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 Mafia III - World War III

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September 26, 2011, 10:12:20 am
Reply #285

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #285 on: September 26, 2011, 10:12:20 am »
I have to disagree with you Tyler.

I think TTaM's post is pretty good. He tries to understand the reasons behind some countries revealing and some not. Especially those with nukes. What I dont understand is why he then analyses the unrevealed group. But he has some good points to think about.

Although yeah some of his arguments are  totally weird. I don't see connection between Tyler not mentioning Grishnag. Should have said why is this important for you.

But the post definitely got me thinking about Blackwhale and Tyler right about now.

If you read my last list of suspicions and why, you may consider these 2 to be add.

But, TTaM, it's dangerous to assume things like there are 2 evil guys in each groups you mentioned. We can't know how many there are (but I personally think 4 or 5 evil guys).

All in all, good post, got me thinking about Blackwhale and Tyler. To the print view!

September 26, 2011, 11:27:09 am
Reply #286

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #286 on: September 26, 2011, 11:27:09 am »
I forgot to mention the about Grish. He didn't make it into the "useless RP" list as his post contained information, i.e. "hello I'm Canada". RP is fine, good even, as long as the post also include actual info.

I look forward to reading some more in depth analysis from you at lunch time Shiftey. I still don't see any actual reasoning in TTaM's post myself.
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"

September 26, 2011, 11:31:50 am
Reply #287

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #287 on: September 26, 2011, 11:31:50 am »
About the revealing thing first. I think TTaM summed up some pretty good points about good reasons to not reveal, mainly that making yourself an obvious target for the mafia is a bad idea. A good deal of damage has already been done in this regard now, as the people who went ahead and revealed in a hurry no longer serve to dilute the powerful lynch candidate countries as much. As North Korea pointed out, it would have been far better if the likely nuke wielders (one could assume US/Russia/France/UK for instance) didn't end up being "revealed" by the fact that everyone else has revealed their country. I'm keeping an eye on the people who started this trend. I don't think anyone would lie about their country, since if you state you are a country that someone else has, you're immediately fucked.

Next up I'll post my thoughts on various people (alphabetical order, yay!). As the list isn't finished, I'll add people over several posts as I get through them during the day so you all have material to work with sooner rather than later.

Took a while to start posting, but could be that he speaks the truth about having a hard time picking up that the thread had started. The correct forum thing is still a bit of an odd word choice though. Goes on to vote for Archz because he voted for him. I'm not sure what I should read into this (it's generally a pretty nooby thing to do, but just pointing back is also bad for town regardless of his alignment).

Votes for Tyler without any proper reasoning here on day two. I dislike this quite a lot, as random unreasoned votes give the rest of us nothing to work with and is bad for town. Did you think Cwave had a point with his post saying that he thinks he behaves differently? Was there any other thoughts that lead you to that vote? Anything? Random voting is something that scum are interested in seeing, so please stop it. I'd like to hope that Archz is learning from each game, meaning that he should by now know that such posting isn't in the interest of the UN. Either he isn't working in the common interest, or he's being bad once again. Sadly I'm leaning on the latter...

Tried to get Archz to post more on day one by voting for him, and had some decent analysis of the country revelation game. Then proceeded to make no sense in several successive posts, which is... odd. Then excuses his weird posts with the noob card. Not sure what to make of this.

Started poking Abyiss to get content from him, which is good. When Abyiss responds with somewhat lacking content, he keeps up the pressure which is what I'd see as good town behavior. I think he has some good reasons for expecting four mafia, but I must stress that it's dangerous to second guess Palmar, so we can never know for sure untill we win! I mainly worry about this part:
Quote from: Cwave
If the voting goes as badly as last day, i will start launching preemptivly.
This seems like a rather dangerous turn of events, and perhaps a failed state looking for a "freebie" launch of his nukes? I'm really afraid that once someone starts to fire nukes, shit will deteriorate way too fast for us to repair and we'll all just die in the nuclear holocaust. Launching nukes is something we should really do our best to avoid, surely?!

I'd also like to know if you mean launching nukes before 4pm today, as launches aren't possible in the last eight hours of the day, or after the next night? Exactly what constitutes "as badly as last day"? Another green lynch, or something else? In relation to this:
Palmar, can nukes be launched at night?

Has posted a bit of analysis on the votes that went towards Kagemoth yesterday. Like Cwave, he is suspicious of Tyler due to a change in behavior (which I personally do not think is so obvious?). Votes for Archz because he usually plays badly.

That's all I have time for right now, being at uni. I'll return with more when possible.
Feral, a class of its own.


September 26, 2011, 11:36:11 am
Reply #288

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #288 on: September 26, 2011, 11:36:11 am »
Yo, sorry again for the lack of activity from me, still no internets in my house (its being installed tomoz, wo0p!) and i spent 90% of my weekend driving around and picking up furniture and moving it about my house.

Anyhoo, i'm very confused as to what happened to hugman. Obviously some kind of night action.. but not a nuke.. so, he got forcefully launched into space by the reds?

I dont really see any problem with claiming our roles. Nukes arent secret so we'll see when they get launched, so there's no reason for nuke holding countries to not declare themselves. Its fairly obvious to the axis who they may be i think considering the only ones who havent claimed seem to be the ones holding nukes (re Cwave's post). Also, claiming a country doesnt give any indiciation to how you're aligned anyway, so i dont see it as a bad thing at least.

I am indeed India, as i implied by the fact that i smell like curry.

Tyler is indeed playing this game very differently, a lot of our last few games were discussed out of the thread, and with this one being limited to this thread i'm surprised we havent heard more from him. I don't necessarily think that this is indicative of scummery mind you.

I see shiftey and eetion are playing the same reasonable roles they did in the last game too.

I do wonder if there were any reds in that first vote for kagemoth. If i was them and i saw peeps voting for him, to the point that they gained a majority i would stay well clear of it. Not sure how sound that is realistically, but thats what i'd do.

I havent looked at the total votes for day 1 yet so i dont know if there was anyone else in the running or if someone made a pivotal vote.

These are my current thoughts.

I'm going to go make some curry. Back later.

September 26, 2011, 11:44:09 am
Reply #289

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #289 on: September 26, 2011, 11:44:09 am »
I was talking about TTaM's argument against you mentioning Grish, Tyler. Anyway, here's what I think right now.

Abyiss: If this guy isn't part of the axis, I should have never gotten elected to lead my country. All he brought so far are general "omg it's a tragic day" proclamations and no real content, no opinions, nothing, sure he's new, but it looks like a solid target for me

Archz: He's bad, we know that. But he also brings absolutely nothing, just random bullshit and what seems to be totally random voting. No reasoning, no real content. I mean we know him being this way in every game. And I just don't know what to think. But can never discount the possibility he's a bad guy. You couldn't really tell with him. He'd be bad in any case.

Blackwhale: First few of his posts are pretty much useless. Then he goes against Archz though but demands people reveal their true colours in same post. As I now realised, that's was a pretty bad idea right from the get go. Then his argumentation gets really weird, about the Hugman's disappearance and decides to vote for Kendoki (whom I suggested could be one of the big boys club [US or Russia] because he fears what if they are in the axis), but doesnt really brings forth an argument there. Then he clears himself by saying "his lack of knowledge" puts him in green zone, meaning he can't be part of the axis... very interesting indeed

As you saw in my previous post, I have other suspicions, but these 3 appear as fairly solid targets for my vote. It's time to start narrowing it down and get a good lynch tonight.

September 26, 2011, 12:30:59 pm
Reply #290

Offline Abyiss

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #290 on: September 26, 2011, 12:30:59 pm »
Busy with work today - hectic deadlines, shall post my thoughts asap. (probably after 5pm)
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September 26, 2011, 12:42:04 pm
Reply #291

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #291 on: September 26, 2011, 12:42:04 pm »
Is Hugman forever lost in space, or do we get to know his identity when he runs out of oxygen?
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

September 26, 2011, 01:09:21 pm
Reply #292

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #292 on: September 26, 2011, 01:09:21 pm »
I was doing some rereading, and then I stumbled upon this quote..

Hugman raises a good point, a similar one which I tried to raise but didn't get it across as clearly.

##Vote: TTaM

What did Hugman raise in his post, and if so, how did it compare to what Surim had said earlier that didn't get across?

Hugman posted:
I am with Tyler and Starbrow on this one.

I asked several pages back, that we should discuss if revealing our countries was a wise idea, as it was possibly a liabilitiy, as it could give the Axis of Evil, good targets to go for, i.e. people who could potentially nuke them (obviously they could lie about who they were). If we agreed that it wasn't an issue, then we would announce who we were.

Straight after that, several of you went "OLOL, NAH THAT SILLY, THINKING IS BAD, LETS JUST ALL SAY!" and proceeded to claim who they were.

Personally, I think that was fucking retarded, and now I either think you are just fucking stupid, bad players, or have a more sinister motive, as Axis members. If we had just discussed it, and then come to the conclusion that it wouldn't have effected anything, then declared, that would be fine. But you didn't.

Claiming someone is "being suspicous" because he isn't that fucking stupid to announce shit, without thinking it through, is retarded. It is still day one.

So, Kagemoth, Arches, and Kesh, you have just placed yourself in the "evil/idiot" pile.

Since Arches is in the game, and we know how he plays:

##Vote: Arches

This is the only quote from Surim with "content" throughout the game, and I _really_ fail to see how these could be the same two points pointed out by two different people..

If everyone is to reveal their country, then we will know that everyone that has not said anything is either a conspiritor, or part of the mafia.

He did also not reply to Sindia when they wanted to have some elaborating done on this odd statement.  I'm also noting that Surim has not revealed his country, yet he suggests that we should in his first post, but suddenly agrees with Hugman's wall o' text saying we should not have revealed out countries in the first place.

[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

September 26, 2011, 01:11:40 pm
Reply #293

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #293 on: September 26, 2011, 01:11:40 pm »
Is Hugman forever lost in space, or do we get to know his identity when he runs out of oxygen?

He's "dead". So yeah, he's not coming back. But his identity remains hidden.
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September 26, 2011, 01:15:41 pm
Reply #294

Offline Blackwhale

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #294 on: September 26, 2011, 01:15:41 pm »
So, matt have been giving me quite a hard time for making two posts where all i really did try to do was make sense of a situation (even if i did make little sense). He then starts spewing lava on me like theres no tomorrow and tries to make me look REALLY bad based on nothing but two posts. What is interesting here is that you so quickly take focus from kendoki and puts it on me instead. This could just be you having a hunch that im red tho.

What makes your quick defence more interesting is the fact that you and kendoki started the lynch train on kage that does make you look like a kind of redish aswell. You blame me for acting suspicious in two post and yet you have done so much suspicious things yourself.
If pluto isnt a planet because its a dwarf, does that mean dwarfs aint people?

September 26, 2011, 01:49:44 pm
Reply #295

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #295 on: September 26, 2011, 01:49:44 pm »
Remember how we did this in every other game.

That someone suspects you does not make them guilty.

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September 26, 2011, 02:20:18 pm
Reply #296

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #296 on: September 26, 2011, 02:20:18 pm »
Palmar, can nukes be launched at night?

Palmar, could we get a ruling on this one. I assume its a no but would be great if we get it confirmed.

September 26, 2011, 02:24:15 pm
Reply #297

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #297 on: September 26, 2011, 02:24:15 pm »
Palmar, can nukes be launched at night?

Palmar, could we get a ruling on this one. I assume its a no but would be great if we get it confirmed.

It's in the rules you derp. All proper nukes in this game must be launched in the first 40 hours of the day.

(except for retaliatory nukes, which can be fired at anytime).
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September 26, 2011, 02:28:19 pm
Reply #298

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #298 on: September 26, 2011, 02:28:19 pm »
Tyler: 1, Archz: 1, Abyiss: 1, TTaM: 1, Kendoki: 1, Blackwhale: 1

So far the votes of today.
Can everyone please start voting, including reasoning behind it?

Im gonna stick with Abyiss. Arguments for voting on TTaM are quite sound aswell but he is playing way less flacky then other games. That either means he improved or he is a fellow UN-er.
Blackwhale is think is 50%/50%. He keep acting surprised people are going for him instead of running it into objections and discussion. For me, that makes him more green the red atm.

1.5 hours till Nuke deadline btw.

September 26, 2011, 02:36:24 pm
Reply #299

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #299 on: September 26, 2011, 02:36:24 pm »
(again, i wont beable to make a decent vote and why post till after i hand in my work to the client today.)

The only man foolish enough to roll a DK tank.

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