gg etc.

Kawe: Same as Hug.

Arches: Random play style, throws our random accusations at Vorte. I trusted him cos vorte did. My best current guess for ninja.

Nach: Low post count. Interesting voting record. I could imagine him being a mob who has lied well.

Grax: Actually gets annoyed when people think he is mob. Was keen to find doc, then had a realisation on IRC the Rucious was the doc. Rucious now dead after Grax said "and I'm the king of China" to Rucious' denial in IRC that he was the doc...
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"

May 15, 2011, 07:18:47 pm
Reply #531

Offline Nachmanun

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #531 on: May 15, 2011, 07:18:47 pm »
I actually thought Grax was the doc.
Very very sure that Vorte is cop and arches is a horrible tracker.
Tyler or Grax are Ninjas and one of them is cooperating with Hugman, is what I think.

I can write a way more elaborate post about this later, but with moving, jobhunting and being back home in town I'm silly busy.

May 15, 2011, 07:23:23 pm
Reply #532

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #532 on: May 15, 2011, 07:23:23 pm »
My list is:

Myself, Tyler, Kawe and Vorte = Town

Graxlos = Mafiaboss , Nach = hoebag

Hugman = Ninja

Reason I think that Hugman is the ninja is because I can't really see anyone being foolish enough to listen to Delling and kill a mafia that early in the game :p

Right now it's pretty much a win or lose situation, if we lynch another townie we're screwed.

So the win scenario:

Lynch Grax who's the Mafiaboss. Nach (who I have been banging on a regular basis) get's me with my pants down during the night.

Next day you lynch Nachmanun and Hugman kills a random townie during the night.

Final day the two remaning townies lynch Hugman.

The lose scenario

Lynch Grax who's the Mafiaboss. Nach (who I have been banging on a regular basis) get's me with my pants down during the night AND Hugman kills vorte.

The next day it's a stalemate on the vote, 2 townies vs nach and Hugman. Nach kills a townie and then Hugman, who wasted his kill.

The "12 inch cock" scenario

Graxlos is a Townie and we are royally screwed

So if I'm right, Hugman get's to decide who wins :p

May 15, 2011, 07:31:24 pm
Reply #533

Offline Nachmanun

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #533 on: May 15, 2011, 07:31:24 pm »
Errr, how many game-days have I been aware that you + Vorte are confirmed blues?
Isn't it a bit strange that you're both alive at this point, assuming I'm a mafia?

May 15, 2011, 07:33:33 pm
Reply #534

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #534 on: May 15, 2011, 07:33:33 pm »
Oh I think you've been gunning for Vorte, but he was protected by the Doc. So you started circling around to find the Doc while having me banking you on a regular basis

May 15, 2011, 07:39:54 pm
Reply #535

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #535 on: May 15, 2011, 07:39:54 pm »
19:37 < Graxlos> hmm do we have anything to properly confirm arches as a
19:37 < Graxlos> we know that ino was a tracker
19:38 < NachBjrrn> If I was a mobster I wouldn't be whoring you, you and Vorte
                   would be long dead.
19:38 < Archeslaptop> Why not just block the tracker and gun for the cop
19:38 < NachBjrrn> ...but Vorte is still alive and I know he's a cop, I even
                   knew before he stated it officially in the thread
19:38 < Graxlos> If arches is the godfather what has he tracked that really
                 confirms him
19:38 < Graxlos> he knows that im blue so he knows that i didnt leave my home
19:38 < Graxlos> he can always claim to be whored since he is in league with
                 the whore

Bears like alts!

May 15, 2011, 07:51:57 pm
Reply #536

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #536 on: May 15, 2011, 07:51:57 pm »
I just realised something, we don't actually know if there are any whores in this game..
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

May 15, 2011, 11:41:04 pm
Reply #537

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #537 on: May 15, 2011, 11:41:04 pm »

I have been very quiet the last day.

This has mainly been, because of how wrong I was with Shiftey.

I decided to not do a lot of posting yesterday, as basically, after the Shifteygate revelation, I totally lost all clue about who was what.

I Hoped to get some data, by waiting util the last momment to to post, and carefully watching who posted what.

Didn't really give me much, and now we have lost a 2nd villager!!!!

This cannot continue.

So, time to up our game people, throw some theories about.

I will start with this (feel free to point out stuff you think I have gotten wrong, or miscounted):

May 15, 2011, 11:41:15 pm
Reply #538

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #538 on: May 15, 2011, 11:41:15 pm »
16 people at the start.

known dead:


Delling (Vigilate)
Ino (Tracker)
Rucious (Doc)


Ezzardo (Villager)
Shiftey (Villager)
Shankski (Villager)


Kesh (Mobster)
Grish (Mobster)
Cwave (Mob Framer)

7 People remaining.

"Claimed Roles"

Arches (Tracker)
Vorte (Cop)
Kawe (Vet)

I am assuming (I may be wrong) there are at least 2 ninjas.

!?!? (Ninja)
!?!? (Ninja)

I know I am a Villager (At this point, unless there is another villager left, which is possible, I am the miller.)

Hugman (Villager)

That leaves 2 mob left:

!?!? (Godfather)
!?!? (Whore)

Now if this is basically right, we would have had at the start:

4 Greens:

4 Villagers

6 Blues:

1 Cop
1 Doc
1 Vet
1 Vig
2 Trackers


2 Mobsters
1 Whore
1 Framer
1 Godfather


2 Ninjas.

Total: 17

If everyone is who they say they are, it adds up to 17 people. Clearly that is wrong. There is one mobster, claiming to be blue.

The main thing i think is wrong with this picture, is the 2 trackers.

There could also be only 1 ninja, in which case, I am the last green, and also the miller. Personally, I feel Palmar would have put 2 ninjas in the game (But, you know we are

told not to try and read him).

So, In my view, the starting line up was either this:

Senario 1:

5 Greens:

5 Villagers (One of which is the miller).

5 Blues:

1 Cop
1 Doc
1 Vet
1 Vig
1 Tracker

5 Reds:

2 Mobsters
1 Whore
1 Framer
1 Godfather

1 Grey:

1 Ninja


Or the starting line up was this:

Senario 2:

4 Greens:

4 Villagers (1 who is the miller)

5 Blues:

1 Cop
1 Doc
1 Vet
1 Vig
1 Tracker

5 Reds:
2 Mobsters
1 Whore
1 Framer
1 Godfather

2 Greys:

2 Ninjas


If Scenario 1 is true, there is 2 villagers left, one is me; and either myself or the other one, is the miller. If Scenario 2 is true, I am the last green, and also the miller.

Either way, I very very very much doubt there was 2 trackers at the beginning. Of all the claimed remaining blues, Arches is the weak link.

  This means Arches has been lying, for quite some time. Also, He has be "exposed" as a blue, for basically 4 (maybe even five) nights, and has yet to be mob killed. He was quite strongly defended by Kesh, on day 2. His posts very few and far between, especially for a
supposed "blue", who should be feeding us data each morning. I have yet to see his "tracker data", and have to somehow get it from others, while if he was a "blue, and working for the town to win, he would be posting it as soon as he could.

Basically Arches is lying.

Deciding if you think thats because he is Mob or ninja, is up to you.

May 15, 2011, 11:47:29 pm
Reply #539

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia - The story of Edgeville - Town Square
« Reply #539 on: May 15, 2011, 11:47:29 pm »
The thing you're not accounting for is that we simply don't know if there are all roles represented in this game. There could be no whore, there could be 4 trackers, whatever, you catch my drift.

Imma let this wall sink in before I give my thoughts on it!
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip


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