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 [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce

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June 22, 2011, 12:57:34 am
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[Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce
« on: June 22, 2011, 12:57:34 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Cemce
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Raid: Casual Raid

Personal Info:

Hello guys, It is Bj?rn here once again :) (Cemce)

So you alredy know that i am 17 and live in Sweden and that i am starting my last year in highschool :P

I saw that some of you wanted some more personal info, so here it is :)

I am a dude who really likes playing the guitar and fishing besides playing wow of course :)

Been playing the guitar with a dear friend for like 5 years now.

Got a brother which is 21 and a sister which is 24.

Actually not born in Sweden, i was born in Mexico when my mom and dad lived there. My dad is Swedish and my mom is from South America. But i look very swedish and not like people from south america haha.

And finally i love food. I am an excellent chef so it is usually me that is responsible for dinner in the house :P


I have been testing both marksmanship and the survival spec and i have found out that the survival spec gives me better dps. I might be doing it wrong with marksmanship though, but i am going for survival as my pve spec. The dps difference is really not that big. I survival i do around 17 k on boss dummy and in marksmanship i do around 16. I think the dps should be about the same for both specs but i might have recived more "procs" of my trinkets in survival and that would give me more dps, but i am really not sure :P


Hunter is really fun to play even though it is really simple.

The stats that are beneficial is of course: Agillity. Mainly agillity. Haste and hit are also useful. The hit cap for ranged dps is 8% which is 960 hit rating. I am hitcapped, and that's good because u dont want to miss :P

Survival spec:

My rotation would be: place hunters mark, serpent sting, black arrow, explosive shot, here u have no  more focus. i usually do 3/4 cobra shots so that when i then fire explosive shot(which is the main nuke, when ready i always fire it) so that i have some ficus left for a arcane shot. And then just keep spamming cobra shot to then fire explosive shot and always keep the black arrow up.

Marksmanship spec:

Rotation is: hunters mark, serpent sting, steady shot to hopefully get the ranged haste buff, aimed shot(this and steady shot is the main nuke abillities)when the serpent sting is about to end i use chimera shotwhich deals damage and refreshes the serpent sting.


Mage 85, DK 85


Skinning 525, Leatherworking 525. In LW i have bought a few epic recipes that are both good for hunters and enchancement shammys but also leather dps gear.

Raid Experience:

Have been playing wow since Wotlk so my progress is:

ICC: all bosses but not LK, dammit never really killed him. Had been trying alot though...

Cata: bwd 5/6, bot 4/5 and totfw 1/2

Previous Guilds:

Been in serveral guilds but the mian reason for me leaving them because many of the guilds had a few raids and the raids were "wipeish" if you know what i mean :P


When raid time you can always count on me to attend. Since i am on summer break i will be online everyday :P

When school starts i will still attend to the raids.


To speak english is easy but spelling is more difficult :P Yes got a nice headset and i can use Teamspeak.

Internet Connection:

I got a nice computer built it myself :) got a nice connenction, i never get disconnected.


I got a flash addon when i play on my hunter, Recount, DBM.

Other Games:

just wow.

Why Iron Edge?

Have been wanting to join for quite some time. Me and my friends talked alot about joining iron edge back in wotlk, never really applied because we never thought we would be accepted :P

You guys seem cool, have been getting along very good with Safire which is also swedish :P

And u got a wonderful progress aswell! :D

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Dedication. Willing to help other members.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??


Last Words?

Is it really necessary to have all items enchanted before you are able to join the community? I am missing enchant on my shoulders which will get fixed any day now.

Hope u liked this application, if u got any questions at all wisp me in game or just reply to this :P

June 22, 2011, 01:06:21 am
Reply #1

Offline shankski

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 01:06:21 am »
Hi again.

Much better app this time.

Armory is currently down so ill check you new gear + enchants as soon as its up.

June 22, 2011, 01:29:31 am
Reply #2


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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 01:29:31 am »
Your apply is much better now =) I'm happy you took peoples advice. Will be helpfull for you.
unfortunately my opinions wont matter that much. But Goodluck!

June 22, 2011, 10:44:22 pm
Reply #3

Offline delling

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 10:44:22 pm »
Everyone's opinion matters! Just some opinions are worth more than others.
Now I run a tech website.

June 22, 2011, 11:55:04 pm
Reply #4

Offline Daekesh

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 11:55:04 pm »
Like mine!


June 23, 2011, 07:06:49 am
Reply #5

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2011, 07:06:49 am »
Like mine!

That's what she said!
все знают, обезьяну, но обезьяна не знает ни один из них

June 23, 2011, 11:15:47 am
Reply #6

Offline shankski

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Cemce
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2011, 11:15:47 am »
Okay much better.

I would like to trial you tonight, invites are at 19:15 server time. I'll try to remember but just /w Kisartsu anyway.

Make sure you have potions, you dont need flasks or food tho, we provide those.

If you cant make it post in this thread.



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