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 Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck

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May 31, 2011, 12:51:10 pm
Reply #315

Offline delling2

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #315 on: May 31, 2011, 12:51:10 pm »
Never has Emptyy's shaved-head neo-Nazi appearance been more fitting.
Now I have a home page.

May 31, 2011, 12:53:53 pm
Reply #316

Offline Doomslay

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #316 on: May 31, 2011, 12:53:53 pm »
Due to the suspicious vote switching.

##Vote: Kawe
##Support: Delling
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 12:54:37 pm by Palmar »

May 31, 2011, 12:59:29 pm
Reply #317

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #317 on: May 31, 2011, 12:59:29 pm »
Well there's a much better candidate then Mouseh!

Emptyy sounds like a very good choice to me, his very extensive post would suggest he's less likely to be a bad guy than the other candidates and since I cannot get a support going behind me.

##Unsupport: Shiftey
##Support: Emptyy

May 31, 2011, 01:02:33 pm
Reply #318


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #318 on: May 31, 2011, 01:02:33 pm »
I'm pretty glad Emptyy has stepped up for captain! At the very least he is probably one of the most trustworthy right now.

##Unsupport: Shiftey
##Support: Emptyy

Doomslay, as an Imperial officer you should not be afraid to switch your vote when you believe it's a sensible choice.

May 31, 2011, 01:04:14 pm
Reply #319


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #319 on: May 31, 2011, 01:04:14 pm »
Fucking Shiftey!

I hope this hasn't broken the bot.

##Unsupport: Mouseh
##Support: Emptyy

May 31, 2011, 01:07:36 pm
Reply #320

Offline Doomslay

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #320 on: May 31, 2011, 01:07:36 pm »
TTaM's post has got me convinced kawe, that being said my post was missread a little, it wasn't aimed at you.

by "vote switching" i meant my support vote, i find it very odd so many people suddenly vote for mouseh with little reasoning - in my mind you'd be suspicious of that too. The rebels should and would be trying 100% to get that captain spot as its a game breaker for them.

OT: should have expanded more before voting, apologies.

May 31, 2011, 01:18:33 pm
Reply #321

Offline Mouseh

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #321 on: May 31, 2011, 01:18:33 pm »
Shiftey everything you said in your last post just strengened the point I made ealier.

"So, first of all she supported Kawe as intelligent player for captainship, nothing too suspicious, many did, he's indeed very intelligent, but doesnt say why she trust him so much with this role" - point one: exaggeration and telling half-truths

Where did I say i trust Kawe with the capt role? If anything I said I'm afraid to vote for him for that role. Do I really have to repeat myself? I said that having Kawe on that role could be catastrophic and game-breaking if it turns out that hes a rebel.

I'm not going to repeat again why yesterday I posted how much i did..

"Another thing is the not wanting to vote, there's absolutely no reason not to vote? Voting isnt something impulsive, mostly at least anyway"

I don't agree with this, it doesn't make any sense. Because voting isn't impulsive isn't it logical to wait a little before you pass your judgement? Most of people will change their vote 5 times before the end of day 1. I won't do that, I find it a bit silly, especially on start when we have so little info.

"And then the excuse about bad english.."

 Oh this is suspicious as well, how surprising of you Shiftey! It probably takes me twice more time to write the posts than the average forum user.  I check every 5th word for spelling on google :/ And if I'm in hurry I don't have time to do so, so i always think i made over9k mistakes. It has nothing to do with the game. If you are that good detective as you think you are you would go through my old post on IE forums (not connected to the game) and see that many times I apologized for my english.

Anyway I said I'm more than happy to support Emptyy:

##Unsupport: Mouseh
##Support: Emptyy

"Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk."

Bender, Futurama

May 31, 2011, 01:20:55 pm
Reply #322

Offline delling2

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #322 on: May 31, 2011, 01:20:55 pm »
Your English is more than fine, Mouse! The spelling might be off, but your sentence structure is great. You're easily understandable -- that's the main thing :)
Now I have a home page.

May 31, 2011, 01:22:49 pm
Reply #323


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #323 on: May 31, 2011, 01:22:49 pm »
Well, it's fair to think it was very sudden going by forum alone; the idea was initially thrown out casually to me by Tyler, and I thought it was a pretty good idea; of all the people posting, her posts seemed quality enough and, importantly, not hot-headed. It was simmering as an idea then in TS and IRC for a little while. The fact this has caused confusion, should of course, be taken as a lesson for us all to try and get straight to posting stuff like that on the forum with some immediacy.

Nothing better/safer has really presented itself since, until Emptyy ran, which I'm pleased he has. As I mentioned a page or so ago in my last post of last night, I was thinking he'd be a good candidate. The only concerns remaining then, about Emptyy as captain, would be activity; but this is nearly as valid a concern with Mouseh too.

May 31, 2011, 01:23:15 pm
Reply #324


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #324 on: May 31, 2011, 01:23:15 pm »
Ah, two new replies... that was mainly in response to Doomslay.

May 31, 2011, 01:24:44 pm
Reply #325

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #325 on: May 31, 2011, 01:24:44 pm »
I can get behind Emptyy.

##Unsupport: Vdti
##Support: Emptyy
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 01:29:45 pm by Palmar »


May 31, 2011, 02:04:08 pm
Reply #326

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #326 on: May 31, 2011, 02:04:08 pm »
Afternoon all, after catching up at work here (which took frikkin ages) i really dont have time to make a long post, which i intend to do.

I was surprised by Mouse while reading through, every time i read a post and had a thought to myself about it Mouse voiced it in her posts. I'm switching my support to Mouse as well.

I'm also switching my vote from TTaM to Shiftey. I'm not convinced of Kesh's innocence by any means but in my opinion Shiftey, ur stretching what people have said to undermine them, ur not actually quoting people, u just rephrase what they said in a different light. I think that while the basis for your posts are good that you dont actually write them in an unbiased way. I also think that of all the people u've analysed, none of them have come off well which strikes me as odd because clearly they arent all rebels. The only person benefitting from your posts, seemingly, is TTaM.

I dont know if ur a rebel, you havent actually done anything specific that screams that at me, but i dont understand why your so hot to shout people down, on seemingly anything that you dont agree with right away.

As i said, i want to do a long post when i get home supporting this one but as of now i have to get back to work.

##Unvote: TTaM
##Vote: Shiftey

##Unsupport: Kawe
##Support: Mouseh

May 31, 2011, 02:57:03 pm
Reply #327

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #327 on: May 31, 2011, 02:57:03 pm »
As i said earlier on IRC, i will be changing my vote for captain from mouseh to Emptyy, both of them seem like a solid option to be captain, and to be serving the Imperials interest.
##Unsupport: Mouseh
##Support: Emptyy

On a side note, this seems a bit suspicious to me, i might just be the fact that Doomslay havn't said alot, but it just seems out in the blue..
Due to the suspicious vote switching.

##Vote: Kawe
##Support: Delling

I think I was born to tank.

May 31, 2011, 03:05:01 pm
Reply #328

Offline shankski

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #328 on: May 31, 2011, 03:05:01 pm »
Just read through most of it. Emptyy's post was helpful, but i'm not going to trust him completely for posting it and i think Mouseh would be a better choice for captain as she has been a reasonable voice in the game so far.

TTaM and Shiftey changing their votes almost in unison seemed a bit suspicious to me, like they could be working together. However, TTaM made a good argument afterwards.

##Support: Mouseh

I need to think more about who i think should be lynched, will post a bit later.

May 31, 2011, 03:07:10 pm
Reply #329

Offline Doomslay

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #329 on: May 31, 2011, 03:07:10 pm »
I have nothing to hide ET :)! given my reasoning too.
Also bare in mind although emptyy made a very good post, kawe and him could be working together as rebels.
A lot of the people who voted for mouse are now switching to vote him to captain. (although it does make sense, it was a really good post) its still something to watch out for.

As I said earlier, the rebels will be desperately trying to get this captain spot.
That being said, not everything can be taken as suspicious, it does have its merit.



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