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 Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck

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May 31, 2011, 03:08:23 pm
Reply #330

Offline Doomslay

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #330 on: May 31, 2011, 03:08:23 pm »
was a little unclear - by switching to him i mean from mouseh to emptyy

May 31, 2011, 03:22:51 pm
Reply #331

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #331 on: May 31, 2011, 03:22:51 pm »
Just to mention, on IRC, you can now do !mafia votedfor and !mafia captainfor to get a list of who voted for who, rather than just vote counts!

Page is cached for 30s aswell, so u dont spam my connection.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 03:29:21 pm by delling2 »


May 31, 2011, 03:39:26 pm
Reply #332

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #332 on: May 31, 2011, 03:39:26 pm »
Sooooo... what a sudden shift these past couple of hours. Old enemies are new friends?! Players, mainly Shiftey and TTaM, who had problems with Mouseh due to her low post count and suspected ties with Kawe and Tyler are now voting for Emptyy. Who has the same (or less?) post count, it has to be said he did have 1 wicked post!, is suddenly the golden boy? Is that 1 good summary of what transpired enough?

I can, sort of, understand ppl who voted for Mouse or Kawe switching to Emptyy considering his posts tended to favour them, but the rapid switch w/o solid reasoning from TTaM and Shiftey has me baffled (or not?!).

May 31, 2011, 03:42:41 pm
Reply #333

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #333 on: May 31, 2011, 03:42:41 pm »
It's not just the post count that's the issue at hand - Kawe, Dell and Tyler were (in some cases) popular votes, not only because they were active and so on, but also because they had previous game experience and a clear understanding of how the game worked.  I think we can all agree that Emptyy has shown, to some degree, that he understand how the meta-game is played.  However, I do agree that he needs to post more to solidify his run for captaincy.

Hope this clears it up a bit.


May 31, 2011, 04:06:24 pm
Reply #334

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #334 on: May 31, 2011, 04:06:24 pm »
Personal Log: Private 1st. Class Argus Barbosa; Callsign "Grishnag"
Date: ABY4.05.30
Entry: #2

Went to the cantina today to see what could only be desrcibed as a Insane Assylum, What i saw was just close to maddening Military doctrine totaly broke down after the old man's death, I never thought his death would have this much of an impact on the crew of this ship

Another way of discribing the scene would a Zoo where everyone was flinging their poo at everyone else, The biggest instigators to me would be TTaM he seem to accuse this Arches fellow while at the same time not wanting to accuse him of anything, Then he tries to place the blame on other people.

Now we were told that in the event of the death of the old man (it allmost seems as if he saw his death coming) we would have to cast a vote for the new Captain, Which sounds rather wierd to me wouldnt the chain of command take care of that? Anyway i decided to cast my vote with this Kawe fellow he seems to have the right mindset for the Captain seat, I believe he told me a few months ago that he was one of the old man's croney's.
I figured that if anyone could run this ship it would be one of the admiral's henchmen.

Anyway it's time to hit the targeting range to see if i can still shoot stuff while drunk, Allthough i'm not nearly as drunk as i normaly am so i should be allright

Entry: #2 End
"No matter where you go in life, Keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer patient" - Dr. Perry Cox

May 31, 2011, 04:14:38 pm
Reply #335

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #335 on: May 31, 2011, 04:14:38 pm »
You need to use the proper vote/support line grish.

May 31, 2011, 04:24:09 pm
Reply #336

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #336 on: May 31, 2011, 04:24:09 pm »
Grishnag is a Cylon

May 31, 2011, 04:25:20 pm
Reply #337

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #337 on: May 31, 2011, 04:25:20 pm »
You need to use the proper vote/support line grish.
allready voted

like 10 pages back or so
"No matter where you go in life, Keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer patient" - Dr. Perry Cox

May 31, 2011, 04:43:25 pm
Reply #338

Offline delling2

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #338 on: May 31, 2011, 04:43:25 pm »
Well, I can see my candidacy isn't going anywhere, so I might as well shift my vote.

I'm going to shift my vote to someone who might not be the most active player, or the most experienced, but who I think can provide the kind of in-depth post-scanning analysis that I'm not willing to do myself (at least while there are so many posts :)

##Unsupport: Delling
##Support: Emptyy

I doubt Emptyy will be the kind of captain to lead us to great glory, but in a game where randomity is our enemy, a sensible, thoughtful captain is a damn good choice IMO.

And, of course, I thank Veilas and Doomslay for supporting me... but alas... the bald-headed neo-nazi-supporting township HAS SPOKEN.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 04:45:22 pm by Palmar »
Now I have a home page.

May 31, 2011, 05:15:53 pm
Reply #339

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #339 on: May 31, 2011, 05:15:53 pm »
You need to use the proper vote/support line grish.
allready voted

like 10 pages back or so

Sorry, guess I misinterpreted your post, thought you where voting to lynch TTaM and not Shiftey (whom you voted for earlier)

May 31, 2011, 05:41:31 pm
Reply #340

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #340 on: May 31, 2011, 05:41:31 pm »
Kendo rushed in after his second day of hard work!
These are thoughts floating around in my head.... .

TTaM; You sir rlly like the point and poke tactic. Now this might be just indeead a poke and see what happens,
the fact is it kinda back-fired on you mainly because of Kawe and Shiftey posts!
Suspicious you are at the least. 

Mouseh; made some good posts. Was mentioned as captain and did go for it.
Then switched. Undecisive; dont want someone that cant make up her mind as captain.

Kawe; He made a big campagne against TTaM after he was in the top of the vote count
and with some succes he got alot of people to switch to TTaM, people swayed for what appeared
to be a very good post, but if you read it good and not a quick glance you see its alot of
double speak and very little informational. Rlly hard trying to save yer own skin. Perhaps a little too hard?

Instrinsic is following Kawe closely with everything. Kawe changes vote, 5mins later Instrinsic changes vote.
Has not said anything since day1. I find this still very suspicious, just like on day 1.

Chippen; voted Vorte day 1, supports TTaM day 1, nothing happened since. Buddies?

Shiftey; You are really switching back and forth with your votes and who you call friend or foe.
One moment you accuse Kawe, the next moment you agree and follows him (TTaM direction in this case),
then later on you switch back and forth again. I not sure but you and Kawe might be setting us up with
this so-called war/lets be friends thing.

Tyler; bit sceptical about you; you made some nice posts, thats it.

All this hasnt changed my thought about Kawe; he is still on top of my list.
About the captain; will vote later on, really think its important to vote for that and so should all of you consider it to be important.

We are the preservers of the balance, now and forever, as Malfurion lies in the Dreaming. Never forget this.

May 31, 2011, 05:53:15 pm
Reply #341

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #341 on: May 31, 2011, 05:53:15 pm »
You need to use the proper vote/support line grish.
allready voted

like 10 pages back or so

Sorry, guess I misinterpreted your post, thought you where voting to lynch TTaM and not Shiftey (whom you voted for earlier)
he currently doesnt need my vote to get lynched so no reason to change
"No matter where you go in life, Keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer patient" - Dr. Perry Cox

May 31, 2011, 06:09:54 pm
Reply #342

Offline Chippen

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #342 on: May 31, 2011, 06:09:54 pm »
I am truly mortified that a loyal and staunch supporter of the Empire as myself are being looked upon with suspicion... But I can see why. My early posts were abit too much "from the hip" and I got abit too much into "dont trust anyone" mode, which was abit bad. Hence my lack of posts lately, I stepped back, took a breather, resettled into my chair and started thinking instead of reacting. So after reading thru the backlogs, esp the summary posts made, I feel that Kawe is trying to sway people by bludgeoning them with words, and I feel he's trying too much to sow confusion and chaos into the imperial ranks. Which is why i'm gonna go

##Unvote: Vorte
##Vote: Kawe

As for Captain, well this is abit harder, I rather lynch a imperial then vote in a rebel captain. And I still feel abit jittery to vote for anyone who actually asks for the captaincy, which is something i'm sure rebels are doing. I also think that what emptyy did was pretty nifty, BUT could be a clever ploy by the rebel faction.

So, i rather abstain my captaincy vote then take part of voting in a rebel (Not that I actually think Emptyy is a rebel, just that the chance exists) Still got some hours left until the votes are counted so I'll hang back and see if my stance need changing in regards to the captaincy

##Unsupport: TTaM

May 31, 2011, 06:33:09 pm
Reply #343

Offline Tyler

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #343 on: May 31, 2011, 06:33:09 pm »
This move towards Kawe is a supprise to say the least. Can someone summarise what he has actually done. I see lots of "sow confustion" type comments, but no quotes to back them up. I mean Kawe has posted a lot, and it's constent as far as I can see. Are you guys really saying that of the 26 suspects Kawe is the best one?

I also note that this move to Kawe appeared to happen after he switched to TTaM. Kendo I think you have it wrong, Archz was top when Kawe switched vote to TTaM. I am also gonna post this little bit of IRC

[17:12] <TTaM> i just gotta hope he's not the git with the blaster and shoots me as he's lynched... or was that something different?
[17:12] <@delling> think that's vengeful...
[17:12] <@delling> er...
[17:13] <@delling> not sure actually

Now I don't want to read too much into this, but it doesn't really sound like Kesh is worried about killing an innocent. More like he doesn't want to go down too.
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"

May 31, 2011, 06:37:07 pm
Reply #344


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #344 on: May 31, 2011, 06:37:07 pm »
Chippen, earlier on you said you didn't want to vote for anyone who put themselves forward for captain, and now you say you don't want to vote for someone because they could be a rebel - and given that anyone could be a rebel, you don't want to vote for anyone. Except until the votes from others are already there and you can be a bit sway an exisitng vote?

Grishnag, you've made a post suggesting that you supportive of the way I'm playing, yet your vote is currently still a non-entity of sorts. You're not fighting for it or reasoning properly for a Shiftey vote, but neither are you committing to taking part in the current major votes. Why is this?


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