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 Curseyou warlock

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June 15, 2011, 10:34:46 am
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Offline curseme

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Curseyou warlock
« on: June 15, 2011, 10:34:46 am »
Hello Iron Edge,

2 Weeks ago i applied at the PVP part of the guild. There i was declined due not enough experience on my warlock so far. However, in PVE i got more experience so i thought i might as well can give it a shot  :D
I was told this apply cuold be shorter so thank god for that since i am more of a talker, less a typer  ;D

Experience in PVE so far: I started playing from the start and i cleared prolly about 90%.
The oldschool BWL was best raid evahhhhhh!

Things i cleared: ZG/ZA/MC/BWL/AQ20/Naxxramas (not old school :() ulduar/voa/totc25/BOT/BH/MH/Gruul/TK/Maggy/Kara/Malygos/os10/25 and perhaps i forgot some.

My damage on my warlock is prety good i would say, at the dummy i do around 16k unbuffed, with 355 gs or something like that.  Ofc that aint the same as in raids, but it giefs a clue that i do know my rotations.

Since i work irrugulair i cannot be at every raid, got to be honest about that. I work around 2/3 days a week but when i work i make long shifts for 20 hours. Hope that wont be a problem.

I want to join high end raiding and pvp as u might know from last apply, so really hope i get in this time since i am still guildless  :P

Cya all! ::)

June 15, 2011, 10:41:16 am
Reply #1

Offline curseme

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Re: Curseyou warlock
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 10:41:16 am »
I copied my last apply to be sure :P

Name IRL: Rene Alphenaar
Age: 25
From: The Netherlands
Work: Social worker with youngsters in trouble.

Applying with my affliction warlock named Curseyou, race orc.
I choose to be orc cause of its awsome looks and the great PVP and PVE racials.

PVP experience: I started playing arena from seison 2 i think, before that i loved the pvp at Hillsbrad foothills, with my rogue where i had absolutely no skills at the time.
I learned other classes by playing them and keeping my eyes open in BG's and arena's to become a better player. I would say i am a competetive person in this game, but the main factor for playing is fun. However, if i lose a lot, its no fun wisely spoken .

Frost mage - 2100 rating 3s on server vashj
MS Warrior - 2280 rating 3s on server vashj

Affliction warlock - Dunemaul

PVE experience:

I pve't from the start of wow, here are the dungeons i raided: MC/BWL/ZG/ZA/AQ20/AQ40/Ulduar/SSC/Gruul's lair/Onyxia/Crusade/ICC/BWD/BOT, and probably some more that i forgot atm.

What am i looking for atm:

ATM i really want to improve my PVP skills , aswell as PVE. To max my rating. I never said i am the best pvp-er, i just really like to play pvp and i improve myself still everyday.
I heard Iron Edge is a great guild, in PVP and PVE, for that reison i would love to be in this guild, to learn, have fun and make bosses and gladiators shit themselves at the sight of curseyou!

Why would i be a good pick?

I think i am a social person, that loves to win, wants to be at his best in this game and i just like to have fun. So far, with the people i have spoken with from iron edge i like the guild, and when i like something , i am loyal.

If there are any other questions, let me know! Until then, May your swords stab many Elfs and your fireballs may shave loads of dwarfbeards!

Salute, Curseme

June 15, 2011, 10:43:09 am
Reply #2

Offline Pluug

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Re: Curseyou warlock
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 10:43:09 am »
Hello Curseyou,
don't know who told you to make short apply, even if you made PvP apply before doesent really matter much.
Now I'm not saying that you should write an essay or something but we need a bit more info about you if you want us to take you seriously.
First start with giving us your armory link(so we don't have to search you previous posts and your PvP apply), than you can tell us for what raiding team you are applying, what raid times suits you best, etc.
If you was playing some other class before your warlock tell us and provide armory link if possable.

emo? >3

June 15, 2011, 11:18:19 am
Reply #3

Offline curseme

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Re: Curseyou warlock
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 11:18:19 am »
I made a new 1  ;D
Hope that answers all questions hehe

June 16, 2011, 12:04:00 pm
Reply #4

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Re: Curseyou warlock
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2011, 12:04:00 pm »
OK we had a little chat ingame and you seems willing to give your best shot.
I can offer you trial spot but there is a chance that you will need to wait a few raids for a chance to prove yourself (i cant promise you instant spot).
If this works for you be ready for Monday 7.30 pm server time and i will try to find you a spot.

emo? >3

June 16, 2011, 05:11:59 pm
Reply #5

Offline curseme

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Re: Curseyou warlock
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2011, 05:11:59 pm »
awsome that i can get a try ! thx   ;D but i am safed for this week! I wont get safed next week, hope i can get trial then!


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