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 Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck

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June 12, 2011, 08:22:13 pm
Reply #1020

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1020 on: June 12, 2011, 08:22:13 pm »
Vote: Delling

Unvote: Delling
Vote: Shiftey
Unvote: Shiftey
Vote: Blackwhale

Bears like alts!

June 12, 2011, 08:23:01 pm
Reply #1021

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1021 on: June 12, 2011, 08:23:01 pm »
well ofc I unvoted Delling, he was already dead :p

June 12, 2011, 08:59:10 pm
Reply #1022

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1022 on: June 12, 2011, 08:59:10 pm »
I would like some theories about a who people suspect as the second candidate.

I have suspected just about everyone left in the game at this point.

Grish for his useless RP, seems green based on votes.
Chippen and kendoki for weird posts and votes.
Tronz for his voting patterns and his incoherent story about not being able to post but logging on TS 90 minutes earlier.
Eetion for his early accusations, also his latest post tieing emptyy vorte and archz together, when tronz fit the profile just as well and also chippen kendoki and shanski could fit it well. Just depending on what you want to show although I dont really see him as a suspect these days, he cant be that elaborate :P
Sintrael seems green by votes but has been quite quiet.

I feel that I have very little info on archz really, his late voting pattern does suggest him being a rebel though.

My guess would be Archz and Chippen/Kendoki.

A fun scenario that I really don't hope is true could be Tyler as godfather.

They start by him leading a lynchsquad against delling to make us all convinced tyler is Imperial, then he is safe to lead us in all the wrong directions for a few nights of murdering.
Then doubt starts to occur with all those innocents dead and then he leads us against vorte which then convinces us that he is imperial even more and then he can take us out one by one until we are all dead.
The main reason that this scenario seems invalid is the way that the death of delling incriminated yoica and mouseh. But such an elaborate mafia game would be quite funny :)

Bears like alts!

June 12, 2011, 09:15:07 pm
Reply #1023

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1023 on: June 12, 2011, 09:15:07 pm »
I would like some theories about a who people suspect as the second candidate.

I have suspected just about everyone left in the game at this point.

Grish for his useless RP, seems green based on votes.
Chippen and kendoki for weird posts and votes.
Tronz for his voting patterns and his incoherent story about not being able to post but logging on TS 90 minutes earlier.
Eetion for his early accusations, also his latest post tieing emptyy vorte and archz together, when tronz fit the profile just as well and also chippen kendoki and shanski could fit it well. Just depending on what you want to show although I dont really see him as a suspect these days, he cant be that elaborate :P
Sintrael seems green by votes but has been quite quiet.

I feel that I have very little info on archz really, his late voting pattern does suggest him being a rebel though.

My guess would be Archz and Chippen/Kendoki.

A fun scenario that I really don't hope is true could be Tyler as godfather.

They start by him leading a lynchsquad against delling to make us all convinced tyler is Imperial, then he is safe to lead us in all the wrong directions for a few nights of murdering.
Then doubt starts to occur with all those innocents dead and then he leads us against vorte which then convinces us that he is imperial even more and then he can take us out one by one until we are all dead.
The main reason that this scenario seems invalid is the way that the death of delling incriminated yoica and mouseh. But such an elaborate mafia game would be quite funny :)

I know my acccusiations have been Early, but as i admitted earlier when Vorte tried to defend himself, that the only reason i do these, is to get reactions out. The people that are left in this Mafia game have all been quiuet, and all of us could probably be framed into some sort of mafia business. Although as many could be accusiated for the same reasons, some are more obvious targets to pick, because they give a kind of information that we can use for the next target. As for lynching vorte, we can tie up atleast Vorte and Archz, in some sort of way. Yes i might be insanely bad play from Archz but I think it is the right thing to do at this point, because he clearly isnt contributing if he has to use a random vote just to avoid a modkill, and therefor is better DEAD Rebel or not. He have survived way too long in this game on the solo reason for it to be that he probably was just a stupid Imperial and have been staying incredible low-profile and have been on nearly every bandwagon that has existed this game, with real reason.

- mnore coming, im at work so got limited time -
I think I was born to tank.

June 12, 2011, 09:45:07 pm
Reply #1024

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1024 on: June 12, 2011, 09:45:07 pm »
My second suspect is still Chippen,

He was active during day 1, made posts, some phun intended some not, then explained why he acted the way he did day 1. Intresting to note : he did not vote for anyone for Captain for the reason :
As for Captain, well this is abit harder, I rather lynch a imperial then vote in a rebel captain. And I still feel abit jittery to vote for anyone who actually asks for the captaincy, which is something i'm sure rebels are doing. I also think that what emptyy did was pretty nifty, BUT could be a clever ploy by the rebel faction.

So, i rather abstain my captaincy vote then take part of voting in a rebel (Not that I actually think Emptyy is a rebel, just that the chance exists) Still got some hours left until the votes are counted so I'll hang back and see if my stance need changing in regards to the captaincy

##Unsupport: TTaM
He never did vote for anyone, which is intresting enough.

The moment day 2 started he did not do anything except voting. Has given little no info, which makes me think he is trying to dodge everyone attention.

##Vote: Delling
Delling get shot couple of hours later, he then comes with the following post.
Thanks Emptyy, you confirmed it for me now

##Vote: Emptyy

Using a lynch on a target already pretty much lynched? GEGE

He switch to Blackwhale some hours later, cause Blackwhale voted Chippen.
Imma gonna go ahead and switch my vote just to make sure the false accusations gets their just punishment

##Unvote: Emptyy
##Vote: Blackwhale

I'm still highly suspucious of Emptyy tho

After that he keeps going after Emptyy cause of a gut feeling.
I keep thinking of who to vote for, and my gut keeps telling me to go Emptyy, so i'll go with that until convinced otherwise

##Vote: Emptyy
Emptyy is still the biggest suspect in my eyes, alot of fishy behaviour

##Vote: Emptyy

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June 12, 2011, 09:58:38 pm
Reply #1025

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1025 on: June 12, 2011, 09:58:38 pm »
Every single guy that has been lynched\close to lynched have done this, other than Intrinsic, who actually hit a rebel with his vote, Tyler.. please, your framing is getting both sad and obvious.

Gonna be a short post this break.
This is one of the best reasons you've got so far, along with the fact that Tyler actually lead the Lynch for Vorte.
If Tyler is a Rebel i take my hat off. But for now we got better people to kill.
I think I was born to tank.

June 13, 2011, 04:41:52 am
Reply #1026

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1026 on: June 13, 2011, 04:41:52 am »
I've started on my extensive post, re-reading the >1000 posts with fresh eyes and keeping especially in mind what the confirmed rebels said. Will try to have this completed within 18.00 tomorrow.

For now my vote sits on Shankski, but (after having read a lot) not very safely.

Nighty night.
Vanilla chars: Hunter, rogue, shaman

June 13, 2011, 03:36:52 pm
Reply #1027

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1027 on: June 13, 2011, 03:36:52 pm »
Lol grax i have like the 4th highest post count or something, u'll also see that all my posts have been either after work or during my lunchtime. I go out on weekends so dont tend to check the forums. No longer am i a jobless bum with infinite time to screw around and play games. (not that i dont miss it...)

Atm i'm leaning toward archz as being guilty. He hasnt actually made a single post contributing to the game, he's either sat back and said nothing, defended himself or whined about being picked on. (re. his last post "hurr durr i'm a rebel")

I dont think a green would play this way as greens dont actually have anything to be afraid of, archz seems to think he does.

##Vote: Archz

June 13, 2011, 06:07:41 pm
Reply #1028

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1028 on: June 13, 2011, 06:07:41 pm »
It's not completely done yet, but ain't got more time today

Tyler, Eetion: I presented data, which I personally think is useful for the Empire. Voting and activity is one of the few hard facts we got, don't forget that.
Also, gathering data and making an overview over voting takes effort (ask Starbrow), and I think it's slightly retarded that you find no value in it. However, you're not retards, so instead it makes me think that you perhaps dislike that actual data gets in the way of you convincing badly reasoned opinions onto others? Anyway, this is my interpretation of the data I previously presented. Hope you like it.

I have also mainly looked at who(of the remaining alive) have had opinions on confirmed mafia, and who confirmed mafia have had opinions about.

Day 1
No one except mafia knows anything, and bullying Archz seems like a common thing to do. Yoica tries keeping him alive[1]*. TTaM, Kawe and very active, and also being suspected. I make the big sumup
Shiftey targets Mouseh, Sintrael and Delling defends her[1]
Tyler starts suspecting Delling[1]
Emptyy posts his lay-low-list: Blackwhale, Veilas, Vorte, Tronz, Insintric, Grishnag, Shankski[1]
*Could be because he's mafia. Could be because they wouldn't mind Archz staying alive.

Yoica suggestes Tyler, Delling, Kawe[1]
Sintrael agrees on Tyler/Delling/Kawe[1]
Sintrael says he would support Mouseh for captain[1]
Tyler and Sintrael says Mouse > Emptyy[1]
Delling says neither Mouse nor Emptyy looks like rebel[1]

Quote from: Delling
I doubt Emptyy will be the kind of captain to lead us to great glory, but in a game where randomity is our enemy, a sensible, thoughtful captain is a damn good choice IMO.
Quote from: Yoica
Kawe and Tyler are now voting for Emptyy. Who has the same (or less?) post count, it has to be said he did have 1 wicked post!, is suddenly the golden boy? Is that 1 good summary of what transpired enough?

Quote from: Kendoki
Mouseh; made some good posts. Was mentioned as captain and did go for it.
Then switched. Undecisive; dont want someone that cant make up her mind as captain.

##Support: Mouseh
Mainly i think Mouseh have been making great sense, and as Yoica also said, she might be the "neutral" target for the Captains post that we need.
In my green zone: Tyler, Mouseh, Vdti
##Support: Mouseh
i would support Mouse for captain as well should she gain popularity, i like how sensible she's being.

With regards to who will be captain I agree with most people that Dell, Tyler or Vdti. Personally not Kawe for reasons previously mentioned.

##Support: Kawe
Played very good the previous game, let's hope you're not scum again :p
it might not be of the best interest for the Empire to have their strongest player (should Kawe be Imperial) at their highest post
##Support: Eetion

- Vorte for not having seen Star Wars
Initiated by Chippen and Intrinsic.
Also voted by: Archz
Supported by:
Opposed by: Delling and Eetion (opposing early lynchvotes)[1], Blackwhale[1]
Slightly lowers suspicion towards Chippen, as I doubt the first vote to go out would be from a mafia to another mafia, even as a joke.

- Archz, for acting odd/interpreted as a useless player
Initiated by Tyler and Kawe
Also voted by: Starbrow, Sintrael, Hugman, Intrinsic, Sintrael, Delling, TTaM, Veilas
Opposed by: Delling and Eetion (opposing early lynchvotes)[1], Eetion [2], Blackwhale[1]
Lowers suspicion towards Tyler, if Archz happens to be mafia. Slightly increases suspicion if Archz ain't mafia [1]

- Kawe for some dodgy posts
Initiated by TTaM, Kendoki and Sintrael
Also voted by: Shiftey, Ino, Delling, Doomslay and Chippen.
Opposed by:

- TTaM for some dodgy posts
Initiated by Sintrael, Yoica and Kawe.
Also voted by: Eetion, Vdti, Intrinsic, Vorte
Opposed by:

- Delling for being spastic, posting a lot.
Initiated by: Tyler, Shiftey, Eetion
Also voted by: Chippen, Intrinsic, Ino
Opposed by:

- Tronz for being quiet
Initiated by: Graxlos
Also voted by: Shankski, Mouseh, Nachmanun, Chippen, Kendoki, TTaM
Opposed by: Delling[1][2], Sintrael [1], Grishnag[1], Emptyy[1]

- Intrinsic for Tronz defending himself whilst Instrinsic didn't
Initiated by: Tronz
Also voted by: Nachmanun, Vdti, Shankski, Archz, Graxlos, Blackwhale
Opposed by:

Day 2
Tyler encourages Emptyy to lynch Delling [1] [2]
Delling saying Chippen, Eetion and Vdti are generally useless[1]
Me making 4-parted post. Interpreting TTaM death [1], Nach being killed [2], Ino and Hugman getting killed[3] and suspects Delling [4]
Emptyy daylynches Delling[1]. - Chippen[1] and Doomslay[1] finds this suspicious and a waste.   
Graxlos shoots Yoica
Veilas shoots Mouseh[1]

- Delling for being spastic
Initiated by: (continued from yesterday)
Also voted by: Shiftey, Chippen, Mouseh, Tyler, Vorte, Doomslay, Eetion, Starbrow, Emptyy, Kendoki, Archz, Grishnag
Opposed by:

- Shankski for being quiet, and a few dodgy posts
Initiated by Vdti and Sintrael
Also voted by: Kendoki, Shiftey, Starbrow, Archz
Opposed by:

- Emptyy for TTaM-death
Initiated by: Chippen
Also voted by: Shankski
Opposed by: Yoica[1]

- Graxlos for being quiet
Initiated by Tyler
Also voted by: Eetion, Grishnag
Opposed by:

- Blackwhale for being quiet
Initiated by: Grishnag
Also voted by: Eetion, Veilas, Tronz, Graxlos, Archz, Kawe, Chippen, Emptyy, Shiftey, Hugman, Starbrow, Sintrael
Opposed by:

Day 3
Vorte suspects Shankski, Chippen, Emptyy[1]
Tyler questions Vortes quietness[1]
Eetion questions Vorte[1]
Emptyy brings up the lay-low-list, suspecting Grishnag, Tronz, Vorte, Shankski[1]
Kawe makes huge post, posting his thoughts[1]


- Emptyy
Initiated by: Shankski
Also voted by: Chippen, Vorte, Tyler
Opposed by: None

- Vdti
Initiated by Shiftey
Also voted by: Eetion, Doomslay, Graxlos, Kawe, Tronz, Archz, Hugman, Starbrow, Vorte, Tyler, Emptyy
Opposed by: None

- Vorte
Initiated by: Kawe and Shiftey
Also voted by: Vdti, Grishnag, Sintrael, Eetion

Day 4

- Emptyy
(Re)Initiated by: Tronz[1]
Also voted by: Shankski[1], Chippen[1]
Supported by: Sintrael [1] and Eetion [1]
Opposed by: None

- Vorte
Initiated by Continued from yesterday (Tyler)
Also voted by: Sintrael, Shiftey, Eetion, Kendoki, Doomslay, Graxlos, Grishnag
Supported by: Kendoki[1]
Opposed by: None

Day 5
- Archz
Initiated by: Eetion
Also voted by: Kendoki, Tyler, Sintrael
Opposed by: Emptyy

My thoughts
I'm first going to quote my previously useless post and point out who of us have voted for confirmed rebels (sorted by activity):

Nick (number of rebels voted against)
Doomslay (2) Posts: 19 (5627 chars). Votes: Kawe, Delling, Tyler, Vdti, Vorte
Chippen (2) Posts: 25 (5930 chars). Votes: Vorte, Kawe, Tronz, Delling, Delling, Dellin, Delling, Emptyy, Blackwhale, Emptyy, Emptyy
tronz (0) Posts: 29 (11076 chars). Votes: Intrinsic, Intrinsic, Blackwhale, Vdti, Emptyy
Archz (2) Posts: 54 (12568 chars). Votes: Vorte, Intrinsic, Delling, Shiftey, Blackwhale, Vdti, Tyler, Tronz
Graxlos (1) Posts: 40 (12920 chars). Votes: Tronz, Intrinsic, Blackwhale, Vdti, Vorte, Archz
shankski (0) Posts: 38 (14327 chars). Votes: Tronz, Intrinsic, Emptyy, Emptyy, Emptyy
Kendoki (2) Posts: 22 (18939 chars). Votes: Kawe, Tronz, Tronz, Delling, Shankski, Chippen, Vorte, Chippen, Archz
Grishnag (2) Posts: 40 (20722 chars). Votes: Shiftey, Shiftey, TTaM, Delling, Graxlos, Blackwhale, Blackwhale, Vdti, Vorte, Vorte
Sintrael (1) Posts: 67 (26344 chars). Votes: Arches, Arches, TTaM, TTaM, Shiftey, TTaM, TTaM, Shankski, Blackwhale, Vdti, Vorte, Vorte
Tyler (2) Posts: 50 (40821 chars). Votes: Archz, Archz, Delling, Delling, Graxlos, Delling, Vdti, Vorte, Archz
Emptyy (1) Posts: 36 (42528 chars). Votes: Eetion, Eetion, TTaM, Intrinsic, Delling, Blackwhale, Shankski, Vdti, Shankski
Eetion (2) Posts: 81 (50756 chars). Votes: TTaM, Delling, Delling, Delling, Delling, Graxlos, Blackwhale, Vdti, Vorte, Vorte, Archz

Notably, Tronz and Shankski have not voted for a rebel. Eetion and Tyler looks less suspicious, due to their heavy rebel-voting. Most of our remaining players have very low activity (~Vorte).

Graxlos is a guaranteed blue due to him having used his ability.
I believe Tyler and Eetion to be town, because of their contribution and suspicion towards Delling and Vorte.
I think Chippen is town as well. The early 'joke-vote' towards Vorte makes him seem unsuspicious to me. I also think it would be weird for Vorte to post the remaining rebels as his primary suspects, though Vorte indeed is weird and could be the person to do something like that. Chippen also voted quite early for Delling. Delling also calls him 'useless'.

I'm still quite certain Archz is a private, due to his early reactions. Imo they reveal him as Private in a characteristicly Archz-way. I see how he might look like a rebel to people who don't know him well.

Grishnag, Doomslay and Kendoki I couldn't find much on. They've successfully kept under the rader, not getting (much) suspected, nor contributed much. However they all voted for Delling and Vorte, though not early. A bit suspicious.

Tronz defended himself decently on day 1, but has remained 'under the radar'. The fact that he hasn't once voted for a confirmed rebel is somewhat suspicious.

My vote
Quote from: Kawe
Sint - Private (took a whileto claim)

Quote from: Kawe
[delayed voting/supporting Kawe ?dangerous to vote captain?]  ? echoed by Sint, Delling

Quote from: Kawe
[Delling agrees with Sint about Mouse being not guilty]

Quote from: Kawe
[Sintrael says that Mouse?s posts were exactly what he was thinking, and that he is supporting her

He defends Mouseh and agrees with Yoica on day 1. Initates votes on TTaM and Kawe on day 1, Shankski on day 2. He didn't vote for Delling, and have in my opinion been acting weird [1]

##Vote: Sintrael
Vanilla chars: Hunter, rogue, shaman

June 13, 2011, 06:10:04 pm
Reply #1029

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1029 on: June 13, 2011, 06:10:04 pm »
Adding votesheet for you to peek at.
Vanilla chars: Hunter, rogue, shaman

June 13, 2011, 06:24:42 pm
Reply #1030

Offline shankski

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1030 on: June 13, 2011, 06:24:42 pm »
Sorry been inactive, been writing CVs and talking to employment agencies and shit

But Archz said he was mafia?

##Vote: Archz

June 13, 2011, 06:51:02 pm
Reply #1031

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1031 on: June 13, 2011, 06:51:02 pm »
if people would listen and post their two suspects it would help a lot. then we can f.ex. choose to lynch one we all agree on and it gives us more information after the lynch about who wanted who dead.

Bears like alts!

June 13, 2011, 06:57:08 pm
Reply #1032

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1032 on: June 13, 2011, 06:57:08 pm »
My vote
Quote from: Kawe
Sint - Private (took a whileto claim)

Quote from: Kawe
[delayed voting/supporting Kawe ?dangerous to vote captain?]  ? echoed by Sint, Delling

Quote from: Kawe
[Delling agrees with Sint about Mouse being not guilty]

Quote from: Kawe
[Sintrael says that Mouse?s posts were exactly what he was thinking, and that he is supporting her

He defends Mouseh and agrees with Yoica on day 1. Initates votes on TTaM and Kawe on day 1, Shankski on day 2. He didn't vote for Delling, and have in my opinion been acting weird [1]

##Vote: Sintrael

Day 3
[Vdti.7]: Doomslay, graxlos, Tyler, tronz, Vorte, Archz, Emptyy
[Vorte.6]: Shiftey, Eetion, Kawe, Vdti, Grishnag, Sintrael
[Emptyy.2]: shankski, Chippen
[Chippen.1]: Kendoki

Day 4
[Vorte.7]: Doomslay, Graxlos, Sintrael, Tyler, Shiftey, Eetion, Grishnag
[Tyler.2]: Vorte, Archz
[Emptyy.3]: Tronz, Chippen, Shankski
[Chippen.1]: Kendoki
[Shankski.1]: Emptyy

How would you explain that Sintrael has Voted for Vorte 2 Days in a Row if he is a Rebel? In what mind would it make sense to follow Kawe's lead late on day 3 voting to possibly kill a Rebel if you were to be one yourself?

And how would you explain yourself not following on Kawe's lead, as Kawe by far been the one wing clipping the most rebels this game? Why wouldn't you follow a confirmed blue on day 3 - that also have 3 Rebel kills in his back from earlier?

Why is it you never voted for Vorte on this day 4 lynch, if you really were an Imperial when Vorte had quite obviously thrown his cover away. ?
I think I was born to tank.

June 13, 2011, 07:11:32 pm
Reply #1033

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1033 on: June 13, 2011, 07:11:32 pm »
if people would listen and post their two suspects it would help a lot. then we can f.ex. choose to lynch one we all agree on and it gives us more information after the lynch about who wanted who dead.

Tronz and Emptyy

June 13, 2011, 08:22:35 pm
Reply #1034

Offline Emptyy

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Re: Mafia II - Story of the Iron Edge - Ship Deck
« Reply #1034 on: June 13, 2011, 08:22:35 pm »
How would you explain that Sintrael has Voted for Vorte 2 Days in a Row if he is a Rebel?
Because no one is stupid enough to play "the obvious rebel". With all of us, there are arguments for us not being a rebel. Mouse and Vorte voted Delling, and it's not unlikely that there were rebels participating in the Vorte-vote aswell.

Quote from: Eetion
In what mind would it make sense to follow Kawe's lead late on day 3 voting to possibly kill a Rebel if you were to be one yourself?
Ergo was following Kawe's lead and voting for Vorte a sanctuary for Rebels, making them look Town? WIFOM?

Quote from: Eetion
And how would you explain yourself not following on Kawe's lead, as Kawe by far been the one wing clipping the most rebels this game? Why wouldn't you follow a confirmed blue on day 3 - that also have 3 Rebel kills in his back from earlier?
I have followed Kawe, though not on that day. Why? Because there was close to no arguments on why to kill Vorte. At least there were posted reasons to why Vdti could be a rebel.

I saw a lot of you blindly follow his lead, without questioning. If that is your way to play, so be it, but it ain't mine. I think it's important to stop and think: "Am I doing this because it's reasonable, or am I doing this because someone else told me?". I stand by my choice, even though I see it's easy for you to say "I was right, you were wrong, ergo you must be a bad player / rebel"

Quote from: Eetion
Why is it you never voted for Vorte on this day 4 lynch, if you really were an Imperial when Vorte had quite obviously thrown his cover away. ?
Wasn't the main reason Vorte got voted on that he acted like we won the game? There were no clear links between Vorte and Mouseh, Delling, Yoica, and neither have I seen any today when I read through the thread. In my opinion, he was a lucky shot.

if people would listen and post their two suspects it would help a lot. then we can f.ex. choose to lynch one we all agree on and it gives us more information after the lynch about who wanted who dead.

Suspects: Sintrael, Shankski and Tronz.
Unsure: Kendoki, Doomslay, Grishnag.
Townie: Graxlos, Tyler, Eetion, Chippen and Archz.
Vanilla chars: Hunter, rogue, shaman


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