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 Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck

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May 30, 2011, 08:55:49 pm
Reply #240

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #240 on: May 30, 2011, 08:55:49 pm »
Aye good point, i forgot about the highest supportvote thing.

What u said about voting kawe in for captain makes sense, but likewise it applies to you as well remember

May 30, 2011, 08:57:13 pm
Reply #241

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #241 on: May 30, 2011, 08:57:13 pm »
Because studying is boring I spend more time going through the posts: let's now look at TTaM

He started the game by pointing a finger on kawe and posting a retarded picture. (Basically same approach as before, but I dont wanna compare that)

His gameplan then involved feeding an imperial cat. To be fair any random posts that lack any relevancy or information that could be use to track the rebels or any contribution to the cause, could be an indicator of a rebel. Because such player obviously want to pretend being part of the discussion and make himself look like contributing, while in fact he's just banging around. But in itself it isnt anything criminal yet. Let's go on.

In next step he picks 3 players that remotely look like working together, Delling, Kawe and Yoica (for all we know that could be true :P) and accuses them of plotting. But he doesnt actually put together any evidence, it's another one of those posts that is to look like contribution.

That is followed by asking for other people to post. Could also be viewed as a rebel indicator, because quantity of posts only creates chaos, it's the quality that matters. Chaos is good for the rebels, not good for us.

He then makes a fairly good looking player assessment post. But in closer inspection he still accuses those 3 same people and everybody else who wants to become captain from being rebels. That is very short sighted. Let's move on.

What I think speaks in his favour on the other hand is his opposition to Archz bandwagon. I think that it's very unlikely for Archz being the rebel and I also think in case he is, it's very unlikely in this position for any rebel to actually defend him.

Then he goes on saying: "we need to shed some light on the jedi traitors". That's a very nice sentiment, but it's just declarative, yet another possible indicator of a rebel trying to pass under the radar as imperial soldier.

However all this is followed by some irrelevant posts and pictures with jokes and star wars theme, cute but useless.

He then says: "need to analyse what they are posting to see if any information can be gleaned from between the lines". Yet another contribution of non-contribution, he calls for another analysis, but avoids doing any at all, just in case.

That's about it so far, another player assessment from Shiftey workshop...

May 30, 2011, 09:21:13 pm
Reply #242

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #242 on: May 30, 2011, 09:21:13 pm »
This really makes me doubt ttam more than Archz. This is like me saying 30 minutes in to the first game.
"Im the doctor"
"True story" on irc.

Bad jokes say nothing about who you are.

I would not at all think a guy joking about being Don Archeoni was mafia.

We still have more than 48 hours left right?

I haven't voted for Arch, remember.


May 30, 2011, 09:47:05 pm
Reply #243

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #243 on: May 30, 2011, 09:47:05 pm »
I'm actually liking the idea of Mouse for captain. As ET said it's better to have to 2 aces than one. Kawe is already a strong player and if we can combine that with a captain who weighs things carefully, it will be a better situation.

##Support: Mouseh

Might as well cast a vote on my current suspicions.
##Vote: TTaM
You've been way too pro-active at pointing fingers from the start. I realise this will only play into your conspiracy about me and Kawe being rebels.  I can only say the way it looks now is that Kawe will get lynched and you'll see how wrong you were.

May 30, 2011, 09:55:54 pm
Reply #244


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #244 on: May 30, 2011, 09:55:54 pm »
TTaM has already made some interesting major inconsistancies evident of himself.

TTaM said about Dell:
Quote from: TTaM
Seems against Archz, but when votes start pouring in for him and Vorte, is suddenly against Lynching early.  Then suggests lynching Chippen.  Seems he wants to save Archz or Vorte.

At this point, Delling has said absolutely nothing about Arches. This supposed sudden change didn't exist. TTaM is painting Delling as suspicious, and Chippen as therefore a victim, after:
Quote from: Delling
As you all know, only Vader and Palpatine plushies are allowed on this here star destroyer.

where Delling is pretty obviously joking around.

So at this point, TTaM is painting Delling as suspicous, and linked with Yoica and me, and Arches or Vorte too.

From TTaM's same 'analysis' post, we see him remain completely neutral towards chippen, despite an actual vote based on nonsese, for Vorte - infact, TTaM is almost making an excuse for it
Quote from: TTaM
Chippen: Started the anti-Vorte vote.  Perhaps in jest, perhaps not.

Now says that he thinks arches is simply just playing badly
Quote from: TTaM
Archz: Playing either a really good or really bad game.  I suspect the latter... again.
despite having brought up the implication he is connected with Delling.

He also suggests that Arches is colluding with Blackwhale
Quote from: TTaM
Blackwhale: Defending Archz, despite poor play by him.  Knows something we dont?
and Eetion
Quote from: TTaM
Eetion: Very keen to insinuate himself into the empire.  Also posted out against lynching early after the Archz and Vorte votes came in.
AND Nach
Quote from: TTaM
Nach: Perhaps shown his hand with Archz.

So far, from this post, TTaM has suggested that: Yoica, Vorte, Delling, Eetion, Nach, Blackwhale and myself are all colluding with Arches indirectly and with each other (despite my vote being for arches at this point). That's eight people. Of whom one is voting for another and the other.

That's not all.

He is also suggesting that by voting for Arches/Vorte (and being only the second person each vote target to do so), Tyler and Emptyy are bandwagoner mafias
Quote from: TTaM
Emptyy, Tyler: Very keen to jump on the Archz bandwagon.  Bandwagons are Mafia territory.
So now he's also labelling Emptyy and Tyler as being suspect mafia because they used their vote. Soemthing we've established is good for the town to do.

He's not done yet though. In a turn of fantastic irony after calling out two people as bandwagoners for being the second each to cast their votes on a given person, he is suddenly no longer thinking meekly that 'oh maybe arches is just bad' and is now into taunting him - but only once there's a whopping seven votes on arches and arches himself has resigned himself to being lynched.
Quote from: TTaM
I think it's more a case of you said something along the lines of "the force is strong in me."  It's like saying "They call me don, done archeone."
Quote from: TTaM
And you made the wrong one.
Which if nothing else, is interesting to note because: why would anyone who is unsure of Arches' faction - which none of us, even those who have supported an Arches lynch, have claimed to be even vaguely sure of - be practically gloating about him being killed? Any townie at this point who believed arches a likely lynch is interested to see the result, and hopeful it's mafia - but a million miles from gloating when we're so unsure he's mafia and almost just voting on a practicality and a lack of other more solid ideas.

As a small aside, and something we can keep a continued eye on, it is interesting to note that TTaM went after Eetion and Delling after each of them took even joking pot-shots at Chippen. There was another moment in IRC that made me consider this possible link, but as it was IRC I will indeed be leaving it out until there's more solid stuff. But Chippen's behaviour has, on its own merits, been quite odd and erratic.

May 30, 2011, 09:57:57 pm
Reply #245

Offline tronz

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #245 on: May 30, 2011, 09:57:57 pm »
##Vote: Intrinsic
i have no reason at all to vote for anyone. So im just going to pick a random as everyone has a equal chance of being rebals

i think that people should maybe look at the captain spot abit different. insted of trying to give a good player more power. pick one that you think is harmless so either way that rank will ultimately not make or break the game for us.

May 30, 2011, 09:58:29 pm
Reply #246

Offline Intrinsic

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #246 on: May 30, 2011, 09:58:29 pm »

May 30, 2011, 10:01:16 pm
Reply #247

Offline tronz

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #247 on: May 30, 2011, 10:01:16 pm »
##Vote: Intrinsic

May 30, 2011, 10:05:25 pm
Reply #248

Offline Blackwhale

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #248 on: May 30, 2011, 10:05:25 pm »
i think that people should maybe look at the captain spot abit different. insted of trying to give a good player more power. pick one that you think is harmless so either way that rank will ultimately not make or break the game for us.

This is a rebel speaking right here!
If pluto isnt a planet because its a dwarf, does that mean dwarfs aint people?

May 30, 2011, 10:07:58 pm
Reply #249

Offline tronz

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #249 on: May 30, 2011, 10:07:58 pm »
no this is low risk-> low reward. so if we do make a mistake by picking a rebel as captain it will not lose us the game.

May 30, 2011, 10:14:53 pm
Reply #250


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #250 on: May 30, 2011, 10:14:53 pm »
##Unvote: Arches
##Vote: TTaM

May 30, 2011, 10:15:15 pm
Reply #251

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #251 on: May 30, 2011, 10:15:15 pm »
Since there are 2 strong posts against TTaM on this very page, both with some compelling arguments and points. I am changing my vote.

##Unvote: Kawe
##Vote: TTaM

May 30, 2011, 10:15:32 pm
Reply #252

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #252 on: May 30, 2011, 10:15:32 pm »
Very interesting look at stuff Kawe, and starting to convince myself that you might not be on tha badies side, since i aswell noticed the slight link between TTam and Chippen. Which both nearly instantly pointed fingers at me being a rebel and such.
Even chippen supports TTam for the election as Captain..

I've reconsidered my supports and also considered my vote.
##Unsupport: Eetion
##Support: Mouseh
Mainly i think Mouseh have been making great sense, and as Yoica also said, she might be the "neutral" target for the Captains post that we need.

##Vote: TTaM
I dont like the slight link between Chippen and TTaM.. they seem somehow coordinated in the start of the game of whom to point fingers at, and all they do is stirring the pot..
I think I was born to tank.

May 30, 2011, 10:21:38 pm
Reply #253

Offline Vdti

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #253 on: May 30, 2011, 10:21:38 pm »
In light of the resent posts here, I'm going to have to vote for TTaM as well. The posts against him are the most thorough here, and have convinced me so far.

##Vote: TTaM

As for my candidacy for captain, I'm still retaining my position, even though TTaM is one of my supporters. For all we know, he (and other rebels) might want to gain trust by voting in someone from the imperial guard and take advantage of that later on.

May 30, 2011, 10:23:48 pm
Reply #254

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #254 on: May 30, 2011, 10:23:48 pm »
I've said nothing inconsistent.  I was simply looking at what people posted to see if I could see any reason behind it.  Looking at them individually and speculating.  Everyone keeps saying people need to post so we can learn more, but if we try to learn we are lynched?  I see.



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