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 Mafia III - World War III

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September 25, 2011, 06:41:24 pm
Reply #270

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #270 on: September 25, 2011, 06:41:24 pm »
My guess was that he misunderstood the "life-like abilities" part.

How do you go from 'life-like abilities' to 'i must claim i am north korea'? :)


September 25, 2011, 07:05:58 pm
Reply #271

Offline Abyiss

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #271 on: September 25, 2011, 07:05:58 pm »
It has come to the attention of our Govener Abyiss, the other world leaders are not aware what country we are.

We are not a secret keeping nation, and believe in openness and giving people the materials they need to better their livly-hood.

Abyiss is Governor of Sweaden.

The only man foolish enough to roll a DK tank.

(Shannaro 2010)

September 25, 2011, 07:13:10 pm
Reply #272

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #272 on: September 25, 2011, 07:13:10 pm »
Now we know who to blame for the shitty IKEA furniture in our households.

September 25, 2011, 07:22:28 pm
Reply #273

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #273 on: September 25, 2011, 07:22:28 pm »
P.S. If someone could do one of those "who voted for whom and when" spreadsheets that would be grand.

For yesterday's vote.

September 25, 2011, 08:35:43 pm
Reply #274

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #274 on: September 25, 2011, 08:35:43 pm »
Tyler is playing quite differntly from other mafia games in terms of positioning, word choice and vote reasoning.....

Gonna vote on Abyiss once again. The weird roleplaying, the 3rd person usage about himself and the fact he mentioned "finding the correct forum", implying he is has access to some other mafia forum aka the mafia thread, is gonna make me vote for him again.

Sidenote, not gonna reveal my country till i see the rest of the missing nuke country reveal themselfs(USA, Russia, France etc). I still believe it was dumb to reveal ourselfs so soon. Only edge i can see is if everyone would reveal themselfs. But people can still lie and with no detective in the game(as far as i know), what good will it do?

##VOTE: Abyiss

September 25, 2011, 09:37:15 pm
Reply #275

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #275 on: September 25, 2011, 09:37:15 pm »
(out of character) I Meant the correct forum as I thought it was odd to use the same forum we singed up on to participate in the game, I would of thought we would of used a sigh up forum and the a separate game formum. But I guess that is just due to the it's my first time playing these mafia games.

Purely my nieve confusion. Will be more vugilent for the future :)
The only man foolish enough to roll a DK tank.

(Shannaro 2010)

September 25, 2011, 09:50:19 pm
Reply #276

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #276 on: September 25, 2011, 09:50:19 pm »
For yesterday's vote.

I see you beat me to it :P Was gonna cook up a spreadsheet early tomorrow now that I've returned from a weekend at the inlaws (D2 LAN ftw!), but I'll throw more time at analysing and logic picking instead.
Feral, a class of its own.


September 25, 2011, 09:50:47 pm
Reply #277

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #277 on: September 25, 2011, 09:50:47 pm »
Since I'm leaving for Denmark tomorrow, I gotta get the voting out of the way now since I doubt I will have any access to internet on my trip. Gonna vote for Tyler because I don't trust that sneaky Brit!

##Vote: Tyler

September 25, 2011, 10:43:41 pm
Reply #278

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #278 on: September 25, 2011, 10:43:41 pm »
Sorry been busy with RL the last 2 days, hence the lack of posting. Gonna post my thoughts now after i read the latets posts.

First : i am unable to vote for this day. Not sure what to make of this.

Second : we entered this game with no information at all.
The unfortunate death of Kagemoth and the country claim from Eetion made me believe the country ability are tied with what country you are. Japan - Kamikaze, South-Africa - Aids. (Not sure the Aids things is a ability btw) Now this is just an idea, as Kagemoth is the ONLY confirmed country and what abilities he had. Several people claim people can lie about the country, but i remember rule number 1 : assume people are telling the truth. Believing that; its 2 countries now who has logical abilities, makes me think the rest have abilities suitable to their country. Only problem is what. People mentioned Russia, USA and France(lol?) to have nukes. For the rest, some logic to what abilities they might have fail me atm.

I think the declaration of many people on day 1, before anything had happened was bad. Sure it can give us info, but so the Axis of Evil has that info AND they can easy pick out the more "dangerous" countries. Hence it is why i was and still am not without faith to declare what country i am. Sure most of you declared now or hinted and only a handfull of us didnt. The Axis of Evil made Hugman flee into outer space. Hugman one of the people that didnt declare what country he was. We never know now, assuming from Palmars post.

This being said; i am going to take a closer look at the people who declared early on, perhaps it was just a clever idea of the Axis of Evil to reveal us all early on when nothing was known.

Final thing from reading the latest posts, Blackwhale makes no sense in his latets posts, Vorte only posts something when he is mentioned, Tyler, like Cwave said, is playing totally different and Abyss being totally weird.

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September 25, 2011, 11:59:20 pm
Reply #279

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #279 on: September 25, 2011, 11:59:20 pm »
Good post, Kendo!

Going to requote myself since noone really brainstormed around it.

I find it rather hard to make use of what investigative nations have learned with the whole "talk only in the thread" part of this game.. is there a "safe" way of getting information out?
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

September 26, 2011, 12:40:57 am
Reply #280

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #280 on: September 26, 2011, 12:40:57 am »
No but there might be a country that fuctions like a medic in other games though
"No matter where you go in life, Keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer patient" - Dr. Perry Cox

September 26, 2011, 02:34:23 am
Reply #281

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #281 on: September 26, 2011, 02:34:23 am »
I do have Aids as an ability, but only I, myself is affected by it :/!

I litterally did just read Tylers recent post and it just didn't seem like the way he usually plays, much like Kawe changed much from the 1st to the 2nd game. Yet we can't really gather info, unless a nation maybe have something like spy-satellites or something interesting like that.

If i would have to with Archz for now, mainly a "hugman" reason.

##Vote: Archz

I think I was born to tank.

September 26, 2011, 04:19:46 am
Reply #282

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #282 on: September 26, 2011, 04:19:46 am »
I think the declaration of many people on day 1, before anything had happened was bad. Sure it can give us info, but so the Axis of Evil has that info AND they can easy pick out the more "dangerous" countries.

This being said; i am going to take a closer look at the people who declared early on, perhaps it was just a clever idea of the Axis of Evil to reveal us all early on when nothing was known.

I think you are too stuck in the mind-set of the previous mafia games and not really looking at this one as a completely fresh entity.  Revealing your role in previous games is obviously almost always bad; you're going to get killed by the mafia or used or whatever.  Even then, however, there were some roles in the second game that relied on being killed by lynch or mafia.  Look at Kagemoth's special ability; had the axis tried to kill him then they might have gotten blown up themselves.

I also think that people assume that far too many people have nukes.  Just because a country has them in real life doesn't mean they have them in this game, if the country is even in the game at all.  If so many people had them, we'd have at least seen one of our less level-headed, patient people launch one by now.

Anyway, I think it's pretty likely that the people with nukes aren't going to want to advertise that potential by stating their country. So, I'm pretty confident that the people with nukes are most likely in the non-revealed list and are going to be countries with fully fledged nuclear programs, like the US and Russia.  Maybe 1 in the revealed list (such as China.)  Going by my previous post, I think a  revealed country with likely nukes is indicative of an being part of the axis.

It's also quite likely, as said before, that some of the revealed countries are axis trying to 'get the ball rolling' on country revealing, to find the people with nukes.  And anyone heavily suggesting that everyone should reveal is a good idea is also probably suspect.  Yoica is in both of these lists (2nd to reveal and several posts to suggest revealing.)  I also find it unlikely that either a small or large percentage of the axis revealed their countries.  Having them all do it, or none of them, puts far too many of their eggs in 1 basket, as it were.

By my count (correct me if I'm wrong) there are 11 revealed countries (2 of which are only strongly hinted at), leaving 7 unrevealed people.  Lets say 2 of them are greens with nukes (perhaps US/Russia).  3 of them are just keeping their cards close to their chest.  And, lastly, 2 are axis (about half.)

I think it makes more sense to focus on this smaller group of people to find the axis members.  Divide and Conquer! The smaller group is the unrevealed people (2/7 vs 2/11,) made even smaller as one of them is already dead, most likely killed by the Axis on day 1.

So, a list (in no particular order):


Votes: Arches.

- Killed the first night. 
- Personally, I think he was France, though we'll never know.


Votes: Arches, Kendoki

- Playing the 'noob mafia' card after posting absolute rubbish (or perhaps insider information?).  Wasn't the noob card indicative of mafia? 
- Despite playing the noob card, uses advanced tactics like poking with lynch votes to get get people to post. 
- Also suggests that lying about your country is a bad idea.  Wants people to reveal their true identities - To make targetting easier?


Votes: Me

- Suggested that revealing is bad. 
- Suggests the reveal train was an axis idea. 
- Some other concise points about the game.  Nothing too revealing here.


Votes: Abyiss, Abyiss

- Suggets that revealing is a bad idea.  Claims to have nukes anyway.
- Suggests Tyler is playing differently to the last games.  Tyler has been town for the past 2 games.


Votes: Me, Me

- Was the first person to question the reveal train.
- Has spent the entire game voting for me because I'm North Korea.  Why the hate :(
- Doesn't add Grishnag to his list of people that he suspected of being Axis... for some unknown reason.
- Cwave and Eetion suggest that he is not playing like he normally does, as a townie.


Votes: Kagemoth

- Suggests revealing is probably bad.
- Claims he has no idea what is going on, so throws a few names into the window, to get some reaction.


Votes: Me

- Claims his country has been invaded before, but does not reveal its identity.
- No real posts, just agrees with hugman and votes.

Of these 6, my theory suggets that 2 of them are part of the axis of evil.  I'd have to say that top of my list would be Blackwhale (for his far too obvious ineptitude), Surim (for his lack of posts (hiding noob mafia)) and Tyler (for his odities in posting.)  I can't see Kendo, Cwave or Starbrow being evil at this time.

Also adding Graxlos (China) and Yoica  to that list, for the reasons stated above.

On a final note, I find it very odd that with all the people that 'revealed early', there were only 2 people that actually received votes for this reason.  1 for Arch (from Hugman) and 4 for me (from Tyler, Starbrow, Vorte and Surim.)  Do they know something we don't?


September 26, 2011, 04:23:03 am
Reply #283

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #283 on: September 26, 2011, 04:23:03 am »
into the wind*


September 26, 2011, 09:45:29 am
Reply #284

Offline Tyler

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Re: Mafia III - World War III
« Reply #284 on: September 26, 2011, 09:45:29 am »
Thanks for the sheet Yoica.

To those saying I am playing differently, I am because I have a software release on Friday (most likely it will be delayed for two weeks mind). I don't have the time to devote to the game I did before.

If you look at the content of my posts though it should be clear that I am scum hunting. The main problem I have atm is that is so obvious to me that we should vote Kesh. First my previous point about him not really justifying his Kage vote. Now we have a useless wall of text that makes little reference to the only "fact" we have, the list of people that voted for Kage.

So, even though he is not as obvious as Delling was last game, Kesh is our best target. TTaM, I am still not clear. Are you NK or are you pretending to be NK?
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"


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