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 Xbeliayeva A Raid apply

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June 03, 2011, 12:41:11 am
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Offline Xbel

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Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« on: June 03, 2011, 12:41:11 am »
Greetings Iron Edge,

Personal Information

My name is Theo and I am 27 years old.I live in Thessaloniki,Greece where I am studing Tourism Management.In my free time I like hanging around with friends,listening to music,watching movies,but mostly I fill my time playing on my PC.

Character Information

My gear can be seen here:
I love my character because she can go core in the most of the fights.Xbel was my first character since I started playing WoW.Even if I created many alts,none of them took my attraction more than the hunter,that's why I am still playing on her .
Previous Guilds:
At the begining of 2007 Joined Cold Blooded
19.11.2008 Joined So What
Leatherworking 525
Skinning 525
Cooking 525
First Aid 525
Fishing 525
Archaeology 525

List of add-ons:
Bartender 4
Cooldowns 1.3.6
JS'Hunter bar

      -* Zul'Aman cleared
       -* Grull's Lair cleared
       -* Magtheridon's Lair cleared
       -* SSC cleared
       -* TK cleared
       -* MH cleared
       -* BT cleared
       -* SWP cleared
      -* Naxx 10/25 - Cleared
       -* Eye of Eternety 10/25 - Cleared
       -* Obsidian Sanctum 10/25 ( 3 drakes up) - Cleared
       -* Ulduar 10/25 cleared
       -* ToC 10/25 No(stopped playing WoW)
       -* ICC 10/25 No(stopped playing WoW)

      -* Exept nef up to Halfus Heroic.


I am a hardcore raider and I like going core every day without counting the hours needed.I know your raiding hours and I won't have any problem at all,but in generally I can raid every day,every hour.I will notify my raidleader about days that don't suit me because of some unexpected come ups,but honestly these days will be very rare.  

More specific times:

Mondays: Whenever required
Tuesdays: Whenever required
Wednesdays: Whenever required
Thursdays: Whenever required
Fridays: Whenever required
Saturday: Whenever required
Sundays: Whenever required

Gaming and World Of Warcraft history

I am playing games since 1992 when I took the console of Nintendo as a gift.That day was the day I started realising that virtual gaming can become a passion.I continued playing casually random games such as soccer,basketball and adventure games on the console.Then I updated the console to Nintendo 64 continueing my virtual tour.1999 was the year that PC striked my life.2000-2001,I started playing online games such as Half-Life LAN and after a year when online gaming was a public way of gaming I played Counter-Strike,MU Online,Lineage,Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne.2007 was the year I discovered WoW while I was working at an Internet Station.From the very first time I knew that this was a game for me.I played the whole TBC,and WotLK before iCC spawned when I stopped playing,because I moved to another town so I couldn't raid because I had to manage things with home,work and studies .

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
From the very first time I started raiding,the only thing I wanted was a mature guild that knows what they need from their raiders and what to give to them.I know the guild "Iron Edge" since I started leveling up my character.As far as I know Iron Edge always knew how to raid,making progress and stucking together.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
First of all I can offer my raid attendance anytime needed.Once WoW is the only thing I am playing the most of the time I can help or assist anyone who wants a progress in a dungeon,achievement,guild achievement or anything else because I like progress in any factor and I am an achievement whore

« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 05:24:36 pm by Xbel »

June 03, 2011, 12:41:53 am
Reply #1

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 12:41:53 am »
Cool.  24 hours...


June 03, 2011, 12:53:35 am
Reply #2

Offline shankski

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2011, 12:53:35 am »
Personally its a no from me after what he did to the B raid.

Yes its fair enough if you want to join the A raid but the way he went about it is all wrong.

Joining the A raid and not having the balls to admit it to Hugman.

Luckily for you I have no influence on the A raiders and their recruits but I'm just voicing my opinion.

June 03, 2011, 09:03:20 am
Reply #3

Offline Skymunken

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2011, 09:03:20 am »
For us cave dwellers that have been out of touch with the internet for a while, what did he do?
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

June 03, 2011, 09:04:28 am
Reply #4

Offline Hugman

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2011, 09:04:28 am »

So this is what I saw happened with this guy.

Got a trial with the B-raid, did well. Did good dps, didn't fuck up much, passed his trial and was promoted to raider.

   Then the raids just after he got promoted, I was away, and I came back to find several of my raiders moaning about how he hadn't turned up, and had got himself saved to the A-raid. I also found a ingame mail from him, saying that "he couldn't raid this week, as he had work, and was sorry". Apparently he had been able to raid, but had got himself saved with the A-raid.

  I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, and spoke to him in game whispers. He said he was sorry about what had happened last week, and would be there next raid. I clearly asked, if he was messing us about or if he wanted to continue raiding with the B-raid. He said he wanted to raid with the B-raid, and would be on time ready to raid with us, the coming week. Since he was already saved, I decided to leave it util next reset, and see if he was just bullshitting.

Next reset comes, and lo and be hold, Wednesday night, he is raiding with the A-raid.

Thats when I kick him from the guild.

I asked Kesh, what had he been telling him, and Kesh told me "he had said he hadn't raided with the B-raid for 3 weeks". Which is frankly bullshit.

  This guy has applied for the B-raid, passed is trial, and then the raid after, has gone and got himself saved to another raid. He has sent the raid leader a mail, saying he couldn't raid, and then gone ahead, and raided with another raid anyway. Then when the raid leader questioned him about this, he has lied directly, and said he would be ready to raid. Come reset, he has then gotten himself saved again.

  Kesh, I know you would like to have him as a hunter for the A-raid, which is why I told you if you did, he should make this application, but based on the way he has behaved, you would be an idiot to do so.

  By his actions, he has violated the basic rules of the guild, and shouldn't be allowed back in, let alone in either of our raid groups.

Thats my piece on this, off to work now.

June 03, 2011, 09:50:20 am
Reply #5

Offline Pluug

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2011, 09:50:20 am »
From what i know B raid is organised for players that don't have too much time to raid(so 2 nights per week).

This guy has applied for the B-raid, passed is trial, and then the raid after, has gone and got himself saved to another raid. He has sent the raid leader a mail, saying he couldn't raid, and then gone ahead, and raided with another raid anyway.

If you read his first apply and i don't think you did he said he is very active player that is spending a lot of time Online(obviously not B team material) and as a guest member he couldn't edit it.
Its stupid to force players to play something they don't wanna do, so if you recruit very active player for B raid don't be surprised if you got burned after.

A raid had one spot free that day and Xbel was invited, and after that he was asked to come tomorrow and that's how this started. Don't blame this guy because you and Daekesh have bad coordination and communication ingame.

This wasn't the first case that someone change raid team but this is the first that someone got kicked 2 times cause of it.

At this point he was A raider and if anyone should ask him to reapply that is Daekesh simple.

emo? >3

June 03, 2011, 10:10:13 am
Reply #6

Offline Yoica

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2011, 10:10:13 am »
Kesh is already telling the B-raid that want to switch to talking to Hug or me 1st. Until Xbel they all had, Xbel lied saying he talked one of us. And then on thrusday he lied again to my face about why he was saved despite the fact I had made an angry post in guildchat when I saw in the A-raid the day before.

But let it drop already, we can't change anything. I've already talked with Kesh and any B-raider wants to swap needs to make a post on the forums! This will prevent anything like this happening again.

June 03, 2011, 10:10:58 am
Reply #7

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2011, 10:10:58 am »
I asked Kesh, what had he been telling him, and Kesh told me "he had said he hadn't raided with the B-raid for 3 weeks". Which is frankly bullshit.

No, when he joined the A-raid, he said the B-raid wouldn't raid for the past three weeks, due to exam periods. That's why he joined us in the first place (and yes, we were missing people).

And now let's be honest. The A-raid is not doing very well atm. I don't know how the B-raid is doing, but after this incident, I assume it ain't going to good for the B-raid either. Basically a decent player is quite important, for the both raids. But I'm sure there have been some kind of miscommunication between you and Xbeliayeva.

I never saw Xbeliayeva as Cohort in the A-raid, so I guess you demoted him quickly after him being in the A-raid. I've been watching Xbeliayeva from his third raid with the A-raid I believe. And when the three weeks break was over, I would've spoken with some of the B-raid officers about him. Because we need another hunter, and if he can offer us that, he should probably raid with the A-raid.

And now, Hugman, as I mentioned before, Iron Edge barely have raiders to fill raids. You are kicking one of our two hunters, who have attend to every raid so far. I am really disappointed in you. Frankly speaking, your communication with Itkovian seems very bad. And apparently Itkovian have not kicked your raiders, and let's take Winrawr for instance. Some anti-semitism guy, who got himself kicked several times. And that guy was so idiotic I'd thought I would ever see him again. Still he was invited back, by you.

And I must say we are very lucky that Xbeliayeva applied again. Most of the people would not do it, at least I wouldn't.

все знают, обезьяну, но обезьяна не знает ни один из них

June 03, 2011, 01:53:59 pm
Reply #8

Offline Xbel

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2011, 01:53:59 pm »
Ok.When i made this apply i said to myself "dont reply no matter what they will say,dont fight with ppl" but this is beyond imagination.I want to believe that somehow you got confused,if not,well at that point i dont care who they believe but i will say the truth anyway,coz clearly you want to present me like an idiot brainless 15 year old child.

I also found a ingame mail from him, saying that "he couldn't raid this week, as he had work, and was sorry". Apparently he had been able to raid, but had got himself saved with the A-raid.
Never send you an E-mail.I got saved with A grp at Wednesday,you invite me to raid next day which is Thursday and normaly is day off for B raid since we raid monday and Tuesday.I whisper you and told you that since last weeks we lack of ppl and since i cant raid the incoming monday i got saved.Never got reply back from you asking me anything.

  I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, and spoke to him in game whispers. He said he was sorry about what had happened last week, and would be there next raid. I clearly asked, if he was messing us about or if he wanted to continue raiding with the B-raid. He said he wanted to raid with the B-raid, and would be on time ready to raid with us, the coming week. Since he was already saved, I decided to leave it util next reset, and see if he was just bullshitting.

I asked Kesh, what had he been telling him, and Kesh told me "he had said he hadn't raided with the B-raid for 3 weeks". Which is frankly bullshit.
As i told never got any whisper from you asking me any of those things.You just dont want to get invite back i got it.
So is bullshit that we didnt raid for 3 weeks?We can lie but dkp system cant lie,i am watching it now and our last success raid was 05/10/2011 next one was 05/26/2011 those are 16 days plus the monday that i probably could not attend those are 3 weeks for me.

My fault was that i didnt personaly told Hugman that i cant stay to B raid with that activity.I thought that Yoica was carrying my words to Hugman...when he complain at guildchat that i use the B raid to jump to A raid i told him..."on my apply i wrote: I dont mind the grp i just WANT to we raid?"Meaning last weeks.Also on my first aplly i wrote that can raid every day anytime,and some guys(no officers from B raid) told me that i maybe fit more to A grp since B grp only raid 2 days.I reply and said that since i cant change the title and do it A-B grp, consider Apply for both.
Now you guys should have tell me "are you willing to raid only 2 days with B grp and some weeks 1 day or none?" And if i reply Yes then it was my fault.

Hugman i want to believe that somehow you got confused saying that i send you an e-mail or told you that i will continue raids with B grp coz you never asked me.
If you doing so on purpose,i got nothing to say to you.

June 03, 2011, 02:42:40 pm
Reply #9

Offline Doomslay

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2011, 02:42:40 pm »
This is retarded, ezzardo please stop defending him. He's a big lad and can talk for himself (as he's proven just now)

No matter the circumstances if you switch teams, tell the raid leader. Seriously even if the b-raid doesn't have a "successful" raid for 6 months, doesn't fucking matter, tell them.

Hugman's not bothered that he lost YOU as a player, people are replaceable, he's frustrated with your attitude to leaving and joining teams. If you can't see that then.. well i don't know what to say to you.

If you'd have told Hugman that you were going to join the a-raid and done it in a reasonable manner, everything would have been fine :)

June 03, 2011, 03:11:24 pm
Reply #10

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2011, 03:11:24 pm »
Reminds me of the Kagemoth situation.


June 03, 2011, 03:16:17 pm
Reply #11

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2011, 03:16:17 pm »
I think it was a general mistake recruiting you to the b-raid, if you did say it was an application for A and B-raid.
Both raids have had trouble getting enough people so after a week with no raids (the dkp site doesnt lie we only missed raids for one week, monday 16th tuesday 17th. Then we had a raid again on the 23th.
In an attempt to help attendance we switched the tuesday raid in to thursday and monday raiding and I cant believe that you missed this since it was mentioned a ton of times on teamspeak and on the forum.
Struggling to keep the raid alive because people are going afk and not posting it didnt help that you abandoned ship since we already have enough problems.
It would have been the sensible thing for you to say that you wanted to join the a-raid instead of doing it behind our backs.
We have had a lot of players over the last months joining us, gettting some epics and then leaving again. This is quite problematic for us because we constantly have new people that need to learn fights and gear up. When people like you join and then leave shortly after for another raidgroup even in the same guild its quite annoying.

Bears like alts!

June 03, 2011, 03:34:40 pm
Reply #12

Offline Intrinsic

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2011, 03:34:40 pm »
This is retarded, ezzardo please stop defending him. He's a big lad and can talk for himself (as he's proven just now)

No matter the circumstances if you switch teams, tell the raid leader. Seriously even if the b-raid doesn't have a "successful" raid for 6 months, doesn't fucking matter, tell them.

Hugman's not bothered that he lost YOU as a player, people are replaceable, he's frustrated with your attitude to leaving and joining teams. If you can't see that then.. well i don't know what to say to you.

If you'd have told Hugman that you were going to join the a-raid and done it in a reasonable manner, everything would have been fine :)

This man speaks sense.

June 03, 2011, 04:50:35 pm
Reply #13

Offline Xbel

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2011, 04:50:35 pm »
No matter the circumstances if you switch teams, tell the raid leader. Seriously even if the b-raid doesn't have a "successful" raid for 6 months, doesn't fucking matter, tell them.

Hugman's not bothered that he lost YOU as a player, people are replaceable, he's frustrated with your attitude to leaving and joining teams. If you can't see that then.. well i don't know what to say to you.

If you'd have told Hugman that you were going to join the a-raid and done it in a reasonable manner, everything would have been fine :)
You are right,and i said and can say it many times,my fault was that i didnt personaly told Hugman that i cant stay to B raid with that activity.I admit that was totally my fault and i am sorry for that.
I think it was a general mistake recruiting you to the b-raid, if you did say it was an application for A and B-raid.
Both raids have had trouble getting enough people so after a week with no raids (the dkp site doesnt lie we only missed raids for one week, monday 16th tuesday 17th. Then we had a raid again on the 23th.
We had raid only on monday 23th yes and let me remind you that canceled after 2 normal bosses coz we had some pugs and again lack of ppl.So for that week it was 2 hour raid,if we count that as a raiding week then yes...
I am not accuse neither you or Hugman,i dont accuse anyone,i just cant play this game and not even doing raids for 8 hour/week,this is  really boring for me.Even weekends i am doing raids for achievs etc...

June 03, 2011, 05:04:15 pm
Reply #14

Offline Yoica

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Re: Xbeliayeva A Raid apply
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2011, 05:04:15 pm »
Let it rest, we can't changed what happened. I'd rather have him go to the A-raid than another guild.


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