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 Mafia III - World War III

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October 03, 2011, 12:20:25 am
Reply #750

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #750 on: October 03, 2011, 12:20:25 am »

Latest Headlines

France falls!

Another day, another conspiracy member shall fall! This time it's the French who take the fall. After debating the nations of the world agreed that the country who first fought publicly back with nuclear missiles was in fact part of the conspiracy.

As France was wiped out from the face of the earth, the country got investigated for evidence of their loyalty to the conspiracy, but all the united nations could find were the ruins of once proud and honorable France

Blackwhale - France - Has been lynched!

You are France

Wishing to gain the respect you lost as a military power, you take a firm and aggressive stance against the conspiracy club. Your determination is to lead the united nations to a glorious victory and spread democracy, freedom and delicious food all over the world.

You have 1 nuclear missile. You must fire this nuclear missile before night 2. Depending on the outcome of this missile, your abilities will change. You may not reveal this restriction at any point in the game, and neither may you hint at it.

1. If you kill a conspiracy club member, you gain an extra vote, and your alignment will be confirmed by me in the day post. You will be announced the leader of the world.

2. If your missile gets shot down, explodes but doesn't kill, kills an innocent or anything else, you will simply become vanilla town

In addition to this you have established diplomatic relations with Germany. You may communicate privately despite the rules of their game. Germany's alignment remains hidden to you.

You win when all threats to freedom have been eliminated.

America has surrendered!

After desperate fighting for a long time, the American people finally realized they were no match for the invading forces. They fought on the streets, they fought on the fields and in the mountains, but the once great nation fell to the assault.

The Americans surrendered just before nightfall.

America has surrendered!

A wild Poland appears!

Sometimes there's Poland, sometimes there's no Poland. Taking a look a the latest map, Poland has indeed been restored!


Surim - Poland - Is now alive!

It is now night 4. Send me your actions before 23:49 Monday night!
Trolls are awesome!

October 03, 2011, 12:24:14 am
Reply #751

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #751 on: October 03, 2011, 12:24:14 am »
Double you tee eff?

October 03, 2011, 12:27:35 am
Reply #752

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #752 on: October 03, 2011, 12:27:35 am »
This game is getting more and more weird :P So the question is if Blackwhale did actually get some kind of secret intel about Archz from Germany and that Archz is really a bad guy, or if it was just some shit he came up with to explain his early nuke?

Bears like alts!

October 03, 2011, 12:29:09 am
Reply #753

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #753 on: October 03, 2011, 12:29:09 am »
Aaaaaaaand we have confused..

So Blackwhale didn't have any intel powers, he just HAD to nuke before night two, and couldn't explain why xD That is cruel

October 03, 2011, 12:31:25 am
Reply #754

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #754 on: October 03, 2011, 12:31:25 am »
Doesn't mean u have to stop posting completely...  Kinda sucks.

Is America still alive?  Do they still get to use their powers/votes?  Does somebody else control these powers/votes?


October 03, 2011, 12:32:59 am
Reply #755

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #755 on: October 03, 2011, 12:32:59 am »

Is America still alive?  Do they still get to use their powers/votes?  Does somebody else control these powers/votes?

America is still alive.

The rest you don't know.
Trolls are awesome!

October 03, 2011, 08:14:35 am
Reply #756

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #756 on: October 03, 2011, 08:14:35 am »
Well shit... I wasn't sure if Blackwhale was red or not. After the 1st day I thought he was red, because he asked me to not vote for Abyiss. Then following he goes and votes for Abyiss and attempts to nuke Archz (he didn't get the intel he claimed from me). After a couple of more days of discussing things I still wasn't convinced he wasn't red which is one of the reason I didn't defend him.

October 03, 2011, 08:27:50 am
Reply #757

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #757 on: October 03, 2011, 08:27:50 am »
Well big woopie-fukkn-doop, Blackwhale was green. Not surprising at all. Voting for the silent one didnt work out this time either. We saw it already before, now that we all made the same mistake, lets move on. Curious tho as were he got his intell, as Yoica states he didnt got it from him.

So America surrendered! Shocking news, but what does it mean, Tyler aint dead, but Palmar aint gonna feed us anymore besides that. Could this mean that the invading country can force Tyler into voting for someone he is being told to? If Tyler has nukes can force him into shooting people?

And Poland is back... great... its like vermin, doesnt matter how many times you kill one, they always come back.

So many questions...
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October 03, 2011, 10:53:43 am
Reply #758

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #758 on: October 03, 2011, 10:53:43 am »
I do wonder if the ability to 'resurrect' would be a green power. I seem to remember that the godfather (godcountry?) usually seems to have this ability. Due to the amount of powers in the game tho, i'm by no means certain of this.

Surim! What say ye?

October 03, 2011, 11:11:48 am
Reply #759

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #759 on: October 03, 2011, 11:11:48 am »
Game has become messy now with all the random stuff happening.
Seeing as i can only react with Nukes, i will do so first thing tomorrow morning.

I want VDTI to explain why he gave me aids. No good answer = nuke in ear.

My allignement(green) will show in 2 days due to me having aids. I will show up green so please take this into considiration.

Further more, the mafia now will have max 2 (and maybe, maybe 3) players in the game.
To loose we need to end up with 2/1 green..... If that happens this game, i will be very dissapointed.

October 03, 2011, 11:16:47 am
Reply #760

Offline Sintrael

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #760 on: October 03, 2011, 11:16:47 am »
Are you sure that reacting with nukes is actually going to aid us? You cant actually be sure that vdti is red. ET had aids and he was green.

For ur second nuke, i dont think you have any information that we dont so your second nuke target would be a big risk no?

You'd also be aiding the failed state massively and running the risk of nuking 2 greens.

Could cwave be scum/failed state?

October 03, 2011, 11:19:36 am
Reply #761

Offline Vdti

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #761 on: October 03, 2011, 11:19:36 am »
I vote blocked you, because I felt you were (are) a loose cannon in this game.The day after did not go the way I hoped, with way too little activity to get some good information out of it.

I was not sure that blocking you would give you aids, but I guess we can confirm that now. My alignment will be revealed as green after this night, so I don't see any reason for nuking me unless you want to raise the radiation levels, and in turn, you having aids might limit your time to destroy this world, if that's what you're after.

On that thought, anyone else want some nice aids?

October 03, 2011, 11:33:47 am
Reply #762

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #762 on: October 03, 2011, 11:33:47 am »
I vote blocked you, because I felt you were (are) a loose cannon in this game.The day after did not go the way I hoped, with way too little activity to get some good information out of it.

I was not sure that blocking you would give you aids, but I guess we can confirm that now. My alignment will be revealed as green after this night, so I don't see any reason for nuking me unless you want to raise the radiation levels, and in turn, you having aids might limit your time to destroy this world, if that's what you're after.

On that thought, anyone else want some nice aids?

Why voteblock me then? I actually was dead on target in my crusade against Abyiss.  We voted him into death because i wanted it to happen. If not by nuke, then by lynch. I was right on that one so voteblocking me makes NO sense unless you are red. Roleblocking sure, im a crazy russian nuke trowing maniac who wants us Greens to make it a better worlds. But im surrounded by spineless mudcrawlers who don't dare take chance.

Suspect #1 now = Vdti.

October 03, 2011, 12:08:53 pm
Reply #763

Offline Vdti

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #763 on: October 03, 2011, 12:08:53 pm »
You can suspect me all you want really, but before we're able to take a new vote I will be confirmed green, so it doesn't really matter.

You are by far not clear of any suspicions in my book, even though you have nuked two reds (out of four launches). You also lied about your special ability, and lying is what reds do.

Quote from: Cwave
I just used my special ability yes. It's now gone.

Okey, maybe you didn't want to disclose that you could launch multiple nukes in case you were considered a threat, but this information has been out for a few days now, and you're still alive. And that makes me suspicious of you.

October 03, 2011, 12:15:00 pm
Reply #764

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #764 on: October 03, 2011, 12:15:00 pm »
Well, to be fair, the mafia were unable to kill anybody last night, because of canada. Last night was the first opportunity for Cwave to die after it was confirmed that he could launch more nukes.



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