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 [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n [Accepted]

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December 18, 2011, 04:57:56 pm
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Offline Ommadon

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[Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n [Accepted]
« on: December 18, 2011, 04:57:56 pm »
Character: Bet?n
Class/Spec: Warrior (Fury)
Raid: Casual Raid

Personal Info:

My name is Bojan, I'm 29 years old, I live in Belgrade (Serbia) and I work as an accountant/manager in a production company.


I used to play protection on this char almost exclusively, changed permanently to fury a month ago, and I'm having lots of fun since then!
I really enjoy not having to save fail dpsers asses anymore, being responsible only for my own performance in general, and being able to do raids without having bosses or adds pounding me all the time, or trying to get behind me to avoid my almighty avoidance :/
I'm playing SMF at the moment, ever since I've got ilvl 397 1H axe from Morchok, as I'm doing significantly more DPS now than with dual wielding 2H ilvl 378 weapons. SMF is really fun and with different priority sistem than TG.
Now its BT(on every cd) > Colossus Smash > Slam (on proc) > Raging Blow instead of BT>CS>RB>Slam.
Also since I got 2pc T13 set bonus, HS is more important as it is now much more effective (33% less rage cost for same dmg) and Inner rage CD becomes much more significant and helps by improving my dps a lot when I have enough rage.      


Warrior DPS is pretty simple compared to many other classes (I've played every class at 80+ lvl, apart from shaman(70) hunter (75) and priest. Warriors are very mobile, they've got good burst dmg, no need to apply zillion debuffs and no boring dmg ramp up(I hated that on my warlock most of the time). Also, gearing up SMF warrior in 4.3 should be relatively easy, since I could get heroic version 1h axe off 1st boss in DS hc. HC weapons for TG are a bit further down the line, so they might not be available that soon or easy as 1H ones.    


Ommadon 85 affliction/destro warlock with maxed JC/Tailoring(played it a lot for once, now its just gem factory for my warrior)

Licimur 85 feral druid with maxed Herb/Mining (farming alt, I use him for stealth elementium mine runs and gathering mats for prospecting and alchemy.

Secikesa 85 rogue (used it for twink pvp, surprise 1shotting clothiers is always fun :D but now he is used only for opening lockboxes more or less.

Montossey 85 frost/arcane mage (again pvp twink FOTM character), not using him at all now.

T?mpus 81 ret/prot pala (this was my 1st char on Dunemaul) he was holy specced originally, long time abandoned now.  

Torrasque 80 blood/unholy DK, I made him specifically to tank with him so, I can try and get to know every tanking spec and ability (as in the end I've tanked with Warr, Druid, Pala and DK)
+ many other lvl 70+ alts.

Note: Bet?n and T?mpus have those strange ?-s because 2-years ago, when I've decided to finally quit WoW for good, I've deleted all my chars including those. I came back and got my chars restored 5 months later, however my original names (Beton and Tompus) were already stolen, so I've used these instead.

I've got maxed Alchemy and Blacksmithing on this char, both are very useful for all specs. Out of 4.3 relevant recipes, I can craft 397 tanking pants (Foundations of courage). I also have maxed cooking and first aid, and I'm working on maxing fishing (463 atm, will max it within next 7-10 days).

Raid Experience:

Quick background history - I've started this warrior (named Haggar then) in 2005 as my 1st char on realm Hakkar. I haven't raided on him past lvl 60 ZG and AQ20, as Hakkar was back then and I think still is one of the worst realms in terms of raiding. It was infested with Italians who refuse to speak english, no matter how much you ask, beg or threat to them.
As people were leaving that sinking realm all the time, I decided to leave as well, so i rerolled Human warlock to join some friends on realm Silvermoon, one of the best in terms of PVE progress at that time. I've raided with my warlock MC, BWL and some AQ40 before TBC, and Karazhan and Mag/Gruul in TBC.

Then, when my friends quited WoW, I decided to reroll again back to horde, this time starting fresh Blood elf holy pala on Dunemaul (Tompus) since I knew there. I've raided again Kara, Mag/Gruul some TK and some BT with him (I was in Dreamers guild at that time) but I didn't like atmosphere in guild raids so instead of leaving it I decided to reroll again, to a druid (I also didn't like my pala's endless FoL spamming in raids, which was the proper way of playing holy pala at that time).
Then when I leveled my druid to 70, and I've tanked the same content again. I have felt gimped as a feral tank, as feral druids were pretty limited in tanking tools back then (didnt have any interrupts, and no mitigation apart from armor.)
So I've decided to bring my old warrior Haggar from Hakkar to Dunemaul, and finally Beton was born on Dunemaul :)  
Yet again I've started raiding Kara and Mag/Gruul but then WoTLK came. I have leveled to 80 fast and started raiding Naxxramas. Some time later I quited Dreamers and joined Cold Blooded, with whom I've tanked Naxx and about half of Ulduar. Then because of some RL issues, I had to go away from WoW for a month or two. After I came back I've lost the raid spot of course, and guild was changed a lot, there was lots of new names, and many old members left CB and went to Equilibrium. Therefore I decided to quit and delete WoW for good and never come back xD
After coming back 5 months later, I joined back CB, got friend status, which I have still today. I wasn't raiding much since then, and I leveled many alts instead, mostly did 5mans with those alts and played very casually until now. Now I feel the urge to raid again!  
I did 6/8 bosses in DS on normal until now. Killed first four bosses in a semi pug this week, tried 5th but had to disband as it was quite late. I've also done Madness of Deathwing yesterday with guild "Sad but true". I've got invited as 1 random dps, and managed to top dps chart without a single fail.
We didn't kill Deathwing though, and only got to head phase after 1,5hrs of wiping. I'm looking forward to clearing DS with Iron edge hopefully :)
That is my quick and short background story xD            

Previous Guilds:

Joined Dreamers when I rolled pala on Dunemaul, as they invited me 1st, while I was leveling. Didn't want to leave them for a long time even when I wasn't happy with guild "policies" and guild leaders attitude, as I had lots of new friends there.

Joined Cold Blooded afterwards and was with them since WoTLK, had some very good moments with them back then, but now I don't know a lot of people apart from Dreamboy (kudos to him, one of the best players and persons I've met in WoW). They are tightly knitted 10man group, so I don't want to push it and ask for a spot. However, as I want to raid seriously, I must try my luck with an 25man guild. IE is just perfect for me in that way.    


I am available more or less every day at various times, and I will definitely be available on Mondays and Thursdays from 19:30 on.


I speak english very well, so that won't be a problem for sure ;)

Computer / Connection:

My computer is C2D 3ghz, with 4gb ram and Gforce 9800GTX graphic card. More than enough to play in max settings (DX9 though, cba using Windows 7). I also play often in caffe in which Zenath (IE A-raid fury warr) and many other former and current members of IE used to play, so playing from there also wont be a problem.    


I like to keep things clean and simple, so since Blizz made UI improvements I'm using only default WoW UI + DBM and Recount. I don't feel the need to use many addons now, but should the need arise for any special addon in the future, I'll be definitely getting it.

Other Games:

I've played many games before, mostly RTS games, RPG and simulations. Played Warcraft 1, WC 2 and 3 with both expansions, Diablo 1 and 2 & and that awful abomination called Diablo Hellfire, C&C series and Dune series, Medieval series, Medal of Honor, CoD, Total war series, Imperialism 1&2, Hearts of Iron, Dragon Age: Origins, Heroes 1,2,3,4,5, some of the Might and Magic series and many many others. More or less any significant game that was published between 1995 and 2005.
Played and competed a bit in Quake 2&3, and Counterstrike, but left CS early (2001 or 2002) when they changed player models and made it possible to headshot someone with desert eagle from miles away. That was ridiculous.
Now I'm playing WoW almost exclusively, as I don't have time for other games anymore.    

Why Iron Edge?

I've heard only the best about Iron Edge ever since I started on Dunemaul, or even before that, as I've met IRL many of the former and present members, like Zenath, Shalala, Sleib and Spuzi to name a few. I know it is stable and serious guild, with long tradition. Also all IE members I've encountered ingame over the past few years (and I've met them a lot) have been absolutely outstanding in both playing skills and in attitude towards everything else. I definitely want to be a part of such a guild, and to contribute to its reputation and prosperity.  

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Apart from good playing skills and a solid knowledge of the game (played all classes and all specs at some levels, but as always, I'm still learning as WoW itself is evolving a lot over the years), I am mature and stable person who can contribute a lot to the guild. I never complain or whine over loot, spots or anything else, never badmouth other people or do any other harm to anyone. I'm also very friendly and helpful and look positive on everything (I'm that "positive officer" from xD... either that or Mr. Mic-less :)    

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

I've heard the most about IE from my trusty advisor in all things Fury DPS related, and IRL friend Zenath, your multiple times member :D
Also, even if you came to Dunemaul yesterday, its impossible not to know about IE, the best guild on Dunemaul.    

Last Words?

Take me! :)
Even maybe it doesn't look so, considering this is quite long writing, I actually don't like writing guild applications and I've only written a handful of them. I really hope this will be the last guild application I will ever write.  
Feel free to ask me anything, and you'll get moarz of writingz! :)

« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 08:38:50 am by Yoica »

December 18, 2011, 06:47:54 pm
Reply #1

Offline Sidestep

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2011, 06:47:54 pm »
Nice app, gl ;)

December 18, 2011, 07:30:58 pm
Reply #2

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 07:30:58 pm »
Nice application, you wouldn't consider going tank as offspec? We seem to need a extra tank from time to time
Why aren't you looking to raid with the same team as spuzi and zenath?

« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 07:32:55 pm by Skinkelinke »

December 18, 2011, 08:30:42 pm
Reply #3

Offline Ommadon

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2011, 08:30:42 pm »
I would like to avoid tanking if possible. Got sick of it during past few years :/

I don't want to apply to A-raid for many reasons: I don't have gear for it, its a 10man grp so there are no more spots for dps warriors, and most important - they are hardcore, I'm not. I can't raid every day, or 3-4-5 days a week :)

December 18, 2011, 08:33:29 pm
Reply #4

Offline Ommadon

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2011, 08:33:29 pm »
More on tanking note: I will gladly fill up space as offtank from time to time, or when situation requires so, but I don't want to be full time tank. Simple as that.   

December 18, 2011, 09:01:09 pm
Reply #5

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2011, 09:01:09 pm »
You dont have to fear that, we have to tanks that prefer to tank, but sadly none of us have 100% attendance :(

Bears like alts!

December 18, 2011, 09:39:47 pm
Reply #6

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2011, 09:39:47 pm »
Ok, looks good to me. If yoica can accommodate another dps warrior you got thumbs up from me :)

December 19, 2011, 08:46:54 am
Reply #7

Offline Yoica

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2011, 08:46:54 am »
Excellent application! I've definitely been looking for another melee to strengthen our team.

A couple of questions I have;

- Since (almost) no one has a 100% attendance there will be raids you'll asked to be on standby. Although I try to rotate players halfway so that no one is standby for a whole evening. Will you have problems with that?

We didn't kill Deathwing though, and only got to head phase after 1,5hrs of wiping.

Did it annoy you that you 'only' got to the head phase in 1.5hrs? We didn't do it faster so are you prepared to sit through wiping on new (and old  :-\) bosses.

- About offtanking, you probably won't be asked to do it too much. There a 2 of us with good tanking offspecc and depending on your gear we'd have a 3rd.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 08:49:57 am by Yoica »

December 19, 2011, 10:30:24 am
Reply #8

Offline Ommadon

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2011, 10:30:24 am »
Thanks for all the support :D

About those questions:

1. Being on standby is not a problem for me at all. I've got a lot to do while waiting, farming mats, leveling proffesions or alts... Just as long as get spot 50% of the time over a longer period, im satisfited :)

2. Hours of wiping is also not a problem too, I know what it takes to progress on hard boss. I like being in raids, and result is very important but secondary. Any boss will drop in the end sooner or later :)

3. Offtanking - cool :)   I will try to keep my protection gear updated anyway.

4. I won't be online this Monday, as today is religious holiday here (St. Nicholas) and I have to visit family and relatives. I may come online late, after 23:00, but I know you don't have raid today anyways so I won't be needed for trial.

Thanks :D

Cya all! 

December 19, 2011, 12:12:38 pm
Reply #9

Offline Yoica

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Re: [Casual raid] Warrior (DPS) - Bet?n
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2011, 12:12:38 pm »
No problem, we'll start your trial on thursday. Make sure you've read up on the Morchok and Warlord heroics.


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