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 Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -

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March 06, 2012, 05:09:33 pm
Reply #180

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #180 on: March 06, 2012, 05:09:33 pm »
So that is Kesh's PM?


Palmar, I don't know what to say.

Meh, back to the drawing board tomorrow then.


March 06, 2012, 11:16:33 pm
Reply #181

Offline Tyler

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #181 on: March 06, 2012, 11:16:33 pm »
I am "working on Sunday" busy at work at the moment, so I'm afraid evening posts is all I can do. I am also out tomorrow and Thursday evening... I will try and post something from work before I leave.

Reading through the thread here are my suspects in order

Nachmanun: He has played a few of these games so should know what is needed. However he is the only one who was interested in the blue part of Kesh's suicide post. His only other real post was a poke at Palmar, with no real substance.

Eetion: He has some fairly large posts, but nothing really that constructive. Didn't exactly shout from the roof tops not to lynch TTaM even though he claimed though he was just dumb.

Grish, like Nach, has played a few of these games but is giving us nothing. Does not appear to be interested in scum hunting.

Maix: Voted for TTaM but pointed finger at me. Lots of claiming he isn't saying much as he is new.

Yoica: Also a veteran of a few games. Didn't really respond to Palmar's poke. Has not done much to hunt scum.

Grilldyret: Not much to report here, not many posts, not much content.

Palmar: If I didn't know Palmar was a vet Mafia player he would be at the bottom of this list. He has been doing the most to try and find scum. The only problem is this: I am sure he can pretend to scum hunt without actually doing it.

Surim: Probably town. Was OK with an RNG vote, but meh its his first game.

Skymunken: Appears to be new to the game and town.

Hugman: Pretty certain he is town. I can't believe he is scum and would go after Palmar like that. Unless ofc Palmar is also scum and its a cunning plan...
We could do with one of the "who voted for whom when" Google docs spreadsheets.
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No."
Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61"

March 06, 2012, 11:22:59 pm
Reply #182

Offline Palmar

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #182 on: March 06, 2012, 11:22:59 pm »
PRO-TIP: Those kinda spreadsheets are useless unless you look at the reasoning provided every single time for the vote given, as well as consider the intention.
Trolls are awesome!

March 06, 2012, 11:56:18 pm
Reply #183

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #183 on: March 06, 2012, 11:56:18 pm »
" You shall not p..... "
" You… "
" YOU SHALL NOT PASS... kuch kuch cough…… "

Palmar felt that the wheel of time had not been kind to him these last years. The sweet whispers of Gerdur he could still here but the sound of the spirits, not so much.
He always wondered if it was the spirits who spoke with less magic or that his soul was giving up. A soul that heard the divine elven speak, the orcs rumble and the dwarves nag. A soul that raided with the serbs and argued with the swedes.

This was it, he knew. The moment were all things thought and done, felt and given, all come together. It was a good day to die and he reminded himself of a passage one of his old friends used to say. "They'll never take my freedom" and he knew this to be true.

As the vile demon was swinging his dark weapon towards him, he stood firm and accepted his death.

The weapon cleaved through his white robe and as it hit the ground, soaking in his blood, all across the continent birds cried. He smiled with half a face left and said "See you… in dota2".

Palmar, Gandalf the White, Town Jack of all trades has been removed from all that is living.

Hello and welcome to Middle Earth!
You are Gandalf the White, Town Jack of All Trades.

[Oneshot]Shadowfax: One time during the game during the night phase, you may summon the legendary steed Shadowfax. With Shadowfax at your side none can hope to outrun you; you may track your target and learn who they visit.

[Oneshot]Medic: One time during the game during the night phase, you may watch over your target and shield then from harm.

[Oneshot]Wisdom: One time during the game during the night phase, you may divine whether or not your target is capable of killing people. This will not reveal alignment to you, only whether or not they have KP.

You win when Evil has been purged from Middle Earth.

There is a small clue in this post. It is now Day2.
Voting deadline is thursday 8th of march, 23:00 GMT +1.

March 07, 2012, 12:00:04 am
Reply #184

Offline Skymunken

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #184 on: March 07, 2012, 12:00:04 am »
Well would you look at that... Somehow I don't think we've seen the last to Palmar though.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

March 07, 2012, 12:30:22 am
Reply #185

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #185 on: March 07, 2012, 12:30:22 am »
I would think that the statement "has been removed from all things that is living" refers to Palmar somehow recieving a new role, as something from outside the mortal world. (Meaning that this is the small clue)

This scares me though, Palmar was the one person I actually had my doubts about. Now I need to build opinions on everyone else :P

March 07, 2012, 01:04:36 am
Reply #186

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #186 on: March 07, 2012, 01:04:36 am »
I'd like to take a closer look at Nachmanun, despite the fact that he has left little to go by as far as evidence goes.

Nach has made four posts in this thread so far (not so unlike me), one of which was a slight lean towards outing a blue, one was a weak lashing out at Palmar, and the remaining two were about his curiousness towards TTaM's role being grounds for a lynch. The content of these gathered posts would be enough to raise a tiny bit of suspicion(spelling? Forgot the word as I was typing it..).

In other words, he is playing very cautiously and trying to keep off the radar. I know this also applies to my playstyle so far, but I'd like to change that as Palmar's post about me being useless stuck with me. I'm realising that you cannot win this game without aiding the rest of the townies in the scum hunt, staying off the radar is pointless for everyone that's not scum themselves.

Point of this being: If Nachmanun has played a few of these games, shouldn't he already be aware of the fact that being silent equals being useless? If he is, that would indicate one of two things.
 - Either he's scum trying to keep out of discussions to avoid presenting evidence towards his alignment,
 - Or he's a townie that is too lazy/otherwise occupied to put effort into the game.

I don't see Nach as the kind of person to miss an opportunity to pick on someone when he can in a general forum setting(This is a subjective opinion, of course), which leaves me thinking the first option to be more plausible.

Furthermore, he cast his vote for TTaM as it became apparent that people wanted to lynch him, with no reasoning other than curiosity. Assuming he is scum, he did this well in the knowledge that TTaM wasn't on his team, so it was a safe lynch to rather anonymously join in on. Through the TTaM lynch, he managed to tip the scales and remain seemingly neutral while doing so.

March 07, 2012, 07:31:58 am
Reply #187

Offline Surim

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #187 on: March 07, 2012, 07:31:58 am »
Been a little preoccupied. A little shocked with Matt's PM and and Palmer being voted off. Going to make a proper post later on today.
Sometimes, when I'm alone and can't sleep at night, I get naked, rub Vasoline all over my body and pretend I'm a slug in the kitchen. Ever tried it?

March 07, 2012, 10:02:03 am
Reply #188

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #188 on: March 07, 2012, 10:02:03 am »
Surim, you are shocked that Palmar got killed? I'm not, Palmar was easily the most dangerous/sharpest/most experienced (whatever you want to call it) player in this game no matter which faction he would've played.

Now that we know Palmar was a blue I went back and looked back on the voting spread for the 1st day. It's obvious the reds would've wanted him away asap preferably through a lynch otherwise through a night kill, but they couldn't be too pro-active about it. So they had to wait and see how things played out since lynching TTaM was a nice safe bet for them.

[Palmar.4]: Hugman, Surim, TTaM, Grishnag -

Voted for him and I'll eat my shoe if there isn't at least 1 red in there.

Hugman: Is the most likely blue/green player we have atm. His aggressive attack on Palmar could make him a prime 'red' candidate, but in my book that would a way to risky/obvious play. You don't make the arguments he made during the night if you know you'll be using a kill. While I'll never be a 100% sure, Hugman is a good guy in my book.

TTaM: We know he is a green, nothing to discuss

That leaves Surim and/or Grishnag as reds.

Surim: First he goes around kissing Palmar's ass and then bails on him as soon as Palmar changes his votes and Hugman in turn votes for Palmar. This could've been good red play if the bandwagoning on Palmar had continued on to lynch him. Then on day 2 he is shocked Palmar is dead?! Almost certainly a red imo

Grishnag: Hard to read based off his post, but I'm leaning towards red. Since I have Surim pegged as red I'll give Grish one more day/night to convice me.

March 07, 2012, 12:49:47 pm
Reply #189

Offline Surim

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #189 on: March 07, 2012, 12:49:47 pm »
I dont believe I was kissing ass Yoica. I thought the thought of a random lynch would get people talking and reveal a little more about themselves. If I were ass kissing Palmer, I would not have voted to lynch him, I would have followed his lynch vote for TTaM (Which later he changed). Sure this looks bad, but my main reason for the vote was that he completely dismissed Hugman's logic, which seemed extremely valid to me and then got rather aggressive about it. This felt scummy.

When it turned out that TTaM was a green, it made me certain that Palmer was red. This is why I was shocked that Palmer was lynched during the night phase as I was rather confident he was Mafia. Being blue is not something I thought.

I understand your logic for voting for me sure, but Skymunken...

Anders, you have had no useful input in this game yet. Well, nothing that really springs to mind. You agree with what other people post and follow their voting pattern too. What is your justification for voting for me? Are you just following what the other 'mafia' people are posting? Im not sure if you are good or bad yet, but I will most definitely be keeping an eye on you.

Based on the votes from day 1, by logic, there should be 1 mafia player between the 4 that voted for Palmer. Hugman brings good logic and is agressive, something I wouldnt expect in a mafia player. TTaM is no longer in the game (and was green). That leaves Grishnag....

Im not going to post a vote yet, it is still very early in day 2, will have to see if Grish or Anders comes up with any useful input first.

Cutting the post short, got to go out the office for lunch.
Sometimes, when I'm alone and can't sleep at night, I get naked, rub Vasoline all over my body and pretend I'm a slug in the kitchen. Ever tried it?

March 07, 2012, 01:36:01 pm
Reply #190

Offline Skymunken

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #190 on: March 07, 2012, 01:36:01 pm »
Saying I have had no input at all would be an outright lie, I was one of the first pointing out that lynching TTaM was stupid, and I did so repeatedly, but to no avail. You on the other hand have been quick to jump on the bandwagon with Palmar about RNG-voting with bad reasoning and then ending up voting for Palmar when tables turned because the reds knew that Palmar would be the most dangerous opponent because he has good deductive skills and is experienced in this game.

Out of the four that ended up voting Palmar we know that TTaM was green, which leaves Grishnag, Surim and Hugman undiscovered. At the moment I have my eyes on Surim and Grishnag, and not Hugman because he has been backing up all his claims about who's red with reasonable things so far, but I am not entirely decided.

Grishnag on the other is very reluctant about posting which sets my censor off. I know he restricts himself to post after 16:00, but he has posted twice so far, one decent constructive post, and one just pointing the finger at Palmar.

I'll post more when I have re-read the thread.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

March 07, 2012, 01:47:20 pm
Reply #191

Offline Skymunken

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #191 on: March 07, 2012, 01:47:20 pm »
Hmm just had a thought.

TTaM's plan was somewhat brilliant enough in its own special right, since only the mafia know who's red and who's not, and green/blue have no clue who's what, anyone naming anyone would really stick out as red. Too bad it was not realiy thought through, and people couldn't see through that it was a bluff.

But maybe we shouldn't look at who voted for TTaM, but the other way around. Someone pointing fingers at TTaM and screaming "He's red!" but not really doing anything, that's extremely counter-productive.

But also, the reds have no idea what powers TTaM could have had in his possession, and was scared of what would happen if he could reveal reds. In that case, we should look at who was overly aggressive about TTaM claiming red, or who backed up around Palmar (who we know is blue) when he had a go at him.

Re-reading it makes it stand out all over the place though, I'll need some time to look it over, just trying to throw some balls out.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

March 07, 2012, 02:03:14 pm
Reply #192

Offline Surim

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #192 on: March 07, 2012, 02:03:14 pm »
lol, you said balls
Sometimes, when I'm alone and can't sleep at night, I get naked, rub Vasoline all over my body and pretend I'm a slug in the kitchen. Ever tried it?

March 07, 2012, 03:35:15 pm
Reply #193

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #193 on: March 07, 2012, 03:35:15 pm »
To start of with I've been back to the think board a bit about what happened during the night, the Palmar/Hugman argument..
I know i had Hugman on my list, but after re-reading these events and posts through and through a couple of times, i must admit i probably was wrong putting Hugman there in that list.
It is pretty safe to assume that Hugman is as far from Red that is remotely possible. No red would ever have picked up such and argument during the night phase, litteraly screaming that the other was Red and had to be a lynch target - while also knowing that he (palmar) would have been mafia KP'd at the same time. Hope you catch my drift on it.

With that said, im back to the rest i had on it earlier.
My prime target is still Nach, He hasnt really done anything and we havnt really heard from him yet so there isnt much more to go on than what i wrote earlier

To start of with Ive got Nachmanun, he hasnt really contributed a whole lot to the game in his day 1 posts, he has mostly been rambling around about TTaM.

Post by: Nachmanun on March 05, 2012, 01:47:09 PM
What if TTaM is the dark lord, is he even lynchable if he is?
Pretty sure his declaration is required of the role rather than TTaM having some kind of doublebluff stroke of genious.

What if his claims are true aswell, that we can trade blues names for reds? If we seem to have some kind of doctor, blue could be kept alive or we could just vigilante-kill whichever reds name we find out? I think it's something worth exploring atleast. If not we could just kill him tomorrow.
Specificly this line concerns me the most, what i read is basicly, "hey blues there is a slight chance this guy has some sort of imbalanced ability that points out a red if you tell us all you got a special power"

Post by: Nachmanun on March 05, 2012, 09:36:24 PM
He could just be the village idiot aswell...

I'm too curious by now to not vote for him.
As it progresses he doesnt really come with much more than him being curious about what TTaM turns up as, and for that is the reason he votes for him. I find it either sloppy Town play or mafia trying to get an easy vote done.

And my vote will be standing for him until something can reconsider my thoughts, but until that i believe Nachmanun really is the target to Lynch.

I hope to see a post from you (Hugman) soon aswell, I believe your at the thinking boards aswell at the moment.
I think I was born to tank.

March 08, 2012, 01:17:42 am
Reply #194

Offline Eetion

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Re: Mafia IV - Lord of the Rings -
« Reply #194 on: March 08, 2012, 01:17:42 am »
It's only day 2 and yet we have atleast 3 people we have barely heard anything from at all?.. It really feels like you people arent motivated for this game at all? and it kinda demotivates me alot.. every moment you stop talking or trying to contribute as a town player you help the Mafia hiding..
I mainly talk to Grish, Nach and Maix.. Specially Nach whom has had experience from both factions point of view before.. I cannot believe that you have yet to understand such importance? Unless you truely are a scum.

Its roughly 24 Hours into the day, leaving us roughly the same to lynch someone.. the thing is several people are at the moment lynch worthy just for the fact that they are doing nothing at all, but leaving yourself as a huge annoying factor in town play since you could be anything.
I think I was born to tank.


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