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 Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck

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June 09, 2011, 04:18:58 pm
Reply #930

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #930 on: June 09, 2011, 04:18:58 pm »
You didnt vote to save kesh, you voted cos u hopped on the bandwagon. Nowhere have you mentioned that you wanted to save kesh.

June 09, 2011, 05:13:41 pm
Reply #931

Offline shankski

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #931 on: June 09, 2011, 05:13:41 pm »
Woah really cool stats man.

done by a bot or something?

June 09, 2011, 05:19:12 pm
Reply #932

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #932 on: June 09, 2011, 05:19:12 pm »
Quote from: Eetion
Posts: 66 (41759 chars). Votes: TTaM, Delling, Delling, Delling, Delling, Graxlos, Blackwhale, TTaM, Vdti, Vorte, Vorte

Something clearly has gone wrong? how can i have voted for TTaM after Blackwhale?
I think I was born to tank.

June 09, 2011, 05:40:47 pm
Reply #933

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #933 on: June 09, 2011, 05:40:47 pm »
My 3 suspects.

Chippen : reasons are known. His voting, his behaviour, everything about him reeks.

Sintrael : Been looking at you today;
You went for TTaM very hard, it didnt work and after Night 1 he was dead.

You supported Mouseh.

You stated all silent people are suspicious yet when Tronz take the lead from TTaM, you jump in hard to protect him while BUT when Blackwhale comes up you vote for him despite having voted for Shankski earlier on.

You stated the "no reason" voters are suspicious, yet : [
quote author=Sintrael link=topic=6168.msg102546#msg102546 date=1307478908]
##Vote: Vorte

Overall your posts are a  mish-mash of following, contraditing yerself, chaos and the meanwhile trying to direct things your way.

Shankski : same reasons, same feeling as i had before

We are the preservers of the balance, now and forever, as Malfurion lies in the Dreaming. Never forget this.

June 09, 2011, 05:51:59 pm
Reply #934

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #934 on: June 09, 2011, 05:51:59 pm »
And for Info, before anything, I'm on a hard schedule at work, and have 9-10ish hours of work at the Casino every night until Sunday, so i will briefly update myself on the thread.

Interesting or rather odd, that Kendoki all of a sudden raises Sintrael as a suspect? just throwing that one out.. Not that i think he is a target of choice at all,
I think I was born to tank.

June 09, 2011, 05:58:48 pm
Reply #935

Offline Chippen

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #935 on: June 09, 2011, 05:58:48 pm »
Emptyy is still the biggest suspect in my eyes, alot of fishy behaviour

##Vote: Emptyy

June 09, 2011, 06:24:01 pm
Reply #936

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #936 on: June 09, 2011, 06:24:01 pm »
You didnt vote to save kesh, you voted cos u hopped on the bandwagon. Nowhere have you mentioned that you wanted to save kesh.
Actually, I did.

Woah really cool stats man.

done by a bot or something?

Quote from: Eetion
Posts: 66 (41759 chars). Votes: TTaM, Delling, Delling, Delling, Delling, Graxlos, Blackwhale, TTaM, Vdti, Vorte, Vorte

Something clearly has gone wrong? how can i have voted for TTaM after Blackwhale?

It got picked up because you wrote a vote on TTaM without doing so in a quote
right here.
Bot doesn't require bold around quotes to pick it up, as it then would've missed a good amount of votes.

/slap self for going back on the forums
Vanilla chars: Hunter, rogue, shaman

June 09, 2011, 07:18:33 pm
Reply #937

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #937 on: June 09, 2011, 07:18:33 pm »
You didnt state, while you were voting, that you did it to save daekesh, to me it just looks like an afterthought when it was all over, you posted that u did it to save kesh way later as well, after the next night even tho u posted that night. To me it still looks like u just hopped on the bandwagon and tried to justify it later.

Because Kesh told you his role it weakens the strength of this argument and serves as the perfect reason for you to hop on the intrinsic train.

I find it somewhat inconsistant that u started with well reasoned posts.. then resorted to justifying ur own weak posts later on

June 09, 2011, 08:02:22 pm
Reply #938

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #938 on: June 09, 2011, 08:02:22 pm »
Eetion, there are 3 rebels still, so i posted my 3 suspects.

I have stated my thoughts about chippen many times and i have stated my thoughts about shankski already, no need to point them out once more, Sintrael might seems to stick out, but as he is new i posted my reasons/thoughts behind it which makes it look its a post all about him.
We are the preservers of the balance, now and forever, as Malfurion lies in the Dreaming. Never forget this.

June 09, 2011, 09:12:05 pm
Reply #939

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #939 on: June 09, 2011, 09:12:05 pm »
I have stated my thoughts about chippen many times and i have stated my thoughts about shankski already, no need to point them out once more, Sintrael might seems to stick out, but as he is new i posted my reasons/thoughts behind it which makes it look its a post all about him.

It doesn't make a whoel lot of sense, atleast when i look at it kendoki. You say that Sintrael is "new"? and you have posted your reasons why he looks suspicious? I can't recall any posts that involves Sintrael being overly suspicious, so as i read this your reasons that Sintrael is suspicious are:

Sintrael : Been looking at you today;
You went for TTaM very hard, it didnt work and after Night 1 he was dead.

You supported Mouseh.

You stated all silent people are suspicious yet when Tronz take the lead from TTaM, you jump in hard to protect him while BUT when Blackwhale comes up you vote for him despite having voted for Shankski earlier on.

You stated the "no reason" voters are suspicious, yet : [

It really just looks weird that a new name pops up on a 3suspect list when there wasn't alot of thoughts behind it, when there is people who is far more suspicious than Sintrael is.

(Feel free to find any posts where you have elaborated more for putting Sintrael on a 3 suspect list, as i do not have time for it, due to being at work.)
I think I was born to tank.

June 09, 2011, 09:48:20 pm
Reply #940

Offline Tyler

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #940 on: June 09, 2011, 09:48:20 pm »
I must admit I have failed to follow any of Kendoki's logic all game. I think he is the least likely of my three suspects. Actually I am beginning to think we should lynch Archz before Kendo. Chippen's silence is defening.

I note that neither Emptyy or Vorte have bothered to vote. It looks to me like Vorte has given up. Emptyy posted a big pile of nothing. That bot might come in useful at some point, maybe for post match analysis. It doesn't really help us identify guilty ones though.

I think Shankski is probably innocent. In fact I think anyone who has voted today is probably innocent.
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"

June 09, 2011, 10:06:29 pm
Reply #941

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #941 on: June 09, 2011, 10:06:29 pm »
I agree, there isnt much to go on Sintrael on first sight, but that might be some hiding also. Avoiding any heat and ride the wave of "who has the most votes i follow". By following the majority he stays out of the picture, cause why look suspicious towards him if he is following you right?

His votes;
he votes TTaM, with thoughts behind it,
he switch to Arches joining the first bandwagon,
he switches back to TTaM to join the second bandwagon again,
he vote Shiftey with some thought behind it,
he vote TTaM again trying to save Tronz,
he votes Shankski cause he overly defended himself,
he votes Blackwhale joining the third bandwagon,
he votes Vdti joining the fourth bandwagon even tho he still has a gut feeling about Chippen,
he votes Vorte, joining the fifth bandwagon, no reason given at all
now on this day he votes Vorte, joining yet again a bandwagon.

See what i mean? All he is doing is joining the main stream, avoiding any attention.

These votes are the ONLY votes we've had so far with no reason behind them, this is fucking weird imo
He finds the ONLY votes, fucking weird, yet he does it himself with his first Vorte vote (the fifth bandwagon)

I still find it utterly insane that in the time it took me to get home from work (1 hour give or take) that we have 7  votes for Tronz cos 'he's quiet'.

Loads of people are quiet.. why tronz?

I'm so weirded out right now you guys, some1 hold me
He finds it weird when votes start to pop up for "quiet" people. He does it himself with Blackwhale vote (the third bandwagon)

Looked at the cases put forth by various people, emptyy seems more innocent than vdti, but not clear in my view.

I still have the same gut feeling about chippen that i've had since the start.

But for now...

##Vote: Vdti
He has a gut feeling about Chippen since day 1, but he votes for Vdti anyway (the fourth bandwagon)

You getting the better picture now, as to why he is in my list?
We are the preservers of the balance, now and forever, as Malfurion lies in the Dreaming. Never forget this.

June 09, 2011, 10:55:14 pm
Reply #942

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #942 on: June 09, 2011, 10:55:14 pm »
You didnt state, while you were voting, that you did it to save daekesh, to me it just looks like an afterthought when it was all over, you posted that u did it to save kesh way later as well, after the next night even tho u posted that night. To me it still looks like u just hopped on the bandwagon and tried to justify it later.

Because Kesh told you his role it weakens the strength of this argument and serves as the perfect reason for you to hop on the intrinsic train.

I find it somewhat inconsistant that u started with well reasoned posts.. then resorted to justifying ur own weak posts later on
Of course I didn't say why I unvoted TTaM?! Should I have posted something like "I unvote TTaM because.. wait.. I can't tell!", or should I even have said the reason?

I think it's weird that you question this. It's a fact that TTaM told me he was a cop, and it's a fact I unvoted him. If you think the reason is that I really really wanted to hop on the Intrinsic-wagon, because wagons intrigue me, then go ahead. Imo, your logic falls through.
Vanilla chars: Hunter, rogue, shaman

June 10, 2011, 09:17:01 am
Reply #943

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #943 on: June 10, 2011, 09:17:01 am »
Oh By the way, if anyone were hit by an Night action such as Role Block - i suggest you speak up.
I think I was born to tank.

June 10, 2011, 09:55:24 am
Reply #944

Offline tronz

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #944 on: June 10, 2011, 09:55:24 am »
You stated the "no reason" voters are suspicious, yet : [
quote author=Sintrael link=topic=6168.msg102546#msg102546 date=1307478908]
##Vote: Vorte


just wanted to point out i think the bot will count this as your vote :p donno tho.


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