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 Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck

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June 07, 2011, 11:37:33 pm
Reply #885

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #885 on: June 07, 2011, 11:37:33 pm »
Hi guise. Been away from the computer most day, which is why I've not been posting.

THE 3L: Blackwhale, Veilas, Vorte, Tronz, Insintric, Grishnag
(I also mentioned Shankski afterwards)

Now, 3/7 are dead. Two Private, one Stormtrooper. The remaining looks increasingly suspicious to me. This is also why I don't oppose voting for one of the remaining (Vorte, Tronz, Grishnag, Shankski). Though I wonder about the reasoning behind the sudden Vorte-train, other than the fact that he has been silent and that he has a bad attitude ("Chill, we've won"). Do we blindly follow Kawes command without thinking for ourselves?

The reasoning behind Vdti-voting is more solid, though I also think that it's a bit too thin for him to get my vote. It's seems too me that people easily chew over the "OH, OUR REBEL X SUPPORTED Y, HENCE Y MUST BE REBEL" or visa versa. Don't we believe that our fellow maifa-guildmembers has braincells enough to spread their votes, support and opinions to prevent everyone getting lynched if one of them go down?

##Vote: Shankski
Due to his lack of posts, his unwillingness to give his role to Kawe while saying he's green and his negative thinking ('we don't have much to go on').

With regards to Emptyy, I haven't posted a considerable amount because I have nothing to add that others haven't already said. It is still very early in the game and we don't have a great deal to go on.
This one was quite early, though things didn't pick up for you shankski? You didn't post much more when there was more to go on.

I haven't post my suspicions cause I don't really have a clue atm.
If you lynch me you will be lynching another green.
Vdti, I explained the possibility that this "evidence" is not 100% watertight, hence the reason im not willing to reveal my role to Kawe.

I think the posting has mainly dried up due to the fact we have lost our blues that can track and investigate. This results in no real fresh info coming in

I haven't post my suspicions cause I don't really have a clue atm.

Would the following people please contact me with their role claims, either via PM or on IRC, I haven't caught you online yet. Time is of the essence, please get onto this.


i dont really wanna tell you my role when i do not trust you.  i dont remember seeing any proof you are a blue other than you claming it. might have missed it tho!

Exactly the same

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June 08, 2011, 12:11:50 am
Reply #886

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #886 on: June 08, 2011, 12:11:50 am »
Apparently, this wasn't orchestrated, and thus, to the sheep following kawe; Ask yourself - Who do you think is a rebel between me and Vdti? If you do believe that I am the one most suspicious, reading the last few pages, then sure, go ahead and vote my ass off this ship - if not, vote with your own head.
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

June 08, 2011, 12:16:59 am
Reply #887

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #887 on: June 08, 2011, 12:16:59 am »
sorry guys, been really busy.

I'm trusting the bot tonight, you _have_ to let me know if it's wrong, as I don't have time to double check.

 Votes are for:
[Emptyy.2]: shankski, Chippen -
[Vorte.6]: Shiftey, Eetion, Kawe, Vdti, Grishnag, Sintrael -
[Vdti.5]: Doomslay, graxlos, tronz, Vorte, Archz -
[Kendoki.1]: Tyler -
[Chippen.1]: Kendoki -
[Shankski.1]: Emptyy
Trolls are awesome!

June 08, 2011, 12:26:59 am
Reply #888

Offline Tyler

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #888 on: June 08, 2011, 12:26:59 am »
##Vote: Vdti
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"

June 08, 2011, 12:28:16 am
Reply #889

Offline Tyler

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #889 on: June 08, 2011, 12:28:16 am »
I still have no clue between the vorte and vdti. I thought I'd give someone the chance to change it.
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"

June 08, 2011, 12:29:32 am
Reply #890

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #890 on: June 08, 2011, 12:29:32 am »
Seeing that I'm in power to decide who lives and who dies, my vote is changed to Vdti.
Atleast there is some info on why to kill him, while the arguments towards Vorte is thin. I don't like the infostream and decisions going on in the corner with Kawe and Shiftey

##Unvote: Shankski
##Vote: Vdti
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June 08, 2011, 12:32:38 am
Reply #891

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #891 on: June 08, 2011, 12:32:38 am »
Insert random storyline here.

Sorry, been really busy, I'm packing for norway

Vdti the private has been killed

remember to send your night actions to both Goza and I by 23:59 Thursday night.
Trolls are awesome!

June 08, 2011, 12:44:43 am
Reply #892

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #892 on: June 08, 2011, 12:44:43 am »
Well done...

Tyler or Emptyy next...

June 08, 2011, 12:54:53 am
Reply #893

Offline delling2

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #893 on: June 08, 2011, 12:54:53 am »
Now I have a home page.

June 08, 2011, 12:55:54 am
Reply #894


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #894 on: June 08, 2011, 12:55:54 am »
Vorte, Tyler, Emptyy or Shanks would be my recommendations.

June 08, 2011, 12:57:07 am
Reply #895

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #895 on: June 08, 2011, 12:57:07 am »
I concur

June 08, 2011, 01:33:21 am
Reply #896

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #896 on: June 08, 2011, 01:33:21 am »
Tyler or Emptyy next...

Yup, people who don't blindly follow your and Kawes votes, but instead tries to interpret the thread themselves, should definitely lynched. Especially when they're wrong.
Vanilla chars: Hunter, rogue, shaman

June 08, 2011, 01:37:03 am
Reply #897


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #897 on: June 08, 2011, 01:37:03 am »
What has happened here, Emptyy, is blindly going against votes for Vorte. At least, unless you're a rebel; or 'blindly' following Tyler's insistance you don't vote based on your belief that shanks or vorte is rebel.

June 08, 2011, 02:09:59 am
Reply #898


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #898 on: June 08, 2011, 02:09:59 am »
Yes, there was formatting on this, and it was obviously not translated across from google docs to forum. Do what you will with it.

Confirmed Roles

Kawe                     - Vigilante
Graxlos               - Stormtrooper
XVeilas                  - Stormtrooper
XStarbrow           - Jailor
XNach     - Tracker
XTTaM                - Cop/Vice Admiral
XHugman             - Private
XIntrinsic           - Private
XGlobox             - Private
XBlackwhale       - Private
XVdti                          - Private
XDelling             - Rebel Assassin(Refusal to claim > blue > Martyr)
XYoica    - Rebel Droid (Refused to claim)
XMouseh             - Rebel Assassin

Claimed Roles

+Shiftey                - Vigilante
+Eetion                 - Private (little odd) * questioned me
+Emptyy               - Private
+Tronz                   - Martyr*Refusal * - Looking innocent based on being attacked in pm by mouse,   delling, and yoica, and attempted to be made looking guilty by Mouse in public.

Doomslay          - Private (with minor embellishment) ? relaxed and seems happy to help
Grishnag            - Private
Sint                          - Private (took a whileto claim)
Arches                                - Private * <  Arches was suggested along with kesh as a decent lynch by dell and tyler
Vorte                      - Private : wanted a lynch on Shiftey/Emptyy to follow dell kill : thinks sint is ?just sheep? - defended delling
Chippen            - Private
Tyler                - Private
Kendoki             - Private

Shanks               - Martyr ←---- Defended by Mouse* HOWEVER, she also wondered about him being a blue; her focus was quite a lot on working out which blues were which

3 left: possible trios?: // // Shanks, Chippen, Arches // Vdti, Chippen, Shanks // Vdti, Chippen, Arches // Vdti, Chippen, Vorte // Vorte, Tyler, Emptyy //

Mouse PM when shanks brought up:
<Mouseh> you really think hes part of mafia and hes tring to infuence the janitor role?
<Mouseh> i don't think so tbh
<kawe> janitor?
<kawe> oh jailor
<Mouseh> hahaah :D
<Mouseh> jailor :)
<Mouseh> hahaha janitor :')
<Mouseh> i don't think there is anything suspicious in his post, and i said already i understand why he hesitate to give you his role
<Mouseh> it could be slight chance that hes assasin as he mention it few times

this part quite incomplete now: who is 'against' who
Graxlos - against: Grish, Tronz
Hugman  - against: Arches
Nach    - against: Shiftey, Tronz, Intrinsic
TTaM    - against: Kawe++, Yoica, Shankski, Blackwhale, Eetion, Nach--, Dell--, Tronz, Intrinsic
Emptyy, Tyler, Intrinsic---
Intrinsic-against: Vorte--, Arches, TTaM
Hugman ? against: Arches
Veilas ? against: Arches, TTaM
Starbrow ? against: Arches, suggests lynching Kawe if TTaM is not mafia
Shiftey ? against: Kawe,  TTaM, Delling, Tyler, Mouseh

Grishnag -
Vdti    - against: Shanks,
Sint    - against: Arches, TTaM, Delling
Vdti ? against: TTaM, Intrinsic, Emptyy
Vorte ? against: Arches
Emptyy - eetion, shanks
Tyler   - against: Arches, TTaM, Shiftey, Delling, Emptyy, Grax, Kendo, Doomslay

Arches ? against: Vorte, Intrinsic
Shanks ? against: Tronz Intrinsic, Chippen, Emptyy, Graxlos, Veilas
Chippen - against: Vorte-, Kawe, Tronz, Delling, Emptyy
Doomslay- against: notArches, Arches, Kawe, Graxlos, Tyler,

Delling - against: Arches, Kawe, Intrinsic, Emptyy
Yoica   - against: TTaM, Hugman---, Shiftey, Emptyy, Tronz, Eetion
Mouseh ? against: TTaM, Tronz, Delling

Kendoki - against: Kawe+, Starbrow, Tyler, Eetion,
Intrinsic/Chipp--, Hugman-
 ||then later||  against: TTaM--, Mouse-, Kawe++, Intrinsic
Chippen--, Shiftey, Tyler-,
||then later||  against: Kawe+, Tronz, ?  Shiftey, Emptyy, Chippen, Blackwhale,

June 08, 2011, 02:12:29 am
Reply #899


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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #899 on: June 08, 2011, 02:12:29 am »
this is a sequencing of Mouse's interactions with other players in the game. I had intended to do the same for other known rebels and other suspected rebels but... time consuming. There were coloured names in the original. Not here.

[Against Eetion for captain
Against Tyler for captain
Arches ?lol?] <- liked by Sint, supported by Tyler

[delayed voting/supporting
Kawe ?dangerous to vote captain?]  ? echoed by Sint, Delling,

[Vdti says it was me who suggested Mouse first, and that she?s said a lot of good stuff]

[Yoica backs Mouse and gives ##Support]

[Eetion ##Supports Mouse]

[Emptyy says Mouse is in ?his green zone? along with Vdti and Tyler
gives Mouse ##Support
Puts Eetion, Kawe, TTaM and Chippen under suspicion]

[Vorte ?torn between? Kawe, Mouse and Delling for captain ? doesn?t support Shiftey/Eetion
Gives ##Support to Mouse, ##Votes TTaM]

[Mouse is attacked by Shiftey]

[Sint refutes Shiftey?s attack, saying it?s ?going way too far to say that just because she?s made 2 posts, on day 1, that she?s either a rebel or a blue]

[Delling agrees with Sint about Mouse being not guilty]

[Mouse praises Emptyy?s post. Suggests we have a choice between lynching Arches, TTaM and Chippen as ?safe? choices (TTaM and Arches also listed by Delling for this reason)
Or that we vote for Eetion (based on Emptyy?s post), but Kawe or Delling could fit too]

[Shiftey says Tyler?s putting forward of Mouse for captain is weird
Presses Yoica for why he suddenly backed Mouseh]

[Yoica responds, thanking Emptyy for a ?great summary?
Says he sees 4 good captain candidates; Kawe, Vdti, Mouse, Shiftey
Says Kawe and Shiftey?s posts are great but high risk
Says Mouse and Vdti are safe choices, but that TTaM was too pro-active pushing Vdti and that TTaM is rebel; says this is why he supports Mouse]

[Tyler posts supporting Emptyy?s ?Great post?
Equally praises Mouse?s posts, switches #Support from Kawe to Mouse.
Says Mouse ?might be rebel scum playing a blinder? but ?don?t see a better choice?, but also that ?the same could be said of all candidates?. (this is odd)
Questions Shiftey
Says of TTaM that he is sus.
Says Grax needs to post more; questions his support of Shiftey] <- Delling praises Tyler?s post

[Mouse against Shiftey a lot
Says she should support Emptyy since he?s made ?a few sane posts?, but that he would look bad to Shiftey too
##Supports herself]

[Shiftey lists the current people supporting Mouse as captain
Yoica, Eetion, Emptyy, Vorte, Tyler, Kawe]

[Shiftey ##Support Emptyy as ?a much better candidate than Mouseh? for captain]

[Doomslay is convinced by TTaM against Kawe, and finds the sudden voting for Mouse as captain with little reasoning suspicious]

[Mouse goes after Shiftey, says she didn?t trust Kawe with captain role.
She is ?more than happy? to ##Support Emptyy]

[Sintrael says that Mouse?s posts were exactly what he was thinking, and that he is supporting her. Says Shiftey is stretching what people say to undermine them, and that the only person benefitting from Shiftey?s posts is TTaM.
##Vote Shiftey and ##Support Mouse]

[Eetion says both Mouse and Emptyy are solid choices and switches support
##Support Emptyy
Says Doomslay?s post about everyone switching to Mouse was suspicious]

[Shanks says he thinks Mouse would be a better choice as captain
Says TTaM and Shiftey changing votes together is suspicious
##Support Mouse]

[Doomslay mentions he thinks Kawe and Emptyy could be working together as rebels.
Many people who voted for Mouse now switching to Emptyy, fine but something to watch out for]

[Yoica posts to say that he is surprised (?!) old enemies are new friends; Shiftey and TTaM who ?had problems with Mouse, due to her low post count and suspected ties with Kawe and Tyler now voting for Emptyy? who has lower post count but one wicked post?.
Says he is baffled by people rapidly switching ?w/o solid reasoning?]

[Kendo posts against Mouse as captain calling her Undecisive]

[Starbrow puts forward Mouse?s putting forward for captain somewhat sus, but he feels relatively safe supporting her.
##Support Mouse]

[Vdti thinks neither Mouse nor Emptyy are a bad captain choice.
Is not eager to be captain
Viewed TTaM and Kawe as sus, but thought about it and said none looked like rebels, and are just getting fired up by each other, and that if that?s the case the rebels are in a dream situation
Continues voting for TTaM as he doesn?t really see another good lynch target]

[Vdti goes with his gut feeling and supports Emptyy, despite thinking Mouse is imperial
##Support Emptyy]
[Blackwhale supports Mouse, sure she?s imperial, and ?has his evil eye on some of the people that voted emptyy]

[Sint questions how Blackwhale could be sure mouse is imperial]

[Tyler says it took him poking Dell to get him to vote, and that Delling wouldn?t go after Kawe so early if he had any doubt.
Says Emptyy?s post was ?nice and all?, but weak on conclusions, and that Mouse has better judgment]

[Sint questions Emptyy being voted in as captain based on only one post with quotes and weak conclusions.
Says Mouse and Kawe have been far better, and that Delling or even Shiftey would be better than Emptyy.
Questions that people supporting Emptyy have had little input into the game.
Says the split vote means the rebels can easily sway the vote how they want, and this is very dangerous].

[Delling counters Sint?s post saying that neither Mouse nor Emptyy look like rebels]

[Eetion compares the people supporting Emptyy and the people voting against Kawe  makes him ?reconsider my thoughts of our captain?, and that Mouse is safer relatively.
##Supports Mouse]

[Tyler pushing for Mouse support till the end of the captaincy vote to Kawe on TS]

[Mouse votes against Tronz as a ?useless? player, after Shanks did and Grax did before]

[Emptyy posts about the Tronz-wagon and times, including Mouse]

[Mouse ##Vote Delling with no text, after the lynch]

[Mouse questions Delling?s guilt, says TTaM is looking guilty, mentions that Tronz looks more like a Blue than Intrinsic] 11 AM June 2nd ? Rebels have not decided to kill TTaM yet, still painting him as guilty.

[Tyler astounded I didn?t shoot Delling in the night]

[Tyler lists Mouse, Chippen, Blackwhale as names that spring to mind of silent people who need to post their thoughts
Wonders why we haven?t daylynched delling yet
Wants Jailor to protect Kawe]

[Mouse posts a big post ? states she was shocked TTaM was killed and that was sure he was a rebel
Following my chat with her in PM, brings up that there could be more than Shiftey and Emptyy who knew about TTaM?s role, and not Delling since she ?doubts his story?.
Says we ?could have killed two imperials? based on Shiftey/Emptyy theory.
Suggested that Emptyy could have ended up shooting Shiftey, and then lead to empty being lynched, if this hadn?t come to light.
Paints Shiftey as guilty for saying ?we all agree nach is mafia? 11 minutes after night actions.]

[Mouse posts saying Dell started Intrinsic bandwagon, and paints Tronz as suspect based on this. Votes Tronz.]


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